Chapter 102: Cui Residence

After that she hung up and went to pick clothes for her siblings. She choose the clothes that is suitable to wear at night, so that they won't get too cold. She brings 3 pair of outings clothing for each of them so should be enough for this three days.

She took out the turquoise floral dress for Bai Yi Fang and pink button up dress for Bai Yi Ling, then a blue dress for herself. Just in case it will be cold later, she also take out their cardigans to bring along later.

After that she match up their dress colour with their stockings. As for shoes, they only have one that they wore when they come, that will do. As long as they are comfortable and not dirty.

Seeing Bai Yi Mo clothes who is also in the luggage, Bai Yi Yang then arrange a match for him too. He will come on his own if he didn't find his clothes there right?

When Zhu Yao jiejie and the girls come out, they were all bundled up with towels.

"Jie, can you help they dried their hair, we are having dinner at one of my acquaintance's house today." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Acquaintance in City Nan? Not going to any restaurant then?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask. At first, their plan was to look around for good restaurant for dinner, but now suddenly they get invited to eat dinner at a friend's house.

"En, next time. We went fishing together last time, you have seen his picture." Bai Yi Yang said.

"If it is at his house? Did you said that I am also here?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"Of course. Jie, get ready too. Their clothes is on the bed, if Xiao Mo come his clothes is over there too." Bai Yi Yang said before entering the shower.

After that she take a warm shower. When she come out, Bai Yi Mo is also in the room and everyone is already dressed, now Zhou Zhu Yao is busy combing Bai Yi Fang hair. She didn't tie it up and let is loose paired with a headband. Bai Yi Yang put her hair into a high bun and add a simple hair clip.

As for Zhou Zhu Yao, she didn't bring many clothes, how will she knows that they will get invited to have dinner at someone house, she only bring a few pair of pants and blouse, luckily she bring a decent blouse with her.

"You really have the energy to dress them up like this." Zhou Zhu Yao said this to Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Ling who is still tidying up in front of the mirror with Bai Yi Yang, sighing. Bai Yi Yang laugh at this statement.

"They like being pretty but don't know how to. Xiao Ling is better now, she can dress herself up, only Fang Fang is still a bit awkward. She will be better in another year or two." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yeah, you are right. You didn't heard her saying that she wanted a specific headband for her." Zhou Zhu Yao sigh again. The person in topic now is jumping on the bed with Xiao Mo after making sure she is all pretty a few time in front of the mirror.

"Fang Fang, don't be too wild. You may ruin you hair." Zhou Zhu Yao said. She don't want to fix it again.

"Okay." Bai Yi Fang answer brightly and stop jumping. They changed to hand clapping games.

Bai Yi Chen comes knocking at the door at 7.25 pm. Bai Yi Yang also finished up and bring her bags and camera.

TongTong also knows what it should do so it quickly enter Bai Yi Yang bag. It can fit in with its small body.

'Why does this hotel don't allow pets.' TongTong sigh.

'They allow, but you can only stay with the other pet in the cage.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Then, I rather hide like this.' TongTong then curl up to nap.

They went to the underground parking again. Bai Yi Yang give the directions and Zhou Zhu Yao drives, it's all in her head now.

"We are near." Bai Yi Yang said. They arrived in a neighbourhood with big bungalows, these is the rich people neighbourhood ah.

Zhou Zhu Yao panic but the siblings didn't feel anything, they will just look outside the window and compare which house is more beautiful that the one before.

"You sure this is the way?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask unbelievably. Bai Yi Yang's old friend is rich?

"Yeah. Its 50 meters in front on the right." Bai Yi Yang check the house number again.

When they arrived in front of the house, Bai Yi Yang texted Old Man Cui and the gate immediately opened. The front yard is huge , they need to drive inside a bit more to be exactly in front of the Main door.

"Oh my…" Zhou Zhu Yao was shocked when she saw the view behind the gate.

"Grandpa Cui said to park the car next to that white one near the entrance." Bai Yi Yang said. Zhou Zhu Yao come to her senses and slowly drive inside. Not long after an elderly man came out of the main door and signal them to come over.

"That is Grandpa Cui." She said to her siblings and Zhou Zhu Yao.

"Oh, I remember him from the pictures." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Yeah, that's him." Bai Yi Yang said.

When they were finally parked, Bai Yi Yang come out first to say hi.

"I waited for all of you since 7.30 pm." He said jokingly with a big laugh.

"Please forgive this City Nan first timer." Bai Yi Yang also laugh.

"Was it hard finding the house?" He asked laughing.

"No, the address is very clear." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Come in, come in. We talk inside." Old Man Cui push open the main door and let the siblings inside. When he saw Bai Yi Chen, he pat him on his shoulder.

"Say hi this is Grandpa Cui. And Grandpa Cui this is my siblings and Zhu Yao jiejie." Bai Yi Yang finally introduced her siblings with Grandpa Cui.

"Hello Grandpa Cui." The Bai siblings politely said hi, Zhou Zhu Yao also said hi.

"Good, good. Come and sit down, I will go call my old wife in the kitchen." He said. They all sit down on the sofa politely. Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo who is usually mischievous also tone down a lot.

"You didn't say that your friend is rich?" Zhou Zhu Yao said in a whisper to Bai Yi Yang. She panic when she saw the big house, when they go inside it was even more luxurious. This truly a rich person house. She never step on a house like this before in her life.

"Jie, calm down. They are good people.." Bai Yi Yang said. After a moment, Old Man Cui come out with an elderly lady in apron.

"Hello Grandma Cui." The siblings automatically stand up and greet her. Grandma Cui smile then widened.

"Sit down, sit down. What are you all standing for." Grandma Cui said.

"My old husband already told me a lot about you, I recognise Yi Yang yatou from the pictures." Grandma Cui smile at Bai Yi Yang.

"Yes, that's me." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"This must be the older brother, the second sister, the smaller brother and the youngest." Grandma Cui then look at Bai Yi Chen and the rest.

"Hello Grandma Cui, you can call me Yi Chen. This is Yi Ling, Yi Mo and Yi Fang.." Bai Yi Chen said.

Grandma Cui nod, she try to repeat their name one by one.

"I will try to remember with my old brain." She laugh.

"And who is this young lady?" She look at Zhou Zhu Yao.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Zhu Yao. Madam can call me Zhu Yao." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"What madam, you call me Grandma Cui too." Grandma Cui said.

After that Grandma Cui went to the kitchen to continue cooking. Bai Yi Yang feels like she need to help a bit, so she follow her to the kitchen. Whereas the other stays in the living room to chat with Grandpa Cui.

As usual, after getting use to people a bit, Bai Yi Fang becomes really active. When Grandpa Cui ask her one thing, she will ends up talking a lot, she even ask questions to him. This makes all the awkwardness gone. Even though Bai Yi Fang may be a bit too informative sometimes, she can lighten up the mood right away.

It was just chatting about simple things like what they saw along the way, what they did at the swimming pool, what weird things she saw that she don't really understand. Grandpa Zhou ends up talking and explaining a lot too.

When it comes to what is interesting in their villages, then it is Bai Yi Mo turf. He suggested that Grandpa Zhou should visit their river, he exaggerated that their river is the cleanest and deepest river. Grandpa Zhou laugh when he heard this, is there really such thing as that? But well, that Yi Yang yatou really catch a rare fish there. So there must be the truth there.

"Where else do you suggest I go?" Grandpa Zhou ask.

"Of course our mountain. You won't be able to tour it in one day. We can enter the jungle and pick mushrooms, my jiejie is an expert. You wouldn't return without filling a big basket. Then we can also go to our orchard, we have a lot of fruits tree..there is the read hairy one call rambutan, and the one that look like snake..we also have that smelly one..whats it called again..?" Bai Yi Mo said.

"Durian!" They all said it at the same time and laugh.

"Yeah, durian..jiejie ask me to put it in my bicycle basket, until now I wasn't able to explain the smell to my friends in the village..they accuse me of…that…you understand.." Bai Yi Mo add, his expression is ugly. Grandpa Zhou laugh since he understand what the boy is talking about.

TongTong who was taking a nap cannot help but awoken by these laughing sound and all. It come out of Bai Yi Yang bag and stretch its body before lying on Bai Yi Chen lap.

"I thought Yi Yang yatou was joking, you really bought your pet cat?" Grandpa Cui was amazed.

"This cat is close with Yang Yang..she follow Yang Yang anywhere other than school." Bai Yi Chen explain.

"I will go ask someone to quickly buy cat food." Grandpa Cui was about to stand up but Bai Yi Chen stop him.

"She doesn't eat cat food..she eat the same food as us..even rice and vegetables.." Bai Yi Chen said.

"What an amusing cat." Grandpa Cui said as he look a few more times at TongTong.

"She is also toilet trained so you don't have to worry about that either." Zhou Zhu Yao add. So just like that they enter a topic about pets.

The Cui residence also used to have pets before but after the last one died, they didn't keep one again. And the story goes on, from Cui residence former pets to their puppies that was left in the village. They have a lot of things to say.