Chapter 163: City View Park

Zhou Zhu Yao and the Bai siblings is full after finishing the meal. There are some remaining of salads and chips but they finished all of the food basically.

"I am too full, I can't move." Bai Yi Mo said. When they fish and chips arrived, he also forgot to control eating since it is delicious, so he ends up eating a lot too.

"Fang Fang is ready to eat dessert." Bai Yi Fang said. Out of them, Bai Yi Fang is the only one who is still focused on the dessert. She have a very good self control today.

"Okay, we will do that." Bai Yi Yang smile at her.

They stay seated for a while before calling the waitress for bill. The fish and chips cost 45 yuan each, the grilled salmon cost 55 yuan, pasta cost 30 yuan, mushrooms soup and garlic bread pair cost 25 yuan. Bai Yi Yang payed a total of 323 yuan, including the additional fee and tax. Just a standard price.

Only after that they head to the next destination, it wasn't far, only a 20 minutes car ride. Because there are a lot of visitors too, they need to park their car a bit far from the spot. They all get down of the car and they need to walk for another 5-10 minutes before reaching the peak. The are many cars parked at the side of the road and the area is well lit too.

"This reminds me of our mountain." Bai Yi Ling said as she walk side by side with Bai Yi Yang.

"Right. When we installed road lights in the future, we can walk around at night too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"When will we do that?! I can't wait." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Later." Bai Yi Yang said.

The siblings walk up the hill as they chat lightly. When they arrived at the park, they all find a spot to look at City Nan at night. City Nan is a 2nd tier city, so the area is very big too. The Holiday Inn that they stayed last time is at the centre of the city while the Intercontinental Hotel is at the North part the city. Next time, they should stay somewhere at other part of the city.

"City Nan is quite prosperous." Bai Yi Yang said.

"It is. We live at a small town so we didn't really know. Actually, other towns in our province is not bad too." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"En, that's right. When we passed by other places when we head to City Nan, it is indeed not bad." Bai Yi Yang agree.

Actually this world that she goes too is indeed a bit backward compared to the one she lived in, it is still prosperous though. There are some similarities, actually a lot of similarities but there are also a lot of differences. She actually like this world better. Just look at these people in the park, the people are really spending time with each other rather than focusing on their phones all the time. She really like this world which seems more humane.

They all spend looking at the view for a while, they will point at certain building and Bai Yi Yang will answer it. What is difficult when you have a GPS ability ah, stating a place is really a piece of cake.

"Yang Yang, you really know a lot." Zhou Zhu Yao said when the children will point at certain area randomly and Bai Yi Yang will tell them what that is. She thought Bai Yi Yang was bluffing at first but when she search it, it is really true.

"En, I read things about City Nan before." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"That is really an extensive reading." Zhou Zhu Yao said in low voice. Bai Yi Chen and the rest is used to this so they don't have much reaction.

'Zhang Yong is calling you.' TongTong who is sitting on Bai Yi Yang shoulder said.

"Oh." Bai Yi Yang open her sling bag and saw Zhang Yong name. She excused herself because her siblings is a bit noisy.

"Hello?" Bai Yi Yang pick up.

"Where are you? The receptionist at the hotel said that you all went out before 8.00 pm." Zhang Yong said.

"Ah, you came to the hotel? We are outside now and won't be back soon." Bai Yi Yang look at the time and it is only 9.25 pm.

"Where? I will come over." Zhang Yong said. Seems like he just entered his car because of the door closing sound.

"City View Park. You know this place?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, I know, my friend own that café there. Are you going to the café too? I can meet you guys there." Zhang Yong said, he already start the car engine.

"Yeah, that's the plan." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, see you there. I will arrive in 20 minutes or so." Zhang Yong said.

"Alright, see you." Bai Yi Yang said before hanging up.

"Who is that?" Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Zhang Yong." Bai Yi Yang casually answer and put her phone inside her sling bag again. Don't know where they got the blowing bubbles toy but the three children is busy playing around now. Bai Yi Ling blow the bubbles and the two children compete to catch it.

"Where is gege?" Bai Yi Yang look around.

"Went to buy some water. See, they pester Yi Chen to buy them one, they are going crazy now." Zhou Zhu Yao point to the children. There are other kids playing around too so she let them be, as long as they didn't go far.

Bai Yi Yang also laugh. She click the camera and took some pictures. Her camera is a must bring item now, wherever they go, she will bring this, to take pictures of food, scenery and themselves. She quite like looking at their pictures on their free time.

"Why did the big boss call you?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"Oh, he came over to our hotel but we are out. He actually wanted to join us for dinner but suddenly there are work, so he is a bit late. He is coming later." Bai Yi Yang said and continue taking pictures.

"So the restaurant was recommended by him?" Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Yeah, sort of." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"How old is he again?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"25. Why?" Bai Yi Yang look up. Zhou Zhu Yao have big suspicion but she didn't say it. She only said to Bai Yi Yang that his age is not far from her.

Bai Yi Chen returns with two bottles of water. Then he ask the same thing to Bai Yi Yang. His response is just so-so. The twin has fight enough when it comes to Zhang Yong, and Bai Yi Chen doesn't want to ruin the mood.

"Take a rest, look at you all sweaty." Bai Yi Yang called the two youngest siblings of her. Bai Yi Ling is still fine, she is in charge of blowing the bubbles so she is not sweaty at all but it was different for Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo who run hard chasing the bubbles trying to pop them.

"This toy is so fun! I want to buy hundreds of them to bring home." Bai Yi Fang said as she run towards Bai Yi Yang direction. She let her older sister to wipe the sweat from her face and neck.

"We can buy some later but hundreds is too much." Bai Yi Yang giggles.

"Then we can buy less than 100." Bai Yi Mo said. He is waiting for his turn to be wipe clean.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang agree. Actually they can find it in town too, but the children just never tried it out before. Bai Yi Ling know how to play with it so she is not that enthusiastic.

"Are we eating dessert now?" Bai Yi Fang is dried now so she is waiting at the side for her xiao gege.

"Yeah." Bai Yi Yang nod.

After the children is dried from sweat, they all head to the café. It is only 50 meters away from the park, quite a big place and the place is almost full of people. The first floor is full but the second floor is not, there are people queueing outside to wait for their turn. The siblings is not in a rush, so they also queue up at the end of the line. The children chat excitedly and Bai Yi Yang will said a few words once in a while.

Bai Yi Yang took her phone out and saw 3 missed calls from Zhang Yong. She look at TongTong who is sitting on top of Bai Yi Ling shoulder and knows that TongTong must've been distracted too. She immediately put her phone on ring mode and call Zhang Yong.

"I didn't see you anywhere inside." That is Zhang Yong first word when he picked up the phone.

"We are not inside yet, there are many people. We are still queuing outside." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, I come out to pick you." Zhang Yong said.

"Ah, you got a seat?" Bai Yi Yang try looking inside but she is a bit short, can't see pass the people.

"En." Zhang Yong answer.

Not long after, the other door of the café opened from inside, a tall handsome young man who seems to be talking on the phone come out and said a few words to the staff who is guarding the door. The staff smile politely at him and unhook the barrier to let him passed through.

Zhang Yong is already good looking, when he is dressed in semi formal outfit, he looks more handsome. What more, his aura also screams money, making him look more appealing. The young girls who saw him passed through cannot help but steal glances, hoping that he will also look back at them. But they are meant to be disappointed when the handsome gege face brighten and call out towards a pretty young girl lining up.

"Yi Yang!" Zhang Yong wave with a big smile when he spot Bai Yi Yang and her siblings. He put his phone aside when Bai Yi Yang turn to him. He saw her smile and wave back at him and his mood immediately lift up. Not in rush anymore, he ignored the look from the people around and approached the group.

"Hello Big brother Zhang, long time now see." The children greet him happily. Zhang Yong is quite likeable, the children like him very much.

"Hello Xiao Ling, Xiao Mo and Fang Fang." Zhang Yong smile back and pat the three children head.

"Big brother Zhang look very handsome like a celebrity." Bai Yi Fang didn't hold back with her praise, she look at Zhang Yong admiringly. Bai Yi Ling at the side look a bit embarrassed.

"Really, I am flattered. Fang Fang look very adorable too." Zhang Yong praise back. This makes Bai Yi Fang happy and like him even more.

"Let's head inside, we can talk more later." Zhang Yong said to the group.

"Okay. Gege, I wanted a lift. Tired." Bai Yi Fang turn to her older brother. Bai Yi Chen smile and lift up Bai Yi Fang. The other two children hold onto Zhou Zhu Yao hands.

Zhang Yong bring them inside through the same door he came out, the waiter immediately ushered them to the second floor when he saw Zhang Yong. Zhang Yong took the chance to walk next to Bai Yi Yang.

"Hi." He said first with a smile.

"Hi." Bai Yi Yang greet back.

"How was the journey?" Zhang Yong ask.

"Nothings special. It still take 1 hour and a half. Big brother Zhang, did you race here? It is less than 20 minutes. I thought we will have to wait for you." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Yeah, raced a bit." Zhang Yong laugh.

"Sorry I couldn't come to eat dinner together. Did you have a good meal?" Zhang Yong said.

"The place is nice, their food is delicious too. Your recommendation is not bad." Bai Yi Yang nod.

"I only work until afternoon tomorrow, I will bring you to look around later." Zhang Yong said.

"I know you are busy, we can actually go around on our own." Bai Yi Yang answer.

"How can that be? I have made this plan for a long time, you can't ditch me now." Zhang Yong frown.

"Alright, then I will trouble Mr.Zhang then." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"No trouble. City Nan is my playground, it is only natural that I bring you around." Zhang Yong said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod.

They arrived at their table at the second floor, there are a few groups of people, when they saw Zhang Yong walking with Bai Yi Yang, they all gave him that look. The people who often come here, of course Zhang Yong recognise them. This café is owned by his friend and the second floor is obviously not for everyone. After the brief exchange, they didn't look anymore, it's better not to pry into other people business, what more Zhang Yong is a rising star amongst the young generation of rich family in City Nan. It's not about his shop, but recently Zhang Yong has gained a few influence in the Zhang family.

"Friends?" Bai Yi Yang casually ask.

"Acquaintances." Zhang Yong smile lightly.

They all are seated a bit far for some privacy. The waiter immediately give them the menu. He also said some recommendation. Zhang Yong is a regular but he doesn't really know about the dessert here, he come to drink coffee usually.

"Blueberry soufflé pancakes, this macaroons set, crème brûlée, bread pudding and two slices of your shop signature cake. And also 6 cups of iced water, Big brother Zhang, what about you?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"Iced Americano for me." Zhang Yong smile.

"Very well." The waiter take away the menu and leave them alone.