Chapter 155: ‘A battle of Romeo and Juliet’

Bai Yi Yang clean up briefly before entering the kitchen. She start steaming the pork belly since it will take 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then make the miso soup with soft tofu. And finally stir fry the egg with chives.

"Ge, turn off the gas when the timer is up." Bai Yi Yang said to Bai Yi Chen who just entered the kitchen while she went to the Main house to take a bath. It is still early, not even 7.00 pm yet so she take her time, washing her hair too. She got the notification while she was in the shower, the food must be done.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,203]

When Bai Yi Yang came out of her bedroom, the living room is empty. So she head straight to the kitchen too.

'Okay, I will start eating.' TongTong at the counter said.

"Eat, eat." Bai Yi Yang said as she took her seat. The siblings eat dinner while chatting with each other. The meal today is also delicious so the Bai siblings enjoy it so much.

"I like it when jiejie stay at home, we don't have to woke up early. We can watch TV and sleep." Bai Yi Fang said.

"How is that reasonable. Jiejie still need to go to school." Bai Yi Ling said.

"I know.." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Jie, your cooking become more delicious than yesterday." Bai Yi Mo said as he dig in.

"You noticed it?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She also think the taste is better than lunch. Must be because she upgraded her cooking skills to Level 3.

"En, that's right." Bai Yi Fang also said.

"Yang Yang skills is improving." Bai Yi Chen smile.

"Then, that's good." Bai Yi Yang grin, her siblings will never imagine things like upgrading a cooking skills with points.

'Yummy..' TongTong who has finished eating is now lying flat on the counter. It is all worth its effort to persuade the Host to upgrade the cooking skills. Bai Yi Yang didn't know this scheme, if she knows, she would have hit TongTong on its head.

Bai Yi Chen clean up the table and dishes as Bai Yi Yang prepare snack packs and drinking water for her siblings. Then she also prepare the spread for tomorrow breakfast so that they won't be rushing. Only after that they returned to the Main house.

"Homework list for today." Bai Yi Chen hand it over to Bai Yi Yang. Bai Yi Yang look at it and immediately start working on her homework, after that she open the chat and answer Su Long questions that he had started sending again today.

'Done.' Bai Yi Yang send the answer.

'Are you by chance unwell today?' Su Long ask in the chat.

'Nope. Some business at home, see you tomorrow.' Bai Yi Yang send the text message and put her phone away. Then she watch TV with her siblings. This is her routine at night now, preparing for tomorrow, do homework and watch TV with the kids. After that, they go to sleep.

Two days passed by and finally it's Wednesday. Bai Yi Yang pack her things into the bag and chat with her classmates while waiting for Mr.Ling. After that, they can go to their club's meeting respectively.

Today club meeting is art clubs. And guess what, Bai Yi Yang is in the Theatre club. In their class, there are only 2-3 people in the same club as her, but Bai Yi Yang is not very close to them. She also don't understand why he is in the Theatre club at first, it was all because of Zhang Ming Ming.

Zhang Ming Ming is the one who drag her into the Theatre club. Bai Yi Chen is in Music club like most of the people in this class, this is because music is already taught in class and there are a lot of members, so they don't have to focus to much on club activities. Out of the art clubs in school, Literature club is the least popular.

Bai Yi Yang helplessly look at Bai Yi Chen. Bai Yi Chen knows that she dislike the Theatre club. Bai Yi Yang has joined two previous meetings before, the first one was when she was busy with the research, the second one, she run away in the middle of a meeting because she use the research as the excuse. This time, she also wanted to use the research as excuse, wait until they finished taking attendance.

Zhang Ming Ming is waiting outside the door when she come out. Zhang Ming Ming is excited because she got a role in the school play at the end of semester. Each year, they will have a School Awards Ceremony which is held at the last day of school on the 2nd semester. So the school art clubs will prepare their own performances, each grade will also prepare their own performances. So, the Theatre club also doesn't want to lose, they must put up a big performance this year.

Theatre club usually prepare a drama performance each year, it involves dancing and acting and even singing. Theatre club performance are one of the most anticipated performance in that event.

Their performance this year will be titled 'A battle of Romeo and Juliet'. It is quite interesting actually, it's not the typical romance story, the storyline is totally twisted into a different kind of drama with similar character name, just the storyline is changed here and there.

The story is about the Montague and Capulet family who has long had conflict with each other, both Romeo and Juliet have their own beloved but who knows that because of the family feud, their beloved was poisoned, only the Golden Apple can save them.

A prince who wanted the two family to make peace with each other promise to give the Golden Apple to them if Romeo and Juliet get together, so that's how Romeo and Juliet pretend to fall in love with each other just to obtain the Golden Apple to cure their beloved. When the agreed fake wedding day arrived, Romeo and Juliet hide dagger in their sleeve, ready to kill each other the moment the prince hand over the Golden Apple.

It was chaotic at the wedding, Romeo and Juliet battle to their death, they fall of the high wedding altar. Turn out, the Golden Apple can be shared, both of their beloved person is cured in the end. Because of the tragedy, the Montague and Capulet family make peace. The end.

Bai Yi Yang is quite satisfied with the storyline but she still wanted to run away.

Bai Yi Yang enter the meeting place for the Theatre club, many people is already gathered there. In front, the acting director of the play is busy gathering the actor, Zhang Ming Ming role is Romeo's mother who onlh have 2-3 lines, so she also run to the front with the other performers.

Bai Yi Yang sat down with the rest of club members who stay there to become the audience, they usually will end up help making props and costumes and arranging the stage during the performance.

"Alright, everyone sit down and I will briefly go through the scenes of the play. Each team, ready to take note." The director of the play, Hua Chang Ying said in a loud voice.

Hua Chang Ying is a bit fierce, even Zhang Ming Ming scared of her a bit, but that's why she can control the 50 something people in the room.When everyone is seated and has calm down, she started going through the scene.

The first scene will be the first meeting between Romeo and Juliet at a palace banquet, the two families attended this banquet and almost every actors will make appearance here at the first scene. The banquet is luxurious, Romeo come with his lover Rosaline and Juliet come with her lover Paris. Prince of Verona also make his appearance here, he is the mastermind behind all of this, he organised the banquet to make peace between the two family but the two family is obviously at odd with each other. The banquet end with the two family still hating each other.

The second scene is where the stage will be divided into two, one at the Montague residence and the other is at Capulet residence. The two lovers of Romeo and Juliet will be both poisoned at the same time while they were spending time together. The physician come and said the same things, the Golden Apple will be the cure. There will be singing, heart wrenching scene of watching their beloved nearly dying at this scene.

The third scene, will be a short one, both of them meet the Prince of Verona to ask for the Golden Apple. The prince stated his condition, the two family must be reunited with each other through marriage between Romeo and Juliet.

The fourth scene is scene between Romeo and Juliet at the famous veranda scene, they 'secretly' met to show that they love each other to the Prince of Verona to get the Golden Apple. They will also go to flower fields and stated their vow to marry with each other. This scene will emphasised about how the two is actually unwilling to marry each other and just pretending.

The fifth scene will be the bloody wedding where they have a fierce fight and drag each other to death, but both of their lovers will be saved. The two family also make peace after that and Prince of Verona got what he always wanted, peace between the two family.

"That's so tragic." A senior club member said.

"Yes. Our senior has did the classic Romeo and Juliet a few years ago, but we will alter it this time." Hua Chang Ying said.

"I like it. There are romance, action, tragedy, it's all there." Most people immediately agree with the storyline. Bai Yi Yang also like it so she also nod.

"Alright, we still can use same props but we also must altered a lot of things and add a lot of things. Costume team also take note." Hua Chang Ying said.

The people immediately get busy after that, Bai Yi Yang is not in any team so she with a few more club members who doesn't seem to care sit at the same place and do their own things.