Chapter 88: Morning assembly and Class start

When the assembly about the commence, the other students who haven't line up also start lining up at their respective classes.

"Eh?" A girl who just came look carefully at Bai Yi Yang. Bai Yi Yang smile lightly and nod at her. Honestly, Bai Yi Yang also doesn't recognise who this is.

"Shi Sheng, you are taller, you stand behind me." The same girl said to Yu Shi Sheng standing in front of Bai Yi Yang. Yu Shi Sheng also didn't notice that someone is standing behind her, no wonder people seems to be glancing at her direction.

"Okay." Yu Shi Sheng said and stand at the end of the line.

"Hi, I am Fang Xiu Ying." She said as she put her hand forward to shake hand. Bai Yi Yang was feeling awkward. Is she that unpopular and have no presence before? It's not like she went to do plastic surgery or something.

"I am Bai Yi Yang.." Bai Yi Yang show a complicated expression with awkward smile but still shook her hand though.

"Bai Yi Yang?! As if the Bai Yi Yang, Bai Yi Chen twin?" Fang Xiu Ying looks very shocked. Luckily she talk in a low voice, if not she would have attracted a lot of attention. But the people nearby still heard it though.

"Yeah.." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"Forgive me, I didn't look at you carefully." She said.

"It's fine." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"You became really pretty." Fang Xiu Ying add at the end.

"Thank you.." Bai Yi Yang blush.

Fang Xiu Ying is a familiar name, she saw her name as she was tagged by that Mo Yi Ru too, but her social media is not active. She looks the same as the class picture bob hair with straight bang and also wearing a pair of spectacles. She is a bit taller than Bai Yi Yang so she is standing behind her.

The assembly is like other school assembly, singing the national anthem, speeches from a few people including the school's principal.

"They really are taking their time since the holiday just finished." Two girls on the side is complaining in low voice.

The assembly finished by 7.32 am. The principal was giving the same speech of not wanting to take too much time but still ends up talking for more than 15 minutes.

After that, they all returned to their class in orderly manner but when they enter the classroom building, the students immediately scattered to find their friends. This is the senior high school building, the junior high school is in another building.

Bai Yi Yang was feeling lost, she tried to look carefully and try to find a familiar faces, luckily Zhang Ming Ming found her and they walk to the 3rd floor together. Then behind them, Bai Yi Chen also follows behind. He immediately help her twin sister carry her bag.

"You okay? You look a bit confused." Bai Yi Chen walk with her after they dropped off Zhang Ming Ming to her class. Zhang Ming Ming class is nearest to the stairs that they use while their class is on the other ends, there is another stairs at their end, directly in front of their class.

"En. A bit confused, I still feeling mixed up with my dreams." Bai Yi Yang just told him the truth.

"It will be fine. I can bring you to walk around during break later, you won't be confused again." Bai Yi Chen said as he smile softly. He silently sigh, he saw his sister from amongst the crowd just now, she looks so confused and helpless amongst the crowd, that's why he rush to chase her. Luckily Zhang Ming Ming is there too.

"Thanks ge." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"What there to thank for." He knock her head lightly.

When they are at the classroom door, about half of the students is already there.

"Just follow me." Bai Yi Chen said. Bai Yi Yang nod and follow behind him.

'Aww..I know gege is always reliable. Host, when you get a boyfriend in the future you must find someone like him okay.' TongTong said.

'Nonsense. Who wants boyfriend?' Bai Yi Yang answer. However, she is feeling a bit proud about Bai Yi Chen, he is indeed reliable.

When the twin step inside the classroom, everyone look at them. And when Bai Yi Chen bring Bai Yi Yang bag to her seat, the naughty boys makes a whistling sound.

"Peewit!! Ohhh…Student Bai Yi Chen…" They said teasingly. Bai Yi Yang ignored them and sat quietly on her seat.

"You already know the new girl.." The boys teased him when he returned to his seat, they crowd at him.

"What nonsense are you talking about? That is my twin sister." Bai Yi Chen said frown

"Ehh..what do you mean.." They wanted to refute him but then when they look again, she is really sitting on Bai Yi Yang's seat, and she really look familiar when they look again.

"Bai Yi Yang?!" The boys and the people nearby ask.

"Quiet, quiet! What is so interesting in this early morning?" A man wearing smart attire who looks to be in his early 30s come into the class, he is Mr.Ling, their homeroom teacher. The class monitor who is also a bit distracted today quickly stand up to salute the teacher followed by the rest of the class.

"Sit down." Mr.Ling said.

A few students who enter the class late apologise which Mr.Ling excuse and go to their respective seat. Mr.Ling is taking the attendance now, she call the students name and they raise their hand and answer 'Here!'.

"Bai Yi Chen."

"Here!" Bai Yi Chen cool voice attract a few looks from the girls, like always.

"Bai Yi Ling."

"Here!" Bai Yi Ling raise her hand and answer. Now, not only her classmates, even Mr.Ling look at her carefully.

"Ohh.." Mr.Ling nod and continue calling names.

"Okay, as usual for those who bring their mobile phone, silent it and put it here accordingly to you name." Mr.Ling said.

Mobile phone is allowed in school, but during study time, they need to hand it over to the homeroom teacher. They can only take it back when the school is over. Bai Yi Yang also stood up with the 10 something other classmates and once again she attracted attention. She found her name next to Bai Yi Chen and put her smartphone there.

"Mr.Ling, I have something to say." Bai Yi Yang said after putting her phone.

"Yes, Student Bai Yi Yang." Mr.Ling smile kindly. He is feeling a but awkward to be honest, Bai Yi Yang is one of the student that he have talked to the least. But now, she seems to have changed a lot.

"I wanted to stop coming to the evening session starting today." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Why do you suddenly wanted to stop? Is there problem at home that I can help with?" Mr.Ling said, frowning a bit. Bai Yi Chen is already not attending the evening session, why the other twin suddenly wanted to stop too?

"It is indeed because of matter at home." Bai Yi Yang said but she didn't explain further.

"Mr.Ling." Bai Yi Chen also join the conversation.

"Yi Chen, what is the matter? Is there something wrong?" Mr.Ling look at Bai Yi Chen.

'Wow, what a totally different way of addressing student. Student Bai Yi Yang vs Yi Chen.' Bai Yi Yang comment. TongTong just laugh and make a joke about it was because Bai Yi Chen is more good looking than her.

"Alright, since you already said it, then we will do it like that. Evening session is optional at the first place, we will wait until the next midterm exam's results." Mr.Ling agree. Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen return to their seat.

After that was collecting homework. Mr.Ling leave the class after that and let the class monitor handles it.

Su Long the class monitor is a serious person, he dressed neatly with hair comb back and wearing spectacles. He can be described as clean and neat person, not very handsome but still good to look at. He wrote down the list of subjects with homework on the whiteboard and arrange his homework on the table at the corner, next to the teacher's table.

"Place your homework on top of mine following the subjects. If you didn't place it there by the end of the 4th period, I will take it as you didn't submit your homework and send your name to the teacher." He said before returning to his seat, he didn't say more and less. The 4th period is the time before lunch break at 12.00 pm. The other classmates was silently complaining that he is being too harsh but Bai Yi Yang like him a lot, he is decisive and good at studying.

Bai Yi Yang is sitting on the third row from the front and the second column from the window while Su Long is seating in the first row and the column right in the middle of the class. Truly a nerd to the bone. When he turn his head and met her eyes, Bai Yi Yang gave a small smile before she stood up and become the first person who send her homework after Su Long.

After that a few more students follow suit. Bai Yi Chen is one of them. They are sitting a bit far, since he is tall and have a good eyesight, he is sitting at the last row next to the window. Bai Yi Yang grinned at him when he was returning to his seat.

Exactly at 8.00 am, the first period teacher come. She is called Teacher Pei, a lady in early 50s teaching Chinese language. She is not fierce or scary, just very fastidious. She wanted her students to speak in standard language when they are in her class.

She will call out students once in a while and have a conversation with them, she will stop them when they use weird words. The conversation will ends up sounding awkward because the students is more used to the language here.

"Our pretty new student. What is your name?" Teacher Pei pointed at Bai Yi Yang.

"Teacher Pei. She is not a new student, her name is Bai Yi Yang." Said the naughty boy in class, Liu Shan in an awkward standard language.

Teacher Pei is a bit taken aback, to be honest she didn't really remember someone called Bai Yi Yang. Anyway, she start conversations with Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Yang will politely answer her question with fully standardised language. The class was amazed, she sounds like she came from the capital that use standard language.

Bai Yi Chen wasn't shocked, they came from City Bei, the standard language is widely used there, he have heard her talk with Zhang Yong and all those people who come from big city with standard language and she really fluent. What more, their conversation at home is also like that, it's just that it's mixed with a lot of this region way of talking now.

Teacher Pei praised Bai Yi Yang, in the end of the class, she asked if Bai Yi Yang also transferred from big city like Bai Yi Chen. One more time, Liu Shan tease the teacher and said that Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen is twin, of course they transferred from the same city, in the same awkward standard language.

Teacher Pei then scold Liu Shan in local slang as she walk out of the classroom and the whole class burst into laughter. Teacher Pei is a kind person, she is scolding her students like she is scolding her children.

When Mr.Ling who is waiting outside for the Mathematic class heard the commotion, he then said a few more words to Liu Shan to stop teasing Teacher Pei before he start teaching.

By the time the 4th period which is English subject ended, the student is already drained. So does Bai Yi Yang. Everything that she learned today is repetitive, it was so exhausting to have to pretend that she is paying attention and taking notes. The school bells ring which indicate afternoon break.

"Thank you students." Their English teacher Sir Robert said before leaving.

"Thank you teacher." They all salute him back.

After that, most of them rush out to go have their lunch. The girls next to her was hesitating if they should bring her along or not when Bai Yi Chen came from behind and bring her to the school canteen. They immediately pretend to talk with each other.

'The students in this class is not bad. Is it because I am prettier now?' Bai Yi Yang ask the system.

'Partially yes and partially no. They saw that you are easy to approach now.' TongTong answer.

Outside the class, they then reunited with Zhang Ming Ming and the three of them head to the canteen together. They meet a few friends of Bai Yi Chen and Zhang Ming Ming classmates but no one greet Bai Yi Yang first. They went to the canteen and queue to take their food. Their food was payed during registration in the first semester, as for Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen, they are scholarships students, their tuition is free.

When they were finding empty seats, a few classmates from Class 1 who is seating together call them over. So Zhang Ming Ming also ends up sitting with the one from the twins classroom. She is of course not someone timid, she can get along well with them easily.

Bai Yi Yang also like this bunch of classmates that she only knows through their name tag. Because she don't want to make mistake calling the wrong nickname, she called them with 'Classmate' title in front.

After having just a so so lunch, Bai Yi Chen being her to walk around, Zhang Ming Ming also tag along. Bai Yi Chen just briefly said ambiguously when he is introducing the school building, because he also doesn't want if other people knows that Bai Yi Yang has a bit problem with her memory.