Chapter 83: Eat breakfast and Hardware shopping again

The next morning, Bai Yi Yang woke up at 6.30 am and wake up her siblings immediately. She woke the two girls up then went to the East house and woke up Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Mo.

"Wake up! Wake up! Wash up and change into our new tracksuit, we are going shopping at town." Bai Yi Yang said.

After hearing the sad conversation between her sisters last night, Bai Yi Yang think that she should compensate them siblings. The first thing she can do is to go shopping, spends more fun time with them. She is going to buy two more bicycle, for her and Bai Yi Chen. This is also for their convenient going forward.

The reason she didn't get one for Xiao Ling and Fang Fang is because they don't know how to, they can just sit on their bike later. This is the only mean of transportation that they can get for now, there is still 2 years left before they can get a driving license so they will make do with this.

After walking home from the bus stop yesterday in the hot weather, she really thinks she need one. There are a few people in the village who left their bike at Aunt Mu's store, they are going to do the same. Bai Yi Yang feels like her life will become easier like that, they can go faster and also doesn't get tired.

"What are you talking about suddenly?" Bai Yi Chen said as he woke up groggily. Aren't they just going to stay at home today?

"Wake up. Faster, If not we may missed the early van. I put the clothes here ya.." Bai Yi Yang pit the two pair of tracksuit that Old man Cui gifted them.

Bai Yi Chen was confused but he still help to wash Bai Yi Mo and then wash up himself. After that, he went to the main house to ask if it is going to rain or not, he need to remove the mushrooms covering to dry.

"No, sunny all day." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Yang then returned to the washroom and saw that her two sisters is washing face in the bathroom. She also joined them and wash her face.

After that, they all quickly dress up. The tracksuit she means is not the same as their school tracksuit, it is more fashionable and wasn't meant to be wear just to exercise, it's not the shiny type either.

Bai Yi Yang didn't zip up the jacket but wear a white t-shirt inside which she tucked in, her tracksuit is white with blue and red stripe at the side. Bai Yi Fang is yellow with white stripe and Bai Yi Ling is pink. Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Mo's is grey and blue with same pattern. One set of tracksuit is between 250-350 yuan. Even at a duty free shop.

Bai Yi Yang help put up Bai Yi Ling hair into two pigtails and Bai Yi Ling hair is just ponytail with a small ribbon. She let her hair down, only wearing a hair pin.

Bai Yi Ling and Bai Yi Fang didn't forget about the puppies, they made their milk and feed them while the puppies is still half awake.

When they come out of the main gate, Bai Yi Mo shout make Bai Yi Yang embarrassed.

"We are power rangers!" He said shouting loudly, very excited with their matching outfits. Then they run ahead excitedly.

But Bai Yi Yang didn't faze even with this embarrassing statement, this is the point. She wanted people to know that they are a squad.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings chat as they head to the village bus stop. They arrived at 7.15 am and there is much more people waiting at the bus stop today than the last time they go out together.

"Tomorrow school will start, people want to bring their children to town to play before the holiday ends." Bai Yi Chen said.

After that, they also meet a few people they knew and chat. Bai Yi Mo and Bai Yi Fang is showing off to their friends, saying that they are the 5 rangers, Bai Yi Ling is so fed up that one time she close Bai Yi Mo mouth while he was babbling about her second older sister being the pink ranger. She is also like Bai Yi Fang, she know how to feel embarrassed being called as power rangers.

One van arrive one after another and after a few people enter, they become full. Even Driver Tang's van already pass by, his van only have 2 seats left so the Bai siblings didn't use his van, they only say hi to him before he left with a full van.

Only after the 4th van arrived did they able to fit inside. Since there are a lot of people, Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo sat on their older sister and older brother's lap while Bai Yi Ling got a seat for herself.

Some kind older woman offer to help with Bai Yi Fang but the clever Bai Yi Fang said that her sister is strong, only because she doesn't want to sit on other people lap. Bai Yi Yang saw that she really hates it so she also assured the kind lady.

Bai Yi Chen pay the van fee after they all arrive at the town. The first thing they wanted to do is eat breakfast. Bai Yi Yang already search a good breakfast place in town. They sell many breakfast menu, the price is a bit high for a small restaurant in their town but they also have Xiao Long Bao, something that Bai Yi Yang feel too lazy to make.

So she use her GPS ability and bring her siblings here. The tables in the restaurant are almost full, there are only 2 tables left, even if it is expensive, they are still full of customers. This shows that the food must be really good. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings took the 6 seater round table.

The waiter is a middle age lady, she seems like the owner/chef wife. She approached them when they are all seated.

"We will get two set of Xiao Long Bao, two Cong You Bing(crispy scallion pancake), six warm soy milk and a small basket of youtiao." Bai Yi Yang said as she look at the menu as she stated her order.

"Anything else?" Bai Yi Yang ask her siblings.

"Egg.." Bai Yi Fang pointed at the tea egg that is arranged beautifully on the counter.

"Who wants tea egg?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Me!" Both Bai Yi Mo and Bai Yi Fang answer.

"Meow.." TongTong also said. Yes, TongTong also followed them. It sneaked into Bai Yi Fang backpack and they only noticed it when they are in the van. It didn't even told Bai Yi Yang. This is entirely TongTong's own initiative.

"And 4 tea eggs please." Bai Yi Yang said to the waiter.

"Can all of you finished this?" The waiter aunt ask, doubting the 5 siblings appetite. 3 are children, the female teenager is small, only the young teenager looks like someone who can eat.

"En, my siblings is a big eater." Bai Yi Yang said with a smile.

"Alright. Right away." The waiter aunt give the order to his husband.

The children look excited eating when they are outside, they rarely eat out, always eat at home. Of course Bai Yi Yang cooking is better than the chef in this shop, but eating other people's food just feels different.

One by one, their food arrive, first is the tea eggs and warm soy milk. Bai Yi Yang immediately ask for single use cup and plate for TongTong. Seeing that Bai Yi Yang is sensible enough to ask for that for her pet, the aunt let her feed her pet. What more, the kitten look white and clean.

After that, their youtiao arrive, followed by Xiao Long Bao and the Cong You Bing or scallion pancake. They were delicious as the reviews said, TongTong also didn't complain and eat peacefully. Its only that it is complaining about the Xiao Long Bao scald its tongue.

'That's what you get for not listening.' Bai Yi Yang said.

As she said, her siblings finished all the food on the table, when the two small one combine with Bai Yi Chen eating ability, the food on the table is nothing. Bai Yi Yang knows because she already feed them for more than 2 weeks now.

"Ahh…delicious.." Bai Yi Mo said as he finished the last drop of warm soy milk.

When Bai Yi Yang went to pay, their food cost 72 yuan. The waiter aunt said that her siblings eat well. Bai Yi Yang only laugh and leave with her siblings.

By the time they arrived at the indoor playground, it was already 8.40 am. Bai Yi Yang register her 3 siblings and payed 180 yuan. After that she told them to play since she and Bai Yi Chen will go to the hardware store. TongTong also wanted to stay with the children, so she let it be. It's also good since there will be someone watching over her younger siblings.

Bai Yi Yang then tell Bai Yi Chen about her plan to buy bicycle for both of them, Bai Yi Chen also agree with that. Their journey time to the village can be shorten by half is they are using bicycle. Influenced by Bai Yi Yang, he also didn't think that hundreds yuan is that much now, just take yesterday as example, didn't he just payed 50,000 yuan just like that?

When they arrived, the boss is bringing someone around. But they can just look at the bicycle themselves, a salesman is attending to them. They are not looking for something to ride professionally, just a daily transportation. So they quickly choose two similar bike, just that Bai Yi Yang is a bit shorter compared to Bai Yi Chen's grown adult man bicycle. Bai Yi Chen's is 988 yuan and Bai Yi Yang's is 856 yuan.

"Good choice, you house is on a mountain, this is suitable." The boss come over after they decided on the bike. Bai Yi Yang chat casually with the hardware store boss and then told him what she need. She thinks that the big screws and nuts that she have now is not enough.

"I am thinking of making 5 beds, 2 sofa sets, 5 big cupboards, 5 desk, wooden chairs, dinner table and other cabinets. Boss, can you give me what is necessary. I already bought some from last time, but I don't think they are enough." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, if you are really making this little miss, the purchase last time is really not enough. How about this, you look around, when I finished picking I will show them to you." The hardware shop boss said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. Then, she bring Bai Yi Chen to look around.

"Yang Yang, I saw you use regular hand saw, why not buy this kind?" He said as he pointed at a circular saw.

"You think so too? Since you said it, then I am buying it." Bai Yi Yang said. She called over the salesman and ask about the circular saw. The salesman actively explain about the good one and the regular one.

"I will take this one bah." Bai Yi Yang said as she pointed at the 690 yuan one.

"Very well. This also come with 3 blades." The salesman smile brightly. What an easy customer, they just point after he explain.

Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen then proceed to walk around, Bai Yi Yang will also buys something that she thinks will be useful later. Then they arrived at the grass cutter area.

"A string trimmer?" Bai Yi Yang ask the salesman.

"Yes. Miss you know this? People said that blade is quite dangerous so this is popular now." The salesman said.

"You are right. We will take this, 50 cc with two packs of string." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Of course, of course." The salesman took the 50 cc one, it cost 479 yuan.

"I know how to use that." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Good. Ge, you take charge of our lawn from now on." Bai Yi Yang said. Not only the central courtyard, they can use it to clean the orchard.

After about 20 minutes, the hardware boss call her over. He show him each things and explain to her the usage, which one is better for which structure.

"This wood glue is quite good, you just need to be careful with it." The boss explain. After that, Bai Yi Yang proceed with paying.

"The total is 3,780. Little miss you made a big purchase again." The boss said.

"Not really. Can you send it later at around 2.00 pm like that, there is no one at home at the moment." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Of course, of course." The boss immediately agree.

Like that, their shopping at the hardware store ended. Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen finally leave the store at 9.30 am after making another big purchase.