Chapter 133: Last minute plan to City Bei

Bai Yi Yang enter the kitchen after Bai Yi Chen called her. He was in the kitchen to clean the fish, luckily they give most of their fishes to the villagers, if not, there will be really too much.

"They all said thank you, they thought it was you who caught them." Bai Yi Chen said. Bai Yi Yang laugh when she heard this. It was Bai Yi Chen who spends the energy, she is just the assist.

"Then what did they say when they heard you were the one who caught them?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"They were stunned. But quickly accept it that we all are good in fishing." Bai Yi Chen said.

Tonight, they will have a fish feast after a long time. Bai Yi Yang planned to cook Sichuan style boiled fish with tofu, steamed fish with the most basic seasoning, sweet and sour fish and lastly grilled fish. It has been a while so they are all looking forwards to it.

Bai Yi Yang start getting busy in the kitchen at 5.00 pm, her siblings helped her but it still take a while, their last dish was finished by 6.30 pm.

[4 points earned. Total points: 1,248]

"I go take a bath first then we eat dinner." Bai Yi Yang said. She head to the Main house and took a quick shower.

When she come back to the kitchen, she heard her siblings talking with someone on the phone, it was put on loudspeaker. It is no other than Bai Yu Jin, their legal older sister.

It's still so weird calling her older sister to be honest, but that's how it should be. Bai Yu Jin is quite good, she will call them once in a while to ask for news and ask if they have money. Bai Yi Chen is the one who usually talk to her, but the other siblings is also more used to her now. At first, when they were told to call her big sister, they were confused, aren't she their aunt before, how did she suddenly become big sister? Bai Yi Yang explained the matter to them, they adapt well with changes. Isn't it just in paper, what more Bai Yu Jin is quite good to them ah, so they also treat her kindly.

"Why?" Bai Yi Yang mouth at Bai Yi Chen.

"Da jiejie, Yi Yang is here." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Hello Da jiejie." Bai Yi Yang said with a smile.

"Ah, Yi Yang. It's like this, it's the Qingming Festival this Wednesday. I was too busy to ask you siblings and only remember now, are you returning to City Bei to pay respects to your parents this year? If you are, then you siblings can come over to our side after that. Since you siblings are now in our branch, then you can pay respect to my late father if you don't mind." Bai Yu Jin always talk to Bai Yi Yang when it comes to things like this, he had ask Bai Yi Chen but Bai Yi Chen will always told her that he need to consult Bai Yi Yang first.

"Ah..that.." Bai Yi Yang was taken aback. What Qingming Festival. She was an orphan who doesn't know her origin, Qingming Festival really didn't cross her mind. No wonder their school will have half day school on Tuesday and two days holiday on Wednesday and Thursday, so it was because of Qingming Festival.

Bai Yi Yang look at Bai Yi Chen and her siblings who is listening. They seems to put the decision entirely on her. Well, this is a bit sudden to be honest, she doesn't really wanted to go to City Bei without planning ahead. To go to City Bei, they can use a car, but it will take 16-18 hours drive, if they use flights from City Nan, it will only take 1 hour 45 minutes, much more time saving.

"I also forgot about that. How about this, after this I will check for flights, if there are seats then we will go, if not then we can only skip it this year." Bai Yi Yang said.

"My mistakes, my mistakes. What would you siblings know, I should have remind you all earlier." Bai Yu Jin blame herself. Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Da jiejie, don't worry, we will look first. When we got the flight, we will inform you immediately." Bai Yi Yang said. After that they talked for a while more, about food ah, and some random things.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings only started dinner at 7.15 pm. They slowly have their dinner while chatting. The fresh fish is very delicious, so they eat much more than lunch, the siblings is very full and stay seated at the kitchen after dinner.

Bai Yi Chen always do his task well, he cleans everything that Bai Yi Yang haven't clean. Actually Bai Yi Yang also have the habit of washing the pots and pans after using, so Bai Yi Chen is only in charge of the things they used during meal.

"Ge, should we go?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She still need to ask Bai Yi Chen regarding this matter, she don't have real affection to their parents, but Bai Yi Chen and the rest have.

"We haven't visited our parents since the time we were in City Bei, it would be nice if we can go. But if there is no flight available, then we can just pay respect from here, no worries." Bai Yi Chen smile softly.

What else can Bai Yi Yang say if he is already acting like this, she can only nod and quickly open the flight searching apps. There are flights available, actually there are a lot, it's not hard to look for flights nowadays.

"Is 3.10 pm okay? We pack early, then I will ask Zhu Yao jiejie to pick us from school, we head straight to the airport in City Nan." Bai Yi Yang ask Bai Yi Chen.

She is already asking Zhou Zhu Yao for help and tell her plan. Since this is not just going around to play, Zhou Zhu Yao agree, she said that even if she need to rent car, she will help send them to the airport. Zhou Zhu Yao cannot join them, she also need to pay respect to her ancestors here.

"That's a bit rushed.." Bai Yi Chen was taken aback.

"En, indeed. But the next flight is 5.47 pm, we will arrive at night. Ge, I am not really confident if we siblings arrived there at night. Are you?" Bai Yi Yang is sincerely asking. It's fine if there is an adult, if she is also it is also fine, but there are also the younger siblings.

"Okay, book it." Bai Yi Chen also thought the same.

"Ge, do you know where Eldest aunt live? We can look for hotel nearby so it's easy to move around." Bai Yi Yang said.

"We are staying at hotel? Not Eldest aunt house?" Bai Yi Chen once again shocked. Just now, Bai Yu Jing has mentioned that they can stay over at their house, it will be a bit packed but it's still doable.

"En. Ge..I don't want to stay with strangers. Eldest aunt is still okay, but Uncle Nian big family may come too. You know they are staying with Uncle Nian old parents. We can afford the room, let's just stay at a hotel okay?" Bai Yi Yang cling onto Bai Yi Chen arm, this is to coax him, she really don't want to stay with strangers.

"Okay, listen to you. Their house is at Street 82, there should be a few places to stay there." Bai Yi Chen said. Bai Yi Yang nod, she immediately confirm the booking for 2 adults and 3 children, she and Bai Yi Chen is also underage, but they are not children either.

Then she choose a big room, it's a 4 people room with two double bed. The hotel that she choose Bei Central Grand Hotel, it's a 3 star hotel too, but the price is higher than 3 star hotels in City Nan. City Bei is one of the biggest city, together with City Shang and City Zhou, of course the price of everything there will be more expensive too, the price of the room per night in the mid-tier hotel is 1,150 yuan, she book for 3 days and 2 nights and make the payment, any additional payment will be payed later.

Then she survey the city and hotel. From the airport, it takes 35 minutes to the hotel, then from the hotel to the columbarium where their parents are will take 1 hour, to Bai Yu Jing house is only 20 minutes. Bai Yu Jing husband's family is in mid-tier range, that's why they can afford to live in a place like that. The location is not exactly the centre, but it is still a high end area. As for the Bai family there, they live a bit far, about 1 hour too.

"Which hotel did you booked?" Bai Yi Chen ask when he heard the notification.

"Bei Central Grand Hotel." Bai Yi Yang answer. Bai Yi Chen nod, he only have heard of that place, but never stay there. He never even step foot there, what more staying there. He knows that the hotel is quite pricy, but he is not even shocked with Bai Yi Yang spending power anymore, what more, as Bai Yi Yang said, they can afford it, as long as they are comfortable.

"Luckily we bought another luggage when we were in City Nan, if not, then we really can only bring big backpack." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Jie, we are going to City Bei?" Bai Yi Ling ask.

"Yeah. We will go pay our visit to mom and dad." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"En. We haven't visited them for a long time. Don't know if anyone every visited them before." Bai Yi Ling said. Bai Yi Yang pat her head.

"City Bei? Our city before?" Bai Yi Mo ask. He and Bai Yi Fang was too small at that time, they only know that they come from City Bei, but they don't know much. Bi Yi Mo is still okay, but Bai Yi Fang only know City Nan.

"En. Its Qingming Festival, what more we haven't pay respect to our parents for a long time." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then..the first branch.." Bai Yi Ling ask.

"Don't worry. We are related to Da jiejie now, they can't do anything to us, we are not in the first branch anymore." Bai Yi Yang pat Bai Yi Ling's shoulder.

"After paying respect, then we can walk around later. City Bei is much more prosperous that City Nan, Xiao Mo and Fang Fang can finally recognise our birth place too." Bai Yi Yang smile. Their family registration is still in City Bei, it's also good if they are not too clueless about that place.

"Good!" The children cheers. They missed travelling like when they go to City Nan.

'Host, what about me?' TongTong ask.

'What about you? You are joining us of course. Last time when we went to Country J, didn't you hack into to the security system and passed?' Bai Yi Yang ask.

'I know..but my children?' TongTong said. The puppies is it's children now, TongTong is their trainer, they know how to run to the wood and do their business.

'No other way, can only leave at Old Zhou house. Anyway, they are adored by everyone in the village. They can also play with the other dogs too. Why, you want to stay?' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Alright bah..what to do. Then buy more of the xxxxx brand, they like eating it.' TongTong said. It is sad to part with the puppies, but it also doesn't want to stay.