Chapter 114: Hanging out with Zhang Ming Ming

Their dinner last until 8.30 pm. Zhang Ming Ming wanted to help wash the dish but Bai Yi Chen didn't allow her. He told her to sit on the table with the rest to eat ice creams. Zhang Ming Ming is moved, her impression of the usually indifference Bai Yi Chen increase. It's more like and admiration, she is not like those girls who have crush on Bai Yi Chen.

Bai Yi Yang told her siblings to go take a bath first, she will take a bath later. Bai Yi Chen also went to the bathroom after finish cleaning up the kitchen.

"It is cold now, I should have take a bath earlier." Zhang Ming Ming said, sighing.

"I already changed the heater settings, you turn on the heater later so that it won't be cold." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I don't know how to use that. I never seen a shower before other than the one in school, what more one with hot water." Zhang Ming Ming blush.

"It's easy. You turn the knob, it has a sign, cold water to the right and hot water to the left. You don't worry, I already adjusted the temperature, my siblings is also using them." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, I will try it later." Zhang Ming Ming nod.

"Yang Yang, when you were in City Bei, did you use all these kind of expensive things too?" Zhang Ming Ming ask curiously.

"No. Our parents were teachers, the salary is not high. We can only afford basic things. We have all the necessary things but not like this and since we live in teacher's quarters, the place is not as big as this one." Bai Yi Yang answer. The Bai family life was indeed a bit worse than this, living in a big city with a teacher's salary is not easy, what more with 5 children. They have the basic necessities but not like their house now. She doesn't think that she should keep this a story from Zhang Ming Ming, she is trustworthy.

"Then why did I remember that you all come here with just clothes in your bags? Is it because you all rush here and leave the things there? Don't you have relatives in City Bei?" Zhang Ming Ming ask the question that she is most curious about.

Where is the Bai siblings relatives that they are living on their own in this old house in a mountain? She actually don't know much about Bai Yi Yang and her family since Bai Yi Yang wasn't the type that talk about her family much. Now is good, but two years ago, it wasn't like this, the house is old and they bring nothing with them when they move here.

"Our relatives aren't like other people relatives, we don't have good relationship. Anyway, they have nothing to do to us now. And we are also living a good life no?" Bai Yi Yang smile. She don't think it is necessary to explain about people who have no relationship with them anymore.

Zhang Ming Ming is not a fool, she knows that Bai Yi Yang don't want or talk about it, so she stopped and ask about other things instead. She ask about her woodworking, farming and their orchard. Their orchard story has been spread in the village, what more these day, there are lorries coming and going to the mountain road. She also has seen the newly built road heading to the top of the mountain.

"So that's how it is. Long time ago, my parents said that you siblings are unlucky because you inherited this unnecessarily big old courtyard house and a useless unexplored mountain instead of the newer house and the fertile paddy field in the village, but see how lucky you all are." Zhang Ming Ming grinned, feeling happy for her friend too.

"Yeah, I like it so much here." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Jie, we are done!" Bai Yi Fang calling voice comes from the Main house. Bai Yi Yang and Zhang Ming Ming stood up and head to the Main house. Bai Yi Yang show her how to use the heater and ask her to take a shower first.

Bai Yi Yang then lift up the TV stand that Bai Yi Chen has bring into the living room. It was put aside waiting for her to arrange it. Bai Yi Yang put the TV stand at the designated place, there were nothing that can be put as decorations for now, the interior designer will add it later.

After that, she bring out the big TV box outside, she is going to install the TV today and test it out. Bai Yi Chen and the siblings also came not long after. Bai Yi Chen come and help her put the TV carefully while the three siblings just watch in awe.

"Our TV is so big! It's like a movie theatre.." Bai Yi Mo exaggerate. Even though their TV is 70", it is not as big as he described. Of course since they watch TV at a shorter distance, it looks big.

When they TV is placed on top of the TV stand table, it looks just like what Bai Yi Yang imagined it to be. Zhang Ming Ming came out of the bathroom not long after and joined the siblings watch the twins set up the TV.

"This is the TV antenna equipment, ge, you try reading it first bah. I will go take a bath." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen nod and start studying the manual.

Bai Yi Yang went to take a hot shower too. After she come out, the TV antenna have been installed, Bai Yi Chen is now holding the remote control as he pressed on the button.

"Done?" Bai Yi Yang asked, sitting with her siblings as they wait for Bai Yi Chen to find out how it works.

"No..Yang Yang you try it." Bai Yi Chen give up with a frown and hand it over to Bai Yi Yang. He looks very unsatisfied because he fails.

"Ohh..I didn't know that the mighty Bai Yi Chen is like this at home. He actually give up just like this." Zhang Ming Ming tease and giggle.

"You ah, you tease people all the time." Bai Yi Yang said to her as she pressed on the remote control and not long after, the news channel come out.

"Yeah! We made it!" The children jump up and down and cheer happily. It was easy for Bai Yi Yang because she had researched it before, so of course she knows what to do.

Bai Yi Yang and the rest sat down and explore the channel that is available. There are a lot, the one available nationwide and also the one available in City Nan only. It was very interesting for the children, so does Zhang Ming Ming.

"It's like watching two different things even though the channel are the same. Your TV is so bright and clear, why does our TV doesn't look like this?" Zhang Ming Ming complaint.

"I told you, Brand P products is very good." Bai Yi Yang said, didn't forget to promote her favourite Brand P.

They watch TV for a while, or to be exact, browsing through the 100+ channels. After that, Bai Yi Yang let the children watch, she press the channel showing cartoon and let them watch quietly.

Then, she and Zhang Ming Ming sat a bit far. Bai Yi Chen is also already looking at his book now.

"Show me the homework you said just now." Bai Yi Yang said to Zhang Ming Ming. Zhang Ming Ming is not here entirely to play, since she told her mother that she is doing her homework, then she is going to help her with at least half of it.

Bai Yi Yang also too out her homework and start doing it while helping Zhang Ming Ming at the same time. 30 minutes later, she finished her school homework. It wasn't a lot to begin with, look at Bai Yi Chen, he is also almost done.

To not make Zhang Ming Ming feel pressured, she took out her Math Olympiad past years question compilations. She haven't started on it even a bit. Since she agree to try it out and even exempted from joining the team training, she need to at least do her best.

As expected, it wasn't as easy as she thought. Olympiad questions are usually the one outside of syllabus, only a small bit of it are from the syllabus. When she do the first set, she wasn't able to answer 2-3 questions, so she marked it first before moving onto the next set of questions, it was also the same, she wasn't able to answer a few questions too. And she noticed that these questions looks different but they have the same concepts, as long as she understood it, she can answers all similar questions.

So she put on her earphones and look for examples online with her smartphone. Anything can be found online now, as long as she have access to these resources. Of course, since she have TongTong, it was easy to have access to these tutorials and so on.

She watch the two hours long video for 30 minutes, only watching the teacher discussing the questions which she didn't understand. And just like that, she understood it. Now finishing all the questions in the first set become very easy, she also finished the second set in no time. She browse through the third set and feels like she can answer all of it, so she close it first and put it aside.

"Where are you now?" Bai Yi Yang turn to look at Zhang Ming Ming homework. Bai Yi Chen has finished his homework long time ago and he have been doing revisions while she was doing her Olympiad questions, now he is going through the two sets that she had answered.

"Almost done bah..another 15 minutes.." Zhang Ming Ming said. Actually her homework is also not much, just that her foundation is much more weaker compared to Bai Yi Chen so it took a long time to teach her, sometimes Bai Yi Yang need to return to the most basic things first before she could understand the concept.

Anyway, as long as she is obedient, Bai Yi Yang won't feel annoyed teaching her. Just like when she teach her younger siblings, she is using a different approach compared to teaching Bai Yi Chen. Zhang Ming Ming is like a bigger version of her younger siblings.

"Okay, you go ahead. When you are done, you tell me." Bai Yi Yang said. She then chat with Bai Yi Chen about the Olympiad questions that she had answered.

"This bah..looks familiar right..actually it wasn't anything special. Just that the questions is just very complex, a few formulas need to be combined together to solve this one. See..understand what I am talking about?" Bai Yi Yang said to Bai Yi Chen.

"Then how did you know which formula to use?" Bai Yi Chen saw her answer and it is indeed something not too foreign even to him.

"I do it in my head, try a few different formula and these two are the ones. When you do a lot of questions, doing it in your head will be easy." Bai Yi Yang said.

"That..I still can't do that. I still need to write it down.." Bai Yi Chen said.

"En, slow down. Anyway, these is just for fun. It won't come out in our exams." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen nod and continue looking and was amazed at Bai Yi Yang. Actually he never think that some questions is possible to be answered until he saw Bai Yi Yang answer, especially the one marked, it is too foreign for him, he feels dizzy looking at it.

"This is what you learned by watching a 30 minutes video?" Bai Yi Chen said.

"En. I have write down the link of the video and the minutes they appeared. Maybe it can help the other students in the Olympiad team to understand too. The video is quite useful." She said. She even make subscriptions and send a donation to keep the channel going.

"Err..Yang Yang. I don't think everyone can watch on this platform, how did you do it?" Bai Yi Chen said.

"Oh, this one, I just got in somehow. It's good that you remind me, I will just download it and share it to them." Bai Yi Yang smile and download it to her phone. But she didn't share it right away because she doesn't have any of the Olympiad team phone number, even Su Long. She will ask if he is interested to watch the video later.

After 15 minutes or so, Zhang Ming Ming is finally done. Now is already 10.26 pm. It is still early, considering it is Friday night. But Bai Yi Ling need to sleep early, so she watch cartoon for a while with the two and just entered the bedroom just now. The two kids is considerate, they run to Bai Yi Yang and ask her how to lowered the volume so that it won't disturb Bai Yi Ling sleeping.

Bai Yi Yang and the rest went to the kitchen to chat instead. Zhang Ming Ming is a little bit hungry so Bai Yi Yang made two packets of instant noodle, add some vegetables and eggs and it is done.

[1 point earned. Total points: 269]

Zhang Ming Ming and Bai Yi Chen is the one who ate most of it, Bai Yi Yang only eat a small bowl. Of course TongTong also have its small portion.

"I just can't brain it. TongTong is eating whatever we are eating, she is just like a human in cat body. She even understand things." Zhang Ming Ming said as she look at TongTong.

"Maybe because she follows Yang Yang everywhere so she got that habit." Bai Yi Chen said. Them siblings is also amazed at first, but now they are used to it. TongTong is very smart, you say a word and she will understand, it's like talking to someone, it's just that she cannot respond.

'Host, everyone reaction is the same. Is it odd for a cat to understand words?' TongTong ask, wondering.

'Yeah, it's odd. Try searching online and you will now. Those videos of smart animals that you saw, they were mostly trained to follow instructions. Unlike you who naturally understand.' Bai Yi Yang explain.

'Then when this body dies, can I have a human body?' TongTong ask. It is too hard being inside an animal body, it can't even follow the Host openly.

'Is there skin like that?' Bai Yi Yang asked. She didn't saw anything like that when they were browsing through the 'skin' category.

'Yeah..that's the sad part. There is none..' TongTong said with a sigh.

'Maybe it's because I don't have enough points now. Wait until we have a lot of points.' Bai Yi Yang comfort TongTong. If can, she will give it a human body too, but that will have to wait until it is available in store.