Chapter 122: Selling dried mushrooms to Natural Grocery

Today is the promised day, the 15th day of the month. She promised Zhang Yong to sell the dried mushrooms to him every 15th day of the month. Yesterday, she made an appointment at 4.30 pm with his staff since Zhang Yong won't be able to come himself. No matter how Bai Yi Yang rush to return home, she can only go back the earliest at 4.00 pm.

[8 points earned. Total points: 529 points]

"Yang Yang, wait here, I will go take our phone." Bai Yi Chen said after the PE class. They have an indoor PE class today, so it was easier than having it outside.

"Okay. Let be hold your bag." Bai Yi Yang said. She walked out of the indoor basketball court and sat at a bench to wait for Bai Yi Chen.

Some of her classmates passed by and said goodbye to her, mostly are heading back to class for evening session and some head to the gate to return home.

"Yi Yang.." Bai Yi Yang turn her head to the direction. She smiled at Su long who is now wiping his sweat.

"Waiting for Classmate Bai Yi Chen?" Su Long ask and slumped on the empty seat at the same bench.

"Yes ah..he went to pick our phone. You are not heading to class yet?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Stay with you here while waiting for him." He answer casually. Unlike the Su Long that she met at the first day of school, this Su Long is much more likeable. He still doesn't smile but his tone is much more friendly when talking to her.

"Did the questions I send you disturb you?" Su Long ask. He then offer a bottled water but Bai Yi Yang reject, she already drink a lot of water just now.

"Not at all. Since I can't attend the team training, I should at least put this much effort bah." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"En. The tutorials video you send me is also useful, the seniors also use it, they all said thank you. Anyway, do you know when is the competition will be held?" Su Long said.

"When?" Bai Yi actually never asked about this.

"21st of April. It's on Saturday, at City Nan. I just tell you in advance, the teacher will tell all of us later too, so you don't have to worry." Su Long said.

"Hurm…then I will also prepare in advance. Thanks for telling me.." Bai Yi Yang grinned. Should she have another tour with her siblings at City Nan again at this time?

"En. Yi Yang.." Su Long seems hesitant to tell her something.

"What is it?"

"You and Senior Song Zheng Sheng is really dating?" He finally ask.

"No..why does everyone ask me this? We are just friend." Bai Yi Yang said.

How can people not ask, Senior Song Zheng Sheng had been approaching Bai Yi Yang at every chance he have, during lunch time, at the end of school, after PE class. Today he is not here because he need to join the school football training, if not he must be here too.

"Just curious." Su Long lips lifted up into a smile briefly, which he quickly cover by looking at the ground.

'This student is not only have brain, he is quite good looking when he smile ah.' TongTong comment at the background.

'Su Long is not bad, it's just that he is not flexible most of the time.' Bai Yi Yang nod in agreement.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Su Long look up and meet Bai Yi Yang probing eyes.

"Oh..nothing." Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly and look away too.

"Yang Yang. Come." Bai Yi Chen came at the right time when they are quietly sitting, don't know how to continue the conversation anymore.

"Ge! Okay, I will leave first, see you tomorrow." Bai Yi Yang stood up and wave at Su Long before running towards Bai Yi Chen. Su long didn't say anything and just watch the two people leave. After that, he also leave to the class.

Bai Yi Chen also didn't say anything, he just followed Bai Yi Yang, answer when she ask him something and when they enter the school bus, he keep his thought to the back of his mind. Having a sister like Bai Yi Yang is troublesome, she have a nice personality, good in almost everything and also quite pretty, so how can she not attract all the bees and butterflies. But as long as they don't have bad intention and the age is suitable, he will not mind too much.

Unless, it is someone of Zhang Yong age, he really won't tolerate a person that age have other thought of his sister, that's why he don't really have good impression on Zhang Yong. He just feel that he is also attracted to Yang Yang.

The Bai siblings arrived home before 4.30 pm but the staff is already waiting outside the gate. It is Mr.Feng from before.

Bai Yi Yang invite him inside and Bai Yi Chen bring over the dried mushrooms that they put aside. This is about 1 month worth of foraging and drying. How many times did they go again? Should be 7-8 times, including the time when they joined Bai Yi Yang.

They have the usual wild shiitake, morels, chanterelle, ear woods, elm ear, green brittlegill or rusula virecens, snow fungus, huang er or Tremella frondosa, cloud ear fungus, bamboo fungus and lion's mane.

Bai Yi Yang only sell this because the other type are in small amounts, this is the one with large amounts in their storage.

Mr.Feng is very satisfied with the amount and quality of dried mushrooms in front of him now, he immediately help his assistant to weight the mushrooms one by one.

They are as follow, Morels is 6.3 kg, wild shiitake is 8.9 kg, chanterelle is 5.2 kg, ear woods is 7.9 kg, elm ear is 4.2 kg, Rusula virecens is 4.3 kg, snow fungus is 3.8 kg, Tremella frondosa is 4.1 kg, cloud ear fungus is 5.2 kg, bamboo fungus is 7.8 kg and lion's mane is 5.6 kg.

Bai Yi Yang set a new price with Zhang Yong, it wasn't the same as when she sold it to Boss Sun. This is because Zhang Yong store will sell it by ounce and they also wanted to sell it at a high price. When Zhang Yong show her his shop pricing, Bai Yi Yang feels like he is selling gold instead. If not, how can it be that expensive.

So Bai Yi Yang agree to sell it 20% less for each type. Even with this she is already selling it for a high price, so she doesn't really mind the 20% less. What more, selling it herself is different compared to selling it in store.

After making a calculation, Mr.Feng show her the agreed prices and the total come out to be 50,618 yuan. Bai Yi Yang make a quick calculation and all the prices are correct. Mr.Feng quickly transferred the money and leave with his assistant by 5.00 pm.

[291 points earned. Total points: 820 points]

'So many?!' Bai Yi Yang eyes widened.

'It's not an easy job ah. Picking them. Then cleaning, drying for a few days, packing. Host, this is all thanks to gege bah.' TongTong said.

'You are right, this is all gege contributions.' Bai Yi Yang nod. Most of the time, Bai Yi Chen is the one who handle the mushrooms, she is busy doing other things so Bai Yi Chen ends up doing all these. She just need to pick up the mushrooms, the rest Bai Yi Chen will handle, he will make sure that both side of the mushrooms is dried, cover it properly at night. When they have school, he didn't forgot to remove the canvas. This is all his work.

"We need to sort out this new products so we need to rush. Tomorrow, we will start selling it in our store. The fruits are selling well too, our young boss is really a bit busy this month." Mr.Feng said.

"It's good if it is selling well. Mr.Feng, please be careful on the road, safety is always first." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good, good." Mr.Feng nod before driving his car away. Bai Yi Yang sigh in relief after that, she decided not to enter her workshop

"Ge, you worked hard." Bai Yi Yang said to Bai Yi Chen who is now cleaning the kitchen.

"En, you too." He smiled. He looks quite happy that he helped in earning that much money. Bai Yi Yang is quite busy, but he is actually busy too. He now handle the orchard, vegetables farm and even drying mushrooms. He is not idle at all.

The two siblings chat as they clean the area. Starting today, they will restart again.

"I am thinking. For next month, we need to set a time at least 6 times to pick mushrooms. When we had 6 batches, then it should be enough." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yeah, I agree. It was 7-8 times for this month, so 6 times should be enough." Bai Yi Chen agree.

After that, the siblings chat lightly as Bai Yi Yang also start cooking. For dinner, she is cooking Ginseng herbal chicken soup. This is one of the item that Grandma Cui gave her on their last trip to City Nan. Other than that, she is also cooking simple stir fry cabbage with carrot. That will be all for dinner.

"Right ge, the Mathematics Olympiad will be at 21st of April at City Nan. Wanna go together? Let's tour around City Nan once more." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Sounds good. It's on…weekend right?" Bai Yi Chen check the calendar and and it falls on Saturday.

"Yeah. We can bring Zhu Yao jiejie to go on Friday, then stay there until Sunday." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, you tell her or I tell?" Bai Yi Chen add.

"I will tell her later. Let's go play at Purple lake this time, we didn't get to play there for long before." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen smile and nod. The purple lake is indeed beautiful, he also wanted to go there longer, but they have time restraints last time.

Bai Yi Yang then tell him about her plan. Where they can go visit later, where they can go eat and of course she wanted to visit shopping malls too. Last time they visited only one of the shopping mall in City Nan, next time she wanted to visit much more malls.

[2 points earned. Total points: 822]

Bai Yi Yang told her plan to her siblings again when they were having dinner. As expected, her siblings is also excited. It has been long since their last travel. Well, actually it wasn't that long, only 3 weeks ago. But they really like the free feeling when travelling, they got to see beautiful places and also ate new dishes.

Sometimes, they will look again at their pictures in City Nan. Bai Yi Yang has transferred it into a hard drive and when they wanted to see it, they can just connect it to the big TV and watch it again. The pictures are very clear, Bai Yi Yang photography skills is very good, she took a lot of pretty pictures. She also posted some of it before, and force Bai Yi Chen to post some too. Bai Yi Chen was unwilling, but Bai Yi Yang insists that he posted it if he loves them, so he don't have other choice but to do so. His post have more likes and comments even when he didn't reply any of it which makes Bai Yi Yang wanted to strangle him.