Chapter 171: Midterm Exam and Love triangle

The following week, the atmosphere of the class change a bit. They are still excited when they receive the souvenirs from Bai Yi Yang but after Mr.Ling came to give some speech, they also become more serious. Their midterm examination will be next week, they are still carefree but they are also more serious. When they have time, instead of going crazy all the time, they will sit with each other and revise.

Because of this, Bai Yi Yang also affected a bit. Bai Yi Chen is seriously reviewing too. When his laptop arrived, he only unbox and set it up before putting it aside.

'What's the big deal, it's only midterm.' Bai Yi Yang can only complain to TongTong.

'Hey young miss, you are in Class 1, of course this is a big deal.' TongTong said. Class 1 students are supposed to be study geek, only it's host is indifferent.

Bai Yi Yang sigh and start reviewing too. She open one page and read briefly before opening other page.

"Yi Yang, we haven't learn this yet. It won't come out in exam." Su Long interrupt her.

"Oh, okay." Bai Yi Yang then close the Geography book and open the Politics book.

"You okay? You don't look happy?" Su Long put a bottle of Banana milk in front of her. Bai Yi Yang immediately took it and poke the straw before start drinking it.

"I am not happy, I don't want to study but at the same time I think I need to study like the rest too. You don't know this but my gege will give me a look even at home when I am watching TV or playing my phone." Bai Yi Yang sigh. Su Long is amused with her being so distressed like this.

"Then, what is your aim for this examination?" Su Long ask. He gave a look to the girl who originally sit in front of Bai Yi Yang, he wanted to sit here for a while so she go to her friends. The female classmate can only helplessly stood up and leave her seat empty. Su Long shamelessly sat down and ignore the female classmate glare.

"I want to beat you and be number one ah. If not I need to join evening session." Bai Yi Yang said, right, she still need to fulfil her promise, she really need to score well in the exam.

"Then, I shouldn't let you beat me so you can join evening session." Su Long smile lightly.

"Evil…" Bai Yi Yang feel betrayed. She and Su Long is considered BFF now. Well at least in the classroom, she spends the most time with Su Long other than Bai Yi Chen.

"You are intelligent. Let me ask you some questions, if you can answer it, then I won't bother you and go study instead.." Su Long said.

"Okay..ask.." Bai Yi Yang said. So for the next 15 minutes, Su Long will ask and she will answer, her answers is always right until this one question.

"Wrong." Su Long can finally smile. He is basically asking some exercise question and looking at the answer scheme at the same time, but Bai Yi Yang never get it wrong until now. She even explain things to him.

"Why? Impossible." Bai Yi Yang snatch the answer scheme.

"This is an outdated answer. This is wrong." Bai Yi Yang said confidently. But then her bubble burst, that is because the answer that she stated hasn't occur yet. She is too forward with the time. If she gave this answer in the future, then she is right. But based on current information, she answer wrongly. If she don't want to make mistakes like this, she must read the textbook.

"I understand now. Su Long, I need to study, don't disturb me." Bai Yi Yang said and shooed Su Long away. Su Long is confused, he is kicked away out of nowhere. But since Bai Yi Yang wanted to study now, he is also happy for her.

Because of this discovery, Bai Yi Yang reread all the textbooks and match it with her knowledge. So she also join her twin in revising. Of course, she is not as diligent as Bai Yi Chen. 2 hours per day is more than enough for her.

In the weekend, the Theatre club activities is also halted for a while, so Bai Yi Yang just stay at home. She still continue her construction project but the time is reduced a lot since she need to revise this current timeline knowledge. So, she is indeed a bit free this week.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,827]

Bai Yi Yang bring the fried ribs that has been marinated in fermented red bean curd since this morning to the diner table. Other than that she also scoop out the pork soup with carrots and yam. Other than that, there is also king oyster mushrooms glazed with soy butter. This is their dinner today.

When Bai Yi Chen enter the kitchen, he looks a bit tired. He have been studying hard this week, since the exam is tomorrow, he is even more studios during this weekend. Their school have a lot of subjects, there are a total of 9 papers for midterm, some day have 3 different subjects in a day. Luckily the longest duration will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. They can even go back early this week. Other than that, the coming Tuesday is supposed to be a Labour Day, but they can only stay at home because they have exams the next few days.

They had their dinner as usual. Bai Yi Yang also prepare for tomorrow then they all returned to the living room. The younger siblings seems to know that their older siblings will have exam soon, so they didn't make much noise. Bai Yi Ling exam is next week, the high school exam is 1 week early.

Just like that, 1 busy exam week passed. Bai Yi Chen doesn't allow Bai Yi Yang to do any work this week, he told her to study. Other than picking mushrooms to be dried, Bai Yi Yang also didn't do anything. Anyway, after exams she can resume her work.

After the time for the last exam paper ends, everyone in the classroom have relieved smile. Bai Yi Yang is also relieved because everyone returned back to normal again. They still have time before the afternoon break at 12.00 pm so the teachers let them be. As long as they didn't run around outside the class, there is no problem if they chat in the class.

The Class 1 student immediately returned to being crazy. Some feel distressed because they did badly. But midterm exam is actually not a big deal, its just that it will stay in their record book. It won't look that good if they didn't do well.

"Yang Yang, how was the last paper?" Bai Yi Chen suddenly sat in front of Bai Yi Yang. This is a rare occurrence. So the girls immediately crowd too. They pretend to chat along but actually the biggest reason of it was Bai Yi Chen. What to do, Bai Yi Chen is just popular.

"I did well. You, ge?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"Not bad." Bai Yi Chen said.

After that, the other also chimed in. But overall, the vibes of the class is much more better that the whole week. Since Bai Yi Chen took the initiative to chat with the girls, the rest also come forward. Bai Yi Yang's table and the surrounding suddenly become a bit crowded.

'This is the power of a handsome face ah.' TongTong said.

'Yeah right, my bag is going to get crushed.' Bai Yi Yang said.

"The socks? My gege choose it." Bai Yi Yang said when someone finally have mood to ask about the souvenir they gave last week.

"Really? I was too distracted last week, my mom found it on my table and I suddenly remember about it. If I know Yi Chen is the one who choose it..." A girl said with slight blush.

"What shop is it? Mine has been stolen by my older sister." Mo Yi Ru said regretfully.

"This time Yi Chen is more thoughtful. I have used mine a few times." A boy student said.

"SockWorld. They have online shop too." Bai Yi Yang said. This is the answer that she usually give when the shop is only available in City Nan. This is a way to comfort them who stays far away from City Nan.

"Yi Yang, you already gave us souvenirs 3 times, we only gave you once at most. Its too difficult.." They all said.

"I am not asking for repayment." Bai Yi Yang smile.

After that, they continue to chat until Mr.Ling enter the class. He came to give congratulations after exams, then return their mobile phone. Only after that can they leave the classroom.

Because of the people surrounding her, Bai Yi Yang can only say goodbye to Su Long before leaving with Bai Yi Chen. She didn't even have time to say that she is confident that she can beat him before Bai Yi Chen pull her away.

The twin went to pick up Zhang Ming Ming and they immediately go down from the third floor. Who knows that their group will be stopped at the second floor where Grade 11 students is. It is actually a group of girls, 4 girls. The prettiest among them came forward to talk to Bai Yi Yang.

"Junior Bai, can I have a word?" The girl said. Bai Yi Yang look at her brother and Zhang Ming Ming. Since they are at the stairs, she bring them to stand aside so not to hinder the other students. To be honest, Bai Yi Yang never seen this senior before.

"Yes. What can I help you?" Bai Yi Yang said with a small smile. There are 4 of them but they didn't look like bullies.

"We talk over there. I don't want other people to hear." The pretty senior said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod and told the two of them to wait for her here. She will go talk to the senior. The three girls also didn't follow, they also stay where they were.

"Senior, please talk now, there is nobody here. Someone is still waiting for me." Bai Yi Yang stop when the distance is quite far from the other. She is not afraid but she cannot let Bai Yi Chen and Zhang Ming Ming wait for long. What more, they need to catch the bus home.

"Alright. Then I will ask, what is your relationship with Song Zheng Sheng? I know he like you, how about you?" The female senior ask. Seems like she doesn't really like Bai Yi Yang. She have this quite arrogant express on her face as she look at Bai Yi Yang head to toe.

'What is this, Song Zheng Sheng lover? Admirer?' Bai Yi Yang thought.

'Ding! Dong! Deng!' TongTong answer playfully.

"Forgive me, but senior you are prying into my private life. What does my relationship with Senior Song has anything to do with you?" Bai Yi Yang also doesn't want to talk kindly to this person. If she guess correctly, she may have been rejected by Song Zheng Sheng, since Song Zheng Sheng did confess to her once, she is finding fault with her.

"I didn't know you are this kind of person? I heard you are very smart. Why do you have to play with many men's heart?" The senior immediately accuse her.

"Excuse me?" Bai Yi Yang laugh mockingly. Senior or whatever, if she follow her previous age, she is 26 years old ah.

"Senior, from what I remember, I never cross path with you or wronged you. Is this because of Senior Song that your are downgrading other woman? I never play with men's heart. Senior Song confessed to me once, I rejected him right away. Don't tell me that your are rejected by him, if not, why are you finding fault with me now?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"You!" The senior face blush and she said angrily. She is ready to fight Bai Yi Yang anytime now. If Bai Yi Yang open her mouth one more time, she would not hold back.

"Li Na!" Song Zheng Sheng voice came from afar. Both Bai Yi Yang and the female senior turn to look.

"You called him?" The female senior eyes redden, seems like she is going to cry. Bai Yi Yang laugh mockingly and let her think what she wants.

"What the hell are you doing?! I rejected you, why are you coming to Yi Yang now?" Song Zheng Sheng fist is clenched as he glare at the female senior.

"I..I..just want to..she is playing with you. She seduce other people at the same time too.." The female senior said.

"Nonsense. I told you I don't like you, now you are here causing trouble." Song Zheng Sheng scold her again.

Bai Yi Yang feel dizzy standing between this two people. She is fine with being friends with Song Zheng Sheng. But if being friend with someone that have confessed to her cause her to be accused of being a playgirl and have a bad character, then she rather not. She wanted a peaceful school life more than anything.

"Senior Song. Since it has come to this, I think we should not talk or contact each other again. I want a peaceful life, I don't want to be entangled with any of the girls who have crush on you in the future. Then, farewell." Bai Yi Yang coldly said. She is so tired with this whole situation.

"Yi Yang, I don't have any relationship with this girl.." Song Zheng Sheng try to stop her. Bai Yi Yang ignore him, she didn't even have any reaction when he called her.

"Sh*t! F*ck!" Song Zheng Sheng said angrily as Bai Yi Yang figure disappear from his sight. His anger is not directed to Bai Yi Yang, just towards the whole situation in general. He have been maintaining good relationship with Bai Yi Yang all this time, who knows it will crumble just like that.

"Zheng Sheng..I just don't like it when she.." The girl called Li Na tried to explain.

"Shut up. From today onwards, I don't want to see your just disgust me more." Song Zheng Sheng glare at her and walk away.

Li Na can only cried sadly after Song Zheng Sheng left. The three friends can guess a bit about what had happened. Actually, they are foolish too. It was Song Zheng Sheng who rejected Li Na what does it have to do with that junior. But, they just don't know what to do anymore, Li Na is upset after getting rejected. The 4 of them initially wanted to intimidate Bai Yi Yang, who knows it ends up like this. The situation just get worsened.