Chapter 165: Mathematics Olympiad

The next morning, Bai Yi Yang woke up at 7.30 am and quietly get ready. Since they are representing their school, they need to wear their formal school uniform. Bai Yi Yang wear her uniform and tied her hair into a ponytail before he tied it with a scarf.

"Jie, wake up." Bai Yi Yang wake Zhou Zhu Yao up. Their plan was that she and Zhou Zhu Yao will eat breakfast early at 8.00 am, Zhou Zhu Yao will send her and return to the hotel after that. Zhou Zhu Yao only need to tidy up lightly.

"Oh Yang Yang, are we late?" Zhou Zhu Yao sat up.

"No, 15 minutes before 8.00 am." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay, I will get ready too." Zhou Zhu Yao enter the bathroom and clean up lightly. When she come out, Bai Yi Yang is tidying up her backpack so she quickly change into a decent clothes and she is done.

'TongTong, you stay here and enjoy your time okay.' Bai Yi Yang tease the barely awake TongTong and poke it's round stomach. TongTong is sleeping with its back flat on the bed.

'Okay, when I am awake, I will come visit you..' TongTong said in half awake state.

Bai Yi Yang woke up Bai Yi Ling before leaving, she told her that she and Fang Fang should sleep more. Zhou Zhu Yao will also return around 9.00 am. Bai Yi Ling nod before resting her head on the pillow again. As for Bai Yi Chen, Bai Yi Yang only texted him.

When they arrived at the dining hall, quite a lot of people there, there are even a team of about 15 students who is wearing different kind of school uniform having breakfast now. Bai Yi Yang look at their green and white school uniforms and she is glad that their school uniform is quite pretty. To be honest, this certain school uniform look a bit old fashioned.

Since Bai Yi Yang saw them, they also have seen her, they just whisper amongst themselves and stop looking. Bai Yi Yang also start taking food and sat at a table with Zhou Zhu Yao. When she checked their Olympiad group chat, seems like they all are getting ready to head to the venue too. Their school's Olympiad team stay at other hotel, it was a smaller hotel and from the group chat, seems like the other school team also stay there.

Bai Yi Yang tell the updates to Zhou Zhu Yao and Zhou Zhu Yao immediately urged her to eat faster, what more when she saw the high school student team who was having breakfast also stood up. They leave the hotel before 8.30 am in a rush.

"Jie, we are not late." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I know but we can't let your teammates wait." Zhou Zhu Yao said. Bai Yi Yang laugh and agree.

Bai Yi Yang arrived at the entrance at 8.43 am. She said goodbye to Zhou Zhu Yao and head inside. She saw many teams in the big hall, some are registering and some are just standing around. When she spot their school team, she run over and greet the teacher, Teacher Ai. Other than Teacher Ai, she also saw Mr.Ling and another male staff from their school.

"Ah, Yi Yang is here. Go chat with the other first, we are still waiting for 2 people, then we can register." Teacher Ai said to Bai Yi Yang. Bai Yi Yang nod, run to Mr.Ling to greet him and the male staff before coming over towards Li Jian Yu direction who is calling her over.

"Where are you staying?" Li Jian Yu ask her. To be honest, Bai Yi Yang is not very close to people in the Olympiad team, she only met them during club activities and through Li Jian Yu. Li Jian Yu friend circle mostly joined the Olympiad, Wang Yi Lin from the research team can be considered to be his new close classmate. Apparently, before the R&D team is formed, Bai Yi Yang was informed that the two never really talked outside the classroom.

"Intercontinental Hotel. You?" Bai Yi Yang ask. She knows that Li Jian Yu didn't stay with the team too.

"My family have a house here. It's a bit far, more than 30 minutes away." He said.

"Did you meet the students from Nansheng International School then? I heard they are staying there. Our school can't afford the room cost so we never stayed there." A female senior said, she is called Wei Shuang. She is famous too, she is in the school debate team with Ruby An, their team even won 2nd place in the last English debate competition.

"Oh, the one in green and white uniforms?" Bai Yi Yang lowered her voice. No wonder she saw non local face amongst the bunch, so they are an international school.

"Yeah, why are you whispering?" Wei Shuang laugh lightly.

"Their uniform is a bit..special.." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"You noticed it too. That is indeed true." Li Jian Yu also agree and release a small laugh.

"Where is your classmate? Did he texted you or anything?" Li Jian Yu ask. He is talking about Su Long. He once praised Su Long because his classmates once told him about that intelligent boy, when they do the training, he is quite good. Bai Yi Yang often joke that Su Long is her disciple, Li Jian Yu also ends up asking her a lot of questions every time they meet up after that. He found out that Bai Yi Yang is really good in everything.

Bai Yi Yang took out her phone and saw a message from Su Long. He said that he is almost there and they are just stuck at the university gate. He will arrive in 5 minutes or so.

"He is almost here." Bai Yi Yang said and put away her phone. After that she ask the group of seniors about their experience in the examination hall, what can and cannot do, etc.

The seniors entertained her and gave her a lot of tips. Since their seat will be shuffled, they also told her not to fall into other students petty scheme such as borrowing them her stationery because there are cases that they won't return it to her and disturb her focus and waste her time.

"There are case like that?" Bai Yi Yang ask wide eyed.

"Yes. This is a competition so of course other school wanted to sabotage the high achievers. But our school don't have that. So you don't have to worry, just do your best." Qin Fen said. He is the handsome senior that she met at the Maths club on the first week of school, even now he didn't fail to attract other female students attention. It's just that the students from their school is immune to his charm so they are still okay.

Su Long arrived a few minutes after 9.00 am and they all went to register. Bai Yi Yang went to calm down her disciple since he is a bit tense after coming a bit late.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's not your fault." Bai Yi Yang pat him at his back. They are now lining up to enter the examination hall. They are amongst the last group that registered. Actually there are still 20 minutes or so but Su Long keep apologising.

"I leave early, who knows that we will meet a traffic jam at some area." Su Long sigh.

"En, en, I know. You calm down first." Bai Yi Yang said. She found out that Su Long is a bit panicky.

"You drink water and calm down. You can have it all." Bai Yi Yang gave him her water bottle. She took this from the water dispenser from their hotel room which she added with a bit replenishing solution. It won't affect her much but it is good for her siblings. When she is finished using the vial of energy replenishing solution, she plan to purchase another one.

"Thanks Yi Yang." Su Long smile at her and took a drink.

"How do you feel now?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Much better." Su Long smile. He really calm down in a few minutes. Just when they enter the hall, he is already back to the cool Su Long.

When they got their seat number, they all gathered their bags at one area. Teacher Ai and the rest will take care of it. They all enter the hall with their stationery and find their seat. Bai Yi Yang and Su Long bid goodbye to each other when they found their seat, Bai Yi Yang is in Class No.2 while Su Long seat is far behind, maybe in Class No.4 or No.5.

On top of their table are the questions paper booklet. There are a total of 35 questions with a total mark of 40. The scoring system is divided into Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honourable Mention. She heard that their school had a Silver medal holder before and the aim of their school is always to get a medal or at least an Honourable Mention. Last year, they have 1 bronze medal from Li Jian Yu and 2 Honourable Mention. Their school is doing well actually. In their province, she heard that there are only 2-3 gold medalists each year. The competition is quite difficult. Of course Bai Yi Yang is not afraid, when it comes to studying matter, is there anything else that she fear? There is none.

The invigilator read the instructions in front of the booklet, there is also an answer paper where they will need to write their final answer. When the clock struck 9.30 am, the bell rings and the competition start.

Bai Yi Yang open the questions booklet calmly. She is used to this pattern since she have answered all those compilation of questions. The questions in front is a bit easy, she answered them smoothly with no problem. The last 5 questions is a bit challenging, the other three is quite okay, but the last two questions is something that she need to attempt a few times.

When she solved one of the difficult question, she looks around and there are different expressions on the students face. Today, there are more than 200 students who came to compete, some school sends a lot of representatives, some send only 1 or two students. She can see many different type of school uniforms, it is quite refreshing. Since she still have a lot of time, she decided to rest her brain from the hateful Mathematics question.

"Student, are you okay?" A female invigilator come to approach Bai Yi Yang when she saw her dazed away. Other students is busy writing but this student has her booklet close.

"Yes teacher. I am just resting my brain." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Do you still have many questions left? You only have less than 1 hour." The female invigilator said in concern.

"1 more question left." Bai Yi Yang said as she show the invigilator her answer sheet. The female invigilator smile and continue walking around.

After doing nothing for 10 minutes, Bai Yi Yang decided to attempt the last question again. Her hatred towards Mathematics question is clearly shown by her uglier than usual handwriting on the booklet. She spends 20 minutes before finally succeeded. She finally put down her pencil. She check the time and she still have about 30 minutes or so, the students are getting anxious and some had already given up and just look around. Bai Yi Yang joined this students to daze away when she heard an announcement.

"15 minutes left. Students, please check your answers sheet. Make sure they are tallied with your answer in the booklet." The invigilator remind. Bai Yi Yang cooperate well and start checking her paper too. After she is satisfied with her answers, she put it back on the table and play with her pencil to waste time.

The bell rings right at 12.00 pm. The invigilator still need to collect their examination paper so they still cannot leave, they only finished counting at 12.15 pm and the students are allowed to come out of the examination hall. Bai Yi Yang go to her team and they waited for the rest to come out before heading to the promised restaurant.

It is a common thing to ask each other after coming out of exam hall, it was the same for their school team.

"Enough. You all have done your best, we just need to wait for the result now. Hopefully out school can attend the award ceremony this year again." Teacher Ai smile at her student.

Even when the teacher have already said that, the students cannot move on. They will ask Li Jian Yu about certain question, some cheer happily and some become more down after hearing Li Jian Yu's answers.

"Yi Yang. How did you do?" Su Long finally came out and went straight to Bai Yi Yang. He thinks he did quite well, he is confident that he can pass at least the Bronze medal level. That's why he is in a very good mood.

"Quite well. There are 2 difficult questions, I took a while solving them." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Ah, that must be the one I left out." Su Long said and awkwardly laugh.

"How was the question?" Mr.Ling came approach them. Su Long and Bai Yi Yang is from his class, he especially give attention to them. He knows how good Bai Yi Yang is but exam is different, she may not do well during exam so he didn't put any pressure.

"Quite good." Both of them answer together.

"Then, can we expect a good result?" Mr.Ling joke. He is already proud that two students from his class made it to the team, he actually didn't expect much. Just let them have the experience this year.

"I think Yi Yang can give a surprise. I think I can get Bronze at best." Su Long said. He already calculated based on the questions that he is confident.

"Bronze is very good." Mr.Ling nod a few times and pat Su Long on the shoulder. Well, seems like he can expect a bit then. Su Long is not someone that will talk big.

"Yi Yang, your family is here too? Would you be joining the team for lunch?" Mr.Ling ask.

"Yes. Someone will pick me up later. Mr.Ling, where is the hotpot restaurant?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"It's Sinking Boat HotPot." Mr.Ling answer. They already planned to treat the students with hotpot for lunch before going for a round at the shopping mall. The students will return today, the school only book a hotel for one night.

"Okay, thanks Mr.Ling." Bai Yi Yang smile. Mr.Ling didn't disturb them anymore and went with the male staff.