Chapter 159: Afternoon break

For lunch, Bai Yi Yang is making herbal pork bone soup, ginger chicken and stir fry Chinese broccoli. She start by making the pork bone soup first since it will take the longest and it need to simmer too. To make this soup, she is using a claypot, when Bai Yi Ling returned later, their lunch would be cooked.

The 5 people have already take a break too, they didn't come inside since they are a bit dirty. Bai Yi Chen is telling them which bathroom they can use, he told the boys that they can use the one at West house while the girls can use the one Bai Yi Yang usually use in the Main house. They all said thanks and take turn freshening up.

"Yi Yang, can you let us use the towel, Ah Si forgot to bring hers." D.D cane to the kitchen after she finished taking a bath. Ah Si is the girl with Xiao Jia.

"En, use it. After that just put it inside the laundry basket." Bai Yi Yang nod. She is cutting the vegetables now. D.D was dizzy when she saw her extraordinary speed in cutting vegetables, she is even talented in cooking, D.D thought.

"Alright, thanks." D.D came out of the kitchen and head to the Main house to inform the girls. After that, she enter the kitchen again to chat with Bai Yi Yang who is busy cooking. D.D talked about her experience in the props team for 3 years now, she also tell Bai Yi Yang about her friendship with the other seniors in the Theatre Club. This is the first time Bai Yi Yang truly mingle with the Theatre Club members so Bai Yi Yang can only nod, listen and said some things once in a while.

When finished with the two dishes, Bai Yi Yang finally can go take a shower. Bai Yi Chen already go out to pick Bai Yi Ling and the 5 people is sitting in the kitchen now, waiting for their lunch to arrive.

"Why don't you sit in the living room while waiting? It's a bit hot here." Bai Yi Yang said. She usually open the widows ajar when she cook, so she turn off the air conditioning in the kitchen, the wind is cool but it's not as cold as the air conditioning in the living room.

"Can we?" D.D ask cautiously.

"Yeah, of course." Bai Yi Yang bring them to the living room, setting the fire on low and let the claypot soup continue cooking.

Before entering the bathroom with her changing clothes, Bai Yi Yang adjust the air conditioning at quite low temperature and only open one side of the main door. The team immediately gets comfortable. Since they are clean now, they dare to sit on the sofa in front of the TV. The carpet is also very comfortable, so some also sit at the carpet to feel the softness.

"Brand HN." Shai Ming whisper to the rest.

"As expected.." Xiao Jia said. They continue to look at the decorations on the TV table, but they don't dare to touch. Since they are a bit familiar now, they also dare to change the TV channel. While they were chatting, Bai Yi Yang's siblings also returned. They immediately start behaving politely again.

Bai Yi Chen briefly introduced Bai Yi Ling who went into her own bedroom after that, the bedroom nearest to where they are watching TV now.

Seems like, not only Bai Yi Yang bedroom who looks like a hotel room, even the younger sister's bedroom also look extraordinary. It's so nice being rich, the 5 people thought.

Bai Yi Chen told them to get comfortable and even offer to bring some cold drinks, but D.D politely refuse and instead, she follow him to the kitchen to being their own drinks. They can't let people serve them ah. Xiao Jia who reacted late feel regretful, she should have volunteer before D.D stood up.

Bai Yi Yang come out from the bathroom and saw her siblings has returned. She called Bai Yi Ling who immediately came out of her bedroom.

"Jie, wait for me and the rest to take a bath first." Bai Yi Ling said. Then she bring the two younger siblings to enter the bathroom to take a bath.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang nod. Bai Yi Yang enter Bai Yi Fang's bedroom first to take her clothes before running to the East house to take Bai Yi Mo's clothes. After that she enter her own bedroom to put their clothes inside so that they can change after shower.

"Have your lunch arrived?" Bai Yi Yang asked Wu Zhou and Shai Ming who is the only two left in the living room now.

"Not yet, maybe a bit late. XingXing said that your Senior Hua insist on following them so they were waiting for her." Shai Ming said. He is referring to Hua Shang Ying.

"Oh, alright. Where is the other?" Bai Yi Yang ask, she meant the three girls.

"In the kitchen." Shai Ming answer shortly, he think he knows why the girls especially Ah Si and Xiao Jia doing in the kitchen but he didn't say anything.

'Wooing your twin.' TongTong continue. Bai Yi Yang only smile and sat at the sofa to relax instead. Bai Yi Chen is looking over at the kitchen so she don't have to rush there. Her younger siblings come out one by one from the bathroom, they are a bit excited with towels wrapped around them.

"Go inside the room." Bai Yi Yang told them. When the bedroom door close, the bedroom become chaotic like usual. The children usually become excited after taking a bath, so this is normal. She also don't know why they always become excited after a bath, it's a bit hard to control them after bath, every time.

"Children has so many energy." Shai Ming said with a small laugh. Shai Ming also have younger siblings, so he understand.

"Right." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

After that, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings head to the kitchen for lunch, TongTong also follow along. When Bai Yi Yang enter, she catch the sight of two girls admiring Bai Yi Chen who is standing near the stove chatting with D.D. D.D is quite cool, she can find a conversation topic with Bai Yi Chen, unlike the two who can only nod and watch all this time.

"Ge, turn off the stove. It should be okay." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen hum shorty and turn it off.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,581]

"Alright, we won't disturb you. We will all wait at the living room." D.D said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. The three people then leave the kitchen since the Bai siblings is going to have their lunch.

The Bai siblings take their time having lunch, when they are almost done, D.D's older brother finally arrives, with XingXing and Hua Chang Ying, and another two boys that Bai Yi Yang don't know the name.

XingXing who have come here in the morning bring them inside. Seeing that they brought plastic bags filled with food, Bai Yi Yang ask them to bring it to the kitchen. Because of their arrival, Bai Yi Yang and her siblings also quickly finished their meal.

"Hello Senior." Bai Yi Yang let Bai Yi Chen clean up the dishes as usual and invite the guests to the living room.

"Junior Bai, your house looks very nice." Hua Chang Ying cannot help but praise. This should be how a traditional courtyard house with modern touch look like. Her eyes is opened today, who knows that house like this exist in the middle of a mountain.

"Thank you." Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Ling also come to bring juices not long after, as for the 5 people who have been here all morning, they are already eating in the kitchen, Bai Yi Chen even give them soup since their food looks a bit dry. So, they were enlightened with Bai Yi Yang's cooking one more time.

"Did we disturb you? I can explain to your parents." Hua Chang Ying said. She have heard from D.D that they haven't meet the parents yet.

"There is no need. They are not here." Bai Yi Yang smile.

The Bai siblings is now sitting at the sofa, and they look a bit sleepy. So Bai Yi Yang excuse herself and bring her siblings into Bai Yi Fang's bedroom to take a nap. This bedroom should be the quietest when there are guest in the living room.

"Yang Yang, do you need help with the guests?" Bai Yi Chen follow her into the bedroom, he saw Bai Yi Yang coaxing the children to sleep and stop chatting around.

"No need, ge, you go take a rest too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, alright. Call me if you need me." Bai Yi Chen said. He come out and say a few words with the people at the guest receiving area and return to his bedroom at the East house. After putting her siblings to sleep, Bai Yi Yang also come out.

When she come out, the people is scattered, some watching TV, some in the kitchen and some at the guest receiving area.

"Sorry to trouble you again. I saw that all of you have finished quite a lot whereas doing the props at the school workshop is not efficient." Hua Chang Ying said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang only smile.

"About next week, I wonder if the props team can come over again? The area here is quite big, and all the things that need to be done can be done here. Waiting for our turn at the school workshop takes time you see." Hua Chang Ying said. She is the leader of this whole performance, even though this may sound shameless, she still need to do what she need to do. If they can continue making the props here, how good will it be for the team.

"Next weekend I won't be home, I am with the Mathematic Olympiad team." Bai Yi Yang said. Hua Chang Ying looks shocked, so does the other club members who heard this.

"I..didn't know that.." Hua Chang Ying now understand why Bai Yi Yang reject the role at the beginning. Her saying that she is active with other club is not just an excuse either, she is really busy with other club's activity.

Now, she feel a bit guilty. She knows how this kind of people who excel in academic are, they don't really like stage performance, even if they join any activities, its always related to academic stuff.

"Then we won't come next week. How about the coming week?" Hua Chang Ying still ask though. Just look at the progress, at this rate, the props can be done within a few weeks time.

"No problem with that. It's just that I also have work to do at home, so I may not be able to help both in the morning and evening." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Of course, since we have decided that we will divide the work, it also applies to you. As long as we have a place to do the props. I will tell D.D later." Hua Chang Ying said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. After that, they chat about things, this and that. Some team members who is tired had fall asleep on the sofa and floor. The place is comfortable and cool, so they easily fall asleep. So in the end, Bai Yi Yang chat with Hua Chang Yin and D.D. As for the two girls, Bai Yi Yang told them to enter her bedroom to sleep, they settled on Bai Yi Yang's comfortable carpet.

They only start working again at 2.00 pm. Bai Yi Yang continue making big structures and the rest did the painting job or cutting plywood for the background. Hua Chang Ying wanted to see how Bai Yi Yang make the big structure and now she knows why Bai Yi Yang is that confident when she wanted to join the Props team.

"We always struggle with making props every time we do performances. I think this is the first time that we will finish everything early, thanks to you." Hua Chang Ying said.

"Senior, I may be busy later, so the sooner we finish, the better." Bai Yi Yang is saying the truth.

"Ah..right, I heard you are also in the R&D team? I didn't pay attention before, but your research are supposed to be amazing I heard." Hua Chang Ying said.

Hua Chang Ying is from Class 2 Grade 12, so unlike the one from Class 1 who recognise Bai Yi Yang because of Li Jian Yu and Wang Yi Lin, Hua Chang Ying circle of friend doesn't really know about the kids from Class 1. She only know this recently when she become curious about Bai Yi Yang.

"Yes. We have finished all the work. Just waiting for the submission and result." Bai Yi Yang said.

"And if D.D didn't warn me earlier that you have a twin and the twin is Bai Yi Chen, I wouldn't know." Hua Chang Ying giggle. Well, who don't like looking at good looking people?

"My twin brother is that famous?" Bai Yi Yang ask casually.

"He is, but don't tell him I know him too. Got it?" Hua Chang Ying said. She actually targeted Bai Yi Chen once, she wanted him to be an actor for their performance but she heard that his personality is always cold and indifference, so she gave up early on.

"Alright. Noted." Bai Yi Yang wink at Hua Chang Ying. Hua Chang Ying is quite strict, her personality is straightforward and if she doesn't like something she will tell outright, that's why the Theatre club members are scared of her a bit, but she is not bad when you really know her.

Bai Yi Yang finished making the two bed for Scene 2 where Rosaline and Paris is poisoned and have to stay in bed. This bed is very simple, so it was finished in no time.

[8 points earned. Total points: 1,589]

At 4.00 pm in the evening, D.D's brother arrived with a truck, the boys moved the finished props into the truck, this can be stored in the school storage. As for the rest, they arranged it neatly into Bai Yi Yang workshop. They also bought back a lot of things that they can do at school in the next weekend, the small stuff.

"Thanks for accommodating us." Hua Chang Ying also picked up by her family member, she also offer to send the two boys who come with her and also the two girls, Ah Si and Xiao Jia. As for D.D, XingXing, Wu Zhou and Shai Ming, they will wait for D.D's older brother to pick them after sending the props.

"No problem." Bai Yi Yang smile and send Hua Chang Ying to the gate.

While waiting, Bai Yi Yang took some freshly picked fruits from the orchard and divide it to the 4 remaining people. She forgot to give some to Hua Chang Ying and the other earlier. She only remember now.

"Are you selling this?" Shai Ming has tasted one yellow rambutan and ask. This taste and quality is superior ah.

"Yes. But my brother picked this earlier for us to eat. I won't ask money from you Senior Shai." Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly. Shai Ming also laugh and hit her lightly on the shoulder.

The four people tried the fruits after seeing Shai Ming's reaction, they understand now why he reacted like this. Not only delicious, sweet and juicy, they also feels immediately refreshed after eating the fruits, as if the fruits give them energy. They immediately thank Bai Yi Yang and keep some of it to bring home.

This is actually one of the most famous review from Natural Grocery's customers. They called the fruits from 'Bai Mountain' as the magical fruits. It is especially suitable to be given as a gift to elderly people and also to important guests. What more, Natural Grocery also upped the value by preparing beautiful wrappings, it is one of the luxury items in City Nan now.