Chapter 96: Little chat with Grandpa Zhou

When they arrived at Old Zhou house, Zhou Zhu Yao is waiting in front of the door.

"Bai Yi Yang, come in." She said rushing Bai Yi Yang to come up the stairs.

Bai Yi Yang can only said a few more lies, that she really went fishing for tuna at Country J and show them the pictures. But she lied about only catching one tuna and getting more than 200,000 yuan. So they shouldn't worry that they don't have money now. She didn't want to shock anyone about the real amount that she got from selling tuna.

"That's good, that's good. We only hear this things from your two siblings. The we saw all these expensive things at your house, how can we not be shocked." Grandma Zhou said.

"Ohh…you became rich and don't want to tell me." Zhou Zhu Yao tease.

"Jie, you are joking. How about I treat you this weekend. You bring us siblings to City Nan to look around and I will treat you. You see, we are a bunch of underage siblings, going to big city on our own, won't people try to kidnap us later?" Bai Yi Yang said, wanting to gain pity at the same time.

"Don't need to treat me, I will try to borrow a car. How long will you be staying, since you go to the city, it is good to look around." Zhou Zhu Yao said and agree. She also haven't been to City Nan for a long time, she can also walk around now.

"Sunday. Let's stay until Sunday." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay. Let's talk about the details in the chat. This afternoon, Head Village Li called over my father to go there to overlook the road building, you go tell my father that you have a bit money. He was so shocked when Head Village Li said that the cost will be a bit more than 20,000 yuan. Your house key is with my father too." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Alright, we will return now." Bai Yi Yang said and bring her siblings to return home.

When they arrived in front of the house at 4.30 pm, there are still work going on. The children is very excited to see big lorries and heavy duty machinery.

"Ah, you are back." Head Village Li see them first. With him is a man with bulging stomach and also Grandpa Zhou.

"Hello, nice to meet you." The twin greet the boss.

"We went ahead without you, we are halfway done with the first step but still need to continue more tomorrow, after that we can start with pouring out the stones. We expect that we will be done by tomorrow evening." The boss said.

"Then please proceed with it. Do we have to settle half payment or how?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"No no no. I know Old Li for a long time. He said that he can vouch for you siblings that you are trustworthy." The boss said.

Bai Yi Yang smile. She then invite them to go inside to wait but they said it was fine, only Grandpa Zhou followed her, said that he have something to say. Bai Yi Yang can only ask Bai Yi Chen to bring the guests some drink outside.

Bai Yi Yang went into the living room and their stuff that just arrived is arranged to the side neatly. At the same time, she explained to Grandpa Zhou with the same explanation that she really went to Country J to fish, show him the pictures and told him that she got more than 200,000 yuan.

Grandpa Zhou was amazed, he look at Bai Yi Yang pictures for a long time. In the pictures, there are really pictures of Bai Yi Yang fishing, then pictures of her reeling in the fish.

"I never know that fishing can get you this much money." Grandpa Zhou is still in disbelief.

"Yes, if we caught the right fish. They can be sold for a lot of money. Grandpa, so you don't have to worry anymore, we are fine. We can afford building the mountain road. After this, we will make money with selling the fruits and dried mushrooms." Bai Yi Yang explain one by one.

"Yes…good..good.." Grandpa Zhou nod repeatedly and smile.

"You siblings had a hard life, and I am useless I can't help you. Your mother take care of you Zhu Yao jiejie when she is young, when Zhu Yao is sick, she follow us to rush to the hospital and even broke her piggy bank to help pay the bills. We owe a life to your mother, we are ashamed that we cannot help you siblings a lot." Grandpa Zhou said, his eyes is a bit red.

"Your sister Zhu Yao cried hard when your mother married far. She is like her own blood sister since Zhu Yao doesn't have a sister too. When we got the news of your mother's death, she fainted, it's just that we didn't come pay a respect because we got the news late, nobody from the Bai family cares to inform us here. It was Yi Chen who suddenly remember your Zhu Yao jiejie and inform her. don't resent us right?" Grandpa Zhou said.

Bai Yi Yang was moved when she hear this, no wonder Old Zhou family treat them this good, they owed their mother. And Zhu Yao jiejie is really pitiful.

"How can I resent you. If your family is not there, how can we get this far." Bai Yi Yang said softly.

"Grandpa, you have paid more than what you owed my mother." Bai Yi Yang add.

"No, never. Her act of saving our child life will forever be remembered by our family." Grandpa Zhou said.

"Alright, then lets both of our family owes each other for life and not separated." Bai Yi Yang release a soft laugh. Grandpa Zhou also laugh. This girl's word is really amusing, both owing each other to continue the good bond, not a bad idea.

After that, they stop talking about the serious thing, Grandpa Zhou then continue asking about Bai Yi Yang's fishing trip. Actually, this is the first time Grandpa Zhou have this kind of conversation with Bai Yi Yang, Bai Yi Yang is the quiet one in the family before, Grandpa Zhou is closest to the two small one, Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo, he is also quite close with Bai Yi Chen. As for Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Ling, they only exchange two to three words at times.

"Yatou, the kids also said that you are a good cook, do you still have the steamed bun this morning? I ate 4 of it and your grandma hit me with a broom, saying that I didn't even think about her and the children, only thinking about my stomach." Grandpa Zhou said shamelessly.

"Yes, there is still some. We had enough of steamed buns too, I will pack some frozen one and also some dumplings." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"Good, good." Grandpa Zhou said nodding. After that, they chat for a while more.

Before he leave, Bai Yi Yang pack all the steamed buns that is mostly vegetables filling and also some dumplings with pork fillings and tofu fillings, enough pieces of har gao and also some wonton. She basically gave him one of everything.

Grandpa Zhou who only asked for steamed buns feels like he is stealing the children food, but he also wanted to eat it. Bai Yi Yang ends up telling him that there is still enough in the fridge. When they returned from City Nan later, she said that she will bring Zhu Yao jiejie to make more. Only after that did Grandpa Zhou happily return home.

Bai Yi Yang enters her workshop when the workers left. She is going to make a simple TV stand. She already took a measurement, since their TV is very big, she need to make it very stable. Since she had discussed in details with the designer, her work is very simple, she will provide the furniture, but the designer will fill it up.

Bai Yi Yang followed the original sketch and didn't altered anything, this will make the designer work harder. Then she went to take some wood from under their mushrooms drying platform and start measuring and cutting. Today, she is trying her new circular saw. Which makes her life much more easier.

She start to assemble the structure at 6.00 pm, that's when Bai Yi Chen come from outside and turn on the workshop's lamp.

"Thanks" Bai Yi Yang said before focusing on her work.

After assembling, she tested the sturdiness by jumping on it. It didn't even move so she was very satisfied. She wanted to proceed with smoothening the surface but then she was called by Bai Yi Ling.

"Jie, it's passed 6.30 pm." She said. Her hair is wet, she already took a bath. Bai Yi Yang look at the time and nod. She close the window and all switch before going out.

[6 points earned. Total points:320]

Bai Yi Yang went to the kitchen and start preparing dinner. Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Ling also come to help her. Today's dinner is Cantonese Steamed chicken with Chinese sausage.

The chicken meat is cut into suitable size and add it with marinating sauce mixture of Shaoxing wine, oyster sauce, white pepper, oils and more, then add with dried sliced shiitake mushroom and a bit of scallion. After that set it aside for a while, it should be marinated for at least 1-2 hours, but Bai Yi Yang forgot to do it earlier. Anyway, they will still taste good.

After that the other meal is braised red flounder fish. While making the braised red flounder fish, Bai Yi Yang ask Bai Yi Ling to slice the Chinese sausage and put it on top of the chicken marinate. At the same time, Bai Yi Chen also start preparing for the steamer.

Bai Yi Yang is happy that her siblings is more used to using the kitchen now. Unlike before where they will cause a lot of mess if they help her in the kitchen.

"It won't be long before Xiao Ling can replace me in the kitchen." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Jie, that would never happened. The children will know right away when they tasted the food." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Then, should I depend on your brother? The we all won't be able to eat." She joked. Bai Yi Ling laugh when she heard this.

When the temperature of the water is right, Bai Yi Yang put the chicken into the steamer. They need to wait for a while for the food to be cooked.

[2 points earned. Total points: 322]

The system notify when the steamed chicken is cooked. When Bai Yi Yang open the covering, fragrant smells spread out.

"Its done?" The two children ran into the kitchen and sit on their respective seat.

"Dog like nose.." Bai Yi Ling said as she scoop out the rice. After that, they started their dinner.

"Jie, why don't we have vegetables today?" Bai Yi Mo asked. They usually must have a vegetable dish on the table.

"Lazy. It was late when I come in." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Oh. I love meat so this is better. Anyway, we had two vegetables dish cooked by Zhu Yao jiejie this afternoon, didn't you have enough xiao gege?" Bai Yi Fang said.

"Enough, enough.." Bai Yi Mo grinned.

After the meal, Bai Yi Yang chat with her siblings as she prepare for their snacks and breakfast tomorrow. She make scallions oil in advance so tomorrow she can just cook some simple wonton soup and soy scallion oil noodle.

After that she went to take a bath and her siblings went to the living room. Bai Yi Yang finished bathing and changed her clothes after that. She finished her homework quickly and went to save some research papers as references when she start making their report later. She can also show it to Sir Austin and the team later so they can read up.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings then went to sleep when it is 9.30 pm. Today, there seems to be a lot that had happened, she is quite tired and immediately fall asleep.