Chapter 152: Hexie clinic and Vaccination

Monday comes and Bai Yi Yang still woke up early to make breakfast. She steamed the tofu with vegetables dumplings, make a stir fry vegetables dish and that's their breakfast of the day. Yesterday, she made another batch of dumplings, wontons, siew mai and steamed bun.

[2 points earned. Total points: 1,384]

She didn't woke up Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo. Since she will stay at home today to bring them to the clinic, she will just wake them up later.

"I will tell this to Mr.Ling and hand over your homework. As for others, I will find excuses for you." Bai Yi Chen said as Bai Yi Yang send them out to the gate.

"Do well Xiao Ling." Bai Yi Yang wave at them and enter the house again. Since she is not sleepy anymore, she stays at the living room and watch TV with TongTong.

Bai Yi Mo was the first to woke up, he came from the East house looking confused when he look at the bright sky and also Bai Yi Yang sitting at the living room. His eyes is half open as she lie down again on the sofa while resting his head on Bai Yi Yang's lap.

"Jie, today is holiday?" He ask mumbling.

"No, it's clinic day. Your forgot, we will go to clinic today." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Oh right." Bai Yi Mo nod and fully woke up. He stood up and ran to Bai Yi Yang's bedroom. He went to disturb Bai Yi Fang sleep. Not long after that, both of them walk out of the bedroom.

"Good morning.." Bai Yi Yang smile to her adorable little sister. Bai Yi Fang's face is really too cute and beautiful, she is her own sister but she can't help but praise her.

"Jie..we are going to the clinic today?" Bai Yi Fang ask.

"En, come, let's have breakfast." Bai Yi Yang said. The two children nod and go to the kitchen with their pyjamas. They are very energetic and very curious about what they will do at the clinic later. When they ask, Bai Yi Yang did not lie but she also didn't tell them too much information.

After breakfast, Bai Yi Yang just wipe them with warm water and changed their clothes. She also changed into a comfortable clothes. After vaccination, children usually become a bit weak, today she didn't plan to use bicycle, she can just carry them home if the children is too weak later.

"We are not using bicycle today?" Bai Yi Mo who is neatly dressed is ready with his bicycle but Bai Yi Yang suddenly said that they will not be using bicycle. They will walk to the bus stop.

"We haven't walk for a while now. Let's take our time looking around." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay!" The children immediately agree. They played along the way and look very cheerful.

When they passed by Old Zhou house, Bai Yi Yang called Grandma Zhou to tell her about it. Old Zhou house is a bit quiet now, since Second Zhou family already returned to City Xi last Saturday.

Since Second Zhou already have an employment contract of 2 years, he also start asking around about building his own house near Old Zhou house. Seems like he will really settle down here with his family.

"Be careful on the way." Grandma Zhou remind them.

A bus ride to the next village's bus stop is less than 10 minutes but it will be too far to walk. So it's better to just find a van. Bai Yi Yang and her siblings only found a ride at 8.30 am. There are people who also get down at the same bus stop. Bai Yi Yang chat with them and they are also going to the clinic, it's just that they didn't bring children with them.

They walk together to the village clinic which is only a few meters away from the bus stop, it is called Hexie Clinic. This is the nearest clinic from their village and where Qinfang villagers come to seek treatment.

When they arrived, there wasn't many people, the clinic open at 9.00 am so there is still not many people. Based on the info from the people riding the same van, the clinic will be crowded by the time it's opened, so it is better to come early. Good thing that they also arrived early.

At the registration counter, there are two lines of people, the outpatient clinic and the mother and child clinic. Bai Yi Yang bring her two siblings to line up at the mother and child line. There are 3 people in front of them, two pregnant lady and one lady carrying a child in her arm. While waiting for their turn, there are two more people who line up behind them.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The nurse at the counter never seen them siblings. Usually, the people who come here will at least look familiar, but not this teenager and two children.

"Hello, this is our first time here and I would like to transfer my younger siblings annual checkup to this clinic." Bai Yi Yang said. She hand over the two children previous clinic book from City Bei to the nurse.

"You all are from City Bei, and it has been almost 2 years since the last visit?" The nurse look over the book.

"Yes, there is this difficult situation before." Bai Yi Yang smile, well even if she is getting scolded today, she will accept it. They are really careless to forget about the children checkups.

"I can't handle this. You wait over there, I will go ask the Sister." The nurse bring their clinic book and enter a room. A Sister is someone who have higher authority than a regular nurse.

Bai Yi Yang and her siblings wait at the waiting seat. People at their left and right cannot help but look at them, maybe because they are new faces here.

It has been about 15 minutes after the nurse come out of the room but there is still no news. It has also start getting crowded so Bai Yi Yang doesn't want to disturb the nurse at the registration anymore. Just wait bah.

"Good morning Doctor Huang." While waiting, Bai Yi Yang heard this and look over. Doctor Huang just arrived and the people who recognise him greet him politely. Doctor Huang is a well known doctor here, he is friendly to the people even though he is not originally from this area.

"Ah, isn't this Yi Yang?" Doctor Huang passed by the three of them and called out.

"Good morning doctor." Bai Yi Yang smile. The two children also greet Doctor Huang cheerfully.

"Morning, morning. Is someone from your family sick?" Doctor Huang look at her and she looks very well. Much more healthier than the last time he saw her. Her illness was so weird, that's why he remember her clearly.

"No. It's about my younger brother and sister. About their annual checkup and vaccination. We overlooked it after moving here, I just realised and here we are today." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Right, there is this matter. Good, good. Come, I will bring you to meet the Sister from the mother and child clinic, I will explain it for you." Doctor Huang volunteer to help them. He bring them to the same room the registration nurse put their clinic book.

Doctor Huang knock on the door, informing about his arrival before opening the door. Inside the room, a few middle aged nurses and someone who wear different colour uniform is sitting in a group. They must be gossiping while waiting exactly 9.00 am to start working, but now is already 9.05 am though.

"Good morning Doctor Huang." The nurses stood up and greet before scurrying away to their station.

"Sister, I am here for this two children. They wanted to transfer from City Bei to here." Doctor Huang said.

"Of course, of course." The Sister smile and let them seat. Actually, Bai Yi Mo and Bai Yi Fang file is already on her table. Doctor Huang also didn't leave and stay to look over the process. Since Doctor Huang is there, the process is very efficient. Doctor Huang explain the children situation and the transferring process is done in no time. Now that the children has new clinic book from Hexie Clinic, they still need to wait outside for the assessment and also vaccination. Doctor Huang bring them outside after that.

"Now all the difficult process is done, when their name is called, you just need to bring them inside and follow the instructions." Doctor Huang said when he send them to the waiting area at mother and child clinic. He is in charge at the outpatient clinic so he cannot wait with the children here.

"Thank you ver much Doctor Huang." Bai Yi Yang slightly bow at her.

"No problem. I am happy to be able to help all of you." Doctor Huang smile kindly. Doctor Huang is someone who is in his 40s at most and he is the first doctor in this clinic before the other one arrives, so people here recognise him everywhere. He has done a lot of good deeds for the people here, that's why he even made a home visit to look at Bai Yi Yang, even helping them search for orphanage house.

"Then, I will get busy." Doctor Huang said and leave the children into his consultation room.

Bai Yi Yang impression of Doctor Huang changed a lot. Last time, she quite dislike him because of the orphanage matter, but thinking about it again, it was all for their good. It is good enough that someone cares about them right, so she concluded that this Doctor Huang is actually very good.

After 10 minutes or so, Bai Yi Mo name was called first, the nurse ask a bunch of questions, told him to do this and that, take him to measure weight and height and also review the old clinic book before transferring the data into the new one. All of these is a part of developmental assessment. The nurse inform that Bai Yi Mo development is very good, even better than children at his age. When it was Bai Yi Fang turn, it was also the same, the same process is repeated just the questions and task is a bit different, a bit easier than Bai Yi Mo's test.

"Both of your younger siblings have normal development. The problem is the vaccination, if you go to room 5 and put this book at the basket, they will give two vaccination today, as for the third missed vaccination, it will be scheduled on another date." The nurse kindly tell Bai Yi Yang.

"Thank you nurse." Bai Yi Yang smile and took the books before bringing her siblings outside. She search for the room 5 and it is only 2 rooms away from the previous one. Bai Yi Yang put the two books into the basket and sat down with her two happy siblings.

"There is something else?" Bai Yi Fang ask.

Near the bus stop, there is a small stall selling ice cream, Bai Yi Yang has promised to buy them some, so they are a bit excited. Eating ice cream at home and eating one outside is completely different, the feeling is different.

'Poor children..' TongTong who is inside Bai Yi Yang bag poke its head out. TongTong is curious about vaccination so it follows along.

"Bai Yi Mo, Bai Yi Fang." Their name is called not long after. Bai Yi Yang bring her siblings inside and there is two nurse on standby next to the chair.

"Bai Yi Mo sit here and Bai Yi Fang sit here." The nurse smile at the children.

"You are alone?" The nurse ask Bai Yi Yang. There is two children here so how will they hold onto them if they struggle. What more, the one who bring them here is so small too.

"Yes. I think we should do one by one." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Alright. Then Bai Yi Mo first. I think we can finish all three vaccination today. What do you say? One at the arm, one at thigh and the other is oral." The nurse ask Bai Yi Yang.

"Xiao Mo, is it okay?" Bai Yi Yang ask Bai Yi Mo.

"Poke with needle?" Bai Yi Mo look a bit nervous.

"Yeah, but it only feel like an ant bite. Since there is two then two ant bite." The nurse smile at Bai Yi Mo and try to coax him.

"Then, I can endure it." Bai Yi Mo nod. The nurse praise him to the heaven as she prepare the two injections.

"Look at your sister." The nurse said to Bai Yi Mo as she help fold his sleeve and also one side of his short pants. Bai Yi Yang hold onto Bai Yi Mo and he only flinch when the first injection on his shoulder is done.

"One more.." The nurse said and inject his thigh.

"Very good!" The nurse clap for him, even Bai Yi Fang on the side clap. It only look scary but it is not painful. She was scared at first but then now she is not scared anymore.

"Nurse Su, you give the Oral Polio vaccine to little Bai Yi Mo." The nurse said to her colleague and now look at Bai Yi Fang's clinic book.

"Bai Yi Fang only missed her Meningococcal vaccination, but this year on her birthday she need to get both Oral Polio vaccine and Varicella vaccine. Do you want to do all three of it now? So that during her birthday she only need to have regular developmental checkup." The nurse consult Bai Yi Yang. Bai Yi Fang birthday is in July.

"That will be the best. Fang Fang, what do you think?" Bai Yi Yang ask Bai Yi Fang. The nurse is amused, this older sister is a good one, even asking her younger siblings opinion.

"Then just do it now. I am not scared." Bai Yi Fang said confidently.

"En, we do it now." Bai Yi Yang smile and come near Bai Yi Fang. She is not worry about Bai Yi Mo, but she is worried a bit about Bai Yi Fang, just in case she struggle when the needle is poked, she standby on the side.

And as expected, when the first needle poke on her shoulder, Bai Yi Fang immediately cried loudly. Luckily Bai Yi Yang expected it and hold onto her arm. The injection was quickly done. As for the thigh injection, Bai Yi Fang was struggling, don't want to be poked by the needle again, so Bai Yi Yang carried Bai Yi Fang in her arm and sit on the chair, the nurse took the chance and inject her on the thigh. Bai Yi Fang cried even louder and buried her face into Bai Yi Yang arm.

"Don't cry, don't cry.." The nurse had seen a lot of scene like this and caress Bai Yi Fang's hair. Seems like the Polio vaccine should be put on hold for now.

The nurse tick the vaccine that have been given and told Bai Yi Yang that Bai Yi Fang can come again later. She can just take the Polio vaccine when she come for annual checkup at the date stated in the appointment later.

Bai Yi Yang said thank you and bring her two siblings outside. Bai Yi Fang has stopped crying but she is now still being carried by Bai Yi Yang as they exit the room.

The battle-scarred children exit the room, they look a bit tired and less cheerful as when they come in. The mother with children smile understandingly at Bai Yi Yang, they know how children are. Bai Yi Yang carried Bai Yi Fang in her arm while at the same time holding onto Bai Yi Mo hand as they leave the clinic.