Chapter 161: Friend circle

The weekend passed and the Bai siblings start going to school again. There weren't much, Bai Yi Yang don't have to come to the chemistry lab to do research work again so she is quite free. She spends more time chatting with her classmates. In the morning, they will study together or teach them difficult questions, she is quite famous in class now since she know all answer to their questions.

Of course, most of her free time in class is monopolised by Su Long. If can, he would have exchange his seat with the girl sitting in front of Bai Yi Yang. But that girl is unwilling because she also wanted to ask Bai Yi Yang for help during class.

"You understand the concept now. There is nothing to teach you anymore, you did it correctly." Bai Yi Yang said after finished checking Su Long's advanced exercise book. Su Long didn't come to ask Bai Yi Yang questions that was taught in class since he is also a top student.

"Thanks to you." Su Long lips lifted up. He look at his watch and stood up, it is almost time to return to his seat, class will start soon.

"For you. You seems to like this." Su Long took out a bottle of banana milk from his pocket and placed it onto her table.

Bai Yi Yang indeed like this brand's banana milk, it is sold at the stall outside their school but they don't sell it everyday, Bai Yi Yang planned to order it online since G Supermarket doesn't sell it either. She grinned at him and gladly accept it.

"You are the best." Bai Yi Yang said to him. Su Long is becoming more likeable as the day passed. He even know what she like to drink, what a loyal classmate ah.

"En, as long as you enjoy it." He said before walking back to his seat.

Bai Yi Yang didn't act polite and immediately start enjoying the banana milk, she chat with the girls around her as she quickly finished the drink.

"Ah, he is my disciple.." Bai Yi Yang said to her classmate when they ask about Su Long. At her words, they just smile meaningfully and once in a while glance at Su Long who is focused on his book again. They all give hints like how Su Long doesn't treat any girl like Bai Yi Yang, how he often smile when he is with Bai Yi Yang etc.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk. Even if you are sold, you won't know.' TongTong sigh. The Host is quite slow when it comes to this matter, she is a bit dumb. Maybe, she is the only one who still think that Su Long really saw her as a 'master' instead of a 'girl'.

'What did you say?' Bai Yi Yang who is busy chatting ask TongTong again.

'Nothing, I said I am sleepy.' TongTong said, ignoring Bai Yi Yang after that.

In the afternoon, Bai Yi Yang will head to the school cafeteria with her classmates but she never forget to fetch Zhang Ming Ming, certain days Zhang Ming Ming get released earlier or later, so they will save seat for each other. When she save a seat for Zhang Ming Ming, Zhang Ming Ming will hang out with her classmates from Class 1, and when Zhang Ming Ming save her and Bai Yi Chen's seats, they will hang out with Class 3 kids.

This is how it is usually. Sometimes, they will get called to sit with Ba Yi Yang's research team, which means that they will have to chat with the seniors. Zhang Ming Ming often feel uncomfortable with this so Bai Yi Yang will usually stay for a bit to talk before finding a different seat for the three of them.

Since she started being active in the Theatre club and Zhang Ming Ming is one of the actor, they hang out with the Theatre club's members one time and that is when Bai Yi Yang finally sit at the same table as Song Zheng Sheng.

Good looking kids like to hang out together, the group of performers mostly have the above average face in school and they all hang out together. Song Zheng Sheng is close to one of the actor, the 'Romeo' of their play, Yu Bo Qin. So that's how she got to sit at the same table as Song Zheng Sheng.

"Say, our fellow actors and actresses, next time when we make the props, why don't you all also take part in it?" Shai Ming said from the end of the table when the performer team keep asking Bai Yi Yang this and that.

"Good! I agree. Senior Hua, next time you go to Junior Bai's house, I will go too. I may be useless but Zheng Sheng here can do the heavy work for me." Yu Bo Qin said. He lifted up one brow at Song Zheng Sheng with a grin.

"Isn't your friend in other art club, what if he wanted to sabotage us?" Shai Ming said with a glare.

"He won't, he doesn't dare." Yu Bo Qin pat Song Zheng Sheng shoulder.

"Why ask me, ask the house owner." Hua Chang Ying can see that this Yu Bi Qin has ulterior motive, not himself but his friend. And she knows a little bit about Bai Yi Yang too now, so of course she had asked around about Bai Yi Yang.

"Junior Bai, what do you say?" Yu Bo Qin turn to Bai Yi Yang.

"If it is for the performance, then of course any help is appreciated." Bai Yi Yang agree. Song Zheng Sheng is very well behaved now, he still come to meet her but he is not as showy as before. He will just give her drinks then quickly leave and he didn't approach her in open anymore, not letting people to gossip about them. He still texted her though, he will sent a few text messages and invite her to watch his football match which Bai Yi Yang always reject in the end.

"You don't have to if you are uncomfortable." Song Zheng Sheng smile lightly and said to Bai Yi Yang. This makes the people at the same table to perk up their ears to listen.

"Why would my sister feel uncomfortable? Senior Song have good intention to help my sister's club, I appreciate it." Bai Yi Chen answer before Bai Yi Yang can say anything.

"Right, right. More people working will make the work easier." D.D also add on. The rest also nod.

That is the only time Bai Yi Chen agree to sit with the Theatre club, after that he will stay with Bai Yi Yang to chat but they always ends up spending the rest of the break time with other group. Hanging out with the Theatre club especially when Song Zheng Sheng is there is a no no.

Bai Yi Chen also have a few circle of friend but recently he also start joining the school's basketball team training. He used to play basketball in their old school, Bi'an High School in City Bei. He was in the school team but after moving here, he haven't play for a long time. His sport club is Basketball but he is an inactive member, only recently he start playing again. He is not aiming for the school's team but he also become acquaintance with the players.

Some of the memorable people are Tang Shi Rong, Jiang Wu, Zhong Chi, and Jing Wen Yan. This four people is the one that Bai Yi Yang noticed to have good relationship with Bai Yi Chen, she knows because she and Zhang Ming Ming have joined Bai Yi Chen to have lunch with them and they also often say hi when they cross way.

Tang Shi Rong and Jiang Wu is the same grade as them, they are both from Class 2. Zhong Chi and Jing Wen Yan is from Grade 11, one from Class 2 and the later is from Class 1. Jing Wen Yan is even the vice captain of the school's basketball team.

"Little Bai, you try persuade your brother, he has the skills but he refuse to join the training." Jing Wen Yan said to Bai Yi Yang when they already warm up to each other a bit. He is referring Bai Yi Yang as Little Bai since Bai Yi Yang is petite when compared to her twin brother Bai Yi Chen.

"Right, he never show his skills before so we didn't know. If we know earlier, we would have bring him in to train. Little Bai, he won't listen to us, I heard he listen to you, you try talking to him." Tang Shi Rong said.

"Who are you calling Little Bai? She is the same age as you." Bai Yi Chen send a glare at Tang Shi Rong, this Tang Shi Rong think he is a senior of Bai Yi Yang or what. It's obvious that Bai Yi Chen and Tang Shi Rong have good relationship with each other.

"Ah..mistake..mistake.." Tang Shi Rong grinned. Bai Yi Yang keep calling Bai Yi Chen her gege, so he also got confused a bit, he forgot that they are the same age.

"Sorry, I can't do anything about this, this is my gege's business. If he wanted to then I will surely support 100%." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Yi Chen, think again. As I said there will be many players gone after this semester, we need strong player for the team ah." Jing Wen Yan said.

"I agree, as I can see, you can be the point guard, the position will be empty after our last tournament in early June. Think about it." Zhong Chi also add.

Zhong Chi likes Bai Yi Chen very much, he have the skill and ability but he is very humble and doesn't show off. If they can have him in their team, then there will be less worries for the team next year.

"Yi Chen, you go join so that Yang Yang and I can come over to watch." Zhang Ming Ming also feels tempted after listening to this. There are many good looking basketball players in their school, even the four people sitting with them is not bad. If Bai Yi Chen join the team, Yang Yang will surely bring her to watch matches together.

"See, even this student think you should join." Tang Shi Rong said, he high five Zhang Ming Ming, Zhang Ming Ming blush in response.

"I will think about it.." Bai Yi Chen look at the smiling Bai Yi Yang and said.

That was the conversation on Bai Yi Yang first meeting with Bai Yi Chen's basketball circle. They all treat her politely, actually they treat her like a younger sister, even the two same grade boys. Bai Yi Yang like these kind of good boy the most. Since they are close with Bai Yi Chen, she doesn't have doubt about their characters.

One thing about male school athletes is that they are well known for being a bit wild and like to play around with girl's feeling. They are famous with good physique, if they have good looking face then their charm is increased by a lot. So they are well known to attract bees and butterflies everywhere, many have the reputation of playboy or cheater.

Bai Yi Chen hates this a lot. That's why he feel dislike towards Song Zheng Sheng. So, there is no way that his friends have this characteristic that he hates. Naturally, the friends he choose should have good character.