Chapter 176: R&D team preparation

Since their exam is finished, Sir Austin has been making plans for the competition. The most important thing that he always emphasised is that they must know the research in and out. It's easy for Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin the science enthusiast, but it is a bit hard even for top student Li Jian Yu, what more Ruby, the mediocre one of the bunch.

Li Jian Yu is the top student, but it doesn't mean that he is the top when it comes to science subject. Of course he is the best in overall, that's why he is the called the top student. As for Ruby, he may be the president of the R&D club, but her science knowledge is not that high.

So, they divided the task as such; during the presentation, Ruby will be the opening speaker since she is good at attracting people and saying flowering beautiful words, then Bai Yi Yang will take over to present the core of the research paper.

As for Wang Yi Lin and Li Jian Yu, they will be in charge of technical things that day. Then, on the second day which is the exhibition day, Wang Yi Lin will become the main speaker of their booth together with Li Jian Yu since there will also be judges that day. Bai Yi Yang and Ruby will be in charge of explaining to other people who come to visit their booth, well actually it's a 4 people work. Not only those who have science background, there will be also people who don't have deep science knowledge so it is important to know how to use simple words in most people will understand.

'I am a bit worried about my English.' Li Jian Yu send this to the group.

'Don't worry, as long as you can present the important points. We will be competing with other non-English speaking countries too, it will be fair.' Bai Yi Yang type.

'Yeah! We can do it!' Ruby replied with a bunch of emojis.

'It still haven't sink into me that we are really competing internationally.' Li Jian Yu add. This is a dream come true, even though the dream is not all sweet, he is actually panicking inside.

'Wake up bro..' Wang Yi Lin replied to Li Jian Yu.

'Remember, next Wednesday we still need to present it to some important people and the whole school.' Sir Austin drop another bomb.

Well, this is really the case. Their team achievements is actually not small. Representing the whole country in a big competition like this is no small feat. Actually, they are the only team from City Nan, and the last time City Nan have a representative is many years ago. Usually, things like this are dominated by elite schools from the big cities.

This year, their country is sending a total of 5 teams, 2 teams from City Zhou, 1 team from City Shang and 1 team from City Bei and lastly is their team. It is a shock that some unknown school from City Nan make the list. Not from the main City Nan but from a small school at that. This is the first time QiYing enter the competition and they head straight to final. What a great honour.

It's just that, this result haven't been publicised, not many people in school know it yet. For now, only Sir Austin and some higher up knows abut this. That's why they are organising a special event on Wednesday for them to show off this research. The school will receive important guests to listen to their presentation. Don't know if is good or bad that Sir Austin only mentioned about it yesterday after their exams.

'OMG!!!' Ruby panicked in the group. Li Jian Yu also sends a devastated looking emoji. What will the other student say if they know that this top student in school is a scaredy-cat? Bai Yi Yang wanted to laugh.

'Yi Yang and Ruby is the one who should panic, not you.' Wang Yi Lin poke on Li Jian Yu injury.

'Everyone should go up to the stage and say something later. A simple speech.' Sir Austin said, this sentence made Wang Yi Lin panic too.

'What?!' Li Jian Yu was sent into a further panic.

'What should we say?' Wang Yi Lin ask.

'Introduction and your motivation to win.' Sir Austin send a smiley emoji.

Like that, the group chat become very lively. Wang Yi Lin texted Bai Yi Yang personally after that, she told Bai Yi Yang to help her with her short speech, which Bai Yi Yang agree with.

Research presentation? It doesn't scare her a bit. She have presented to people who is much more important, there is one time when her career even depends on it. So this is a child play.

The following week, Bai Yi Yang start coming to the Chemistry lab again, early in the morning before class and after lunch. Her fame in school is also greatly increased, that's because during the assembly at Monday, the four members of R&D team were called out in front by the principal for their achievement. They become one of the team that will represent the country to this huge competition. They received a tremendous claps and cheers from the teachers and students.

The four people rise into a stars in school, by the end of the assembly, everyone in the high school recognise them. It was especially more impactful on Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin because they are good looking.

So for a while, she became a model student in her teacher's eyes. Zhou Zhu Yao's friend Hong Min, Teacher Hong even personally went to congratulate her. Don't say about Mr.Ling, Mr.Ling is smiling ear to ear when the principal praise his student after the assembly.

Their research have been submitted, so it's not a problem to talk about the research and the results. So when she was asked by her classmates, she will gladly tell them about it. It wasn't that interesting to high school students so their questions usually focused on her coming trip to Country S instead. This sounds more interesting than some research that they can't understand much.

On Wednesday the same week, the team finally get on the stage to present their research called 'The chemical constituents of Panax ginseng and Panax notoginseng and the difference in therapeutic efficacy'. There are indeed many important people, this is the most VIPs that the school every received which makes the team become more anxious.

"Let's do this as practice. Our research is amazing, there is no need to worry that people won't listen to it." Bai Yi Yang said. The other three immediately calm down too, Bai Yi Yang is right, their research is this good, what are they afraid of?

The venue is set in their school big hall, students are seated based on their class and grades, teacher sit in the front row and the VIPs and the principal sit at the most front. There are important people such as the leader of their town, but Bai Yi Yang heard that there are 2-3 more people who have higher ranks than their town head. Then, there are principles from other schools in City Nan that also sent their team but didn't get chosen to be representative. Because of this, the principal of their school even called Sir Austin to know more about the research because he doesn't want to be embarrassed if he was asked about it.

The first 30-40 minutes of the event are about the VIPs and the principal speech, Sir Austin name and the 4 members of the research team name was mentioned a few times, making the 4 people become much more alert backstage.

When it was their turn to finally present their research, Li Jian Yu set up the presentation screen, Wang Yi Lin gave out the brochures that they made last minute and Ruby standby to start the presentation. Today, they were required to wear their school's formal uniform, so they bought their uniform from home to change. This is because they will take a lot of pictures today.

As expected of Ruby, she started the presentation catching everyone attention, she said she was nervous backstage but she did really well introducing their research, of course she only stop until the introduction, she is too scared to present the important things.

"I have talked enough, let's go into the most important part, please welcome Student Bai Yi Yang." Ruby said. A round of applause echo through the big hall. Bai Yi Yang step onto the stage with a big smile.

"Greetings to everyone, my name is Bai Yi Yang. I am going to present on the results of our research." Bai Yi Yang go straight to the point. Unlike Ruby's interesting and colourful presentation full of witty comments, Bai Yi Yang part is more tricky. The slides is made by her, she wanted to make it as short as possible but include all the important information, not missing a thing.

If just now Ruby's got full attention from the students, now Bai Yi Yang got full attention from the teachers and VIPs. As she said, their research will not make intelligent people feel bored, they won't dare to blink in case they miss important points. Of course, many students are also interested with this stuff because Bai Yi Yang provide explanation on the difficult term so it can be understood by everyone.

"Phew. Well, that was a bit dry." Bai Yi Yang said jokingly in Chinese when she saw the not so enthusiastic reaction from the students. The VIPs, teachers and students laugh at her comment.

"That concludes our research topic, there are numerous opinions about traditional medication in our country, there are positive and negative remarks, with this research which have stronger evidence that Panax ginseng and Panax notoginseng have many therapeutic benefits, those people will finally shut their mouth." Bai Yi Yang said. The VIPs laugh again.

Ginseng originally used by their people from the ancient time, there are doubts and negative remarks as said by Bai Yi Yang, no wonder this research won a spot in their national team, this is because how remarkable they are.

"That's all from us. Thank you." Bai Yi Yang bow as she end her presentation. She receive claps from all the VIPs. They even stand up to give applause, seeing this, how can the students not become enthusiastic too, they also stand up and give applause. In the end, all four people went up the stage, introduce themselves with more friendly manners before their presentation ends.

Without question and comments from the guests, it won't be complete. So there is another session, most of the people didn't ask any question only endless praise towards their research and them 4 students.

"I won't say much, I only want to say that QiYing High School and this 4 students really make our city proud. It was 5-6 years ago that someone from our city represented our country in this international competition. Listening to the presentation, I can confidently say that our team can even be the number 1 team from our country." The man in the most middle said this. He seems to be the most important one here so his every words will receive enthusiastic response from the other VIPs. Power is like this, your voice will be listened by everyone.

After that event, Sir Austin and the 4 members is invited to have some tea break with the VIPs. The students left the main hall with food packets, it was said to be a sponsor from their town head. The teachers also stayed for a tea time but they are seated in separate table. What an honour to be sitting with the most important VIP.

These groups of old men is very enthusiastic, they ask about this and that, but mostly only the superficial one.

"How can I not? Of course I will. In addition to the 30,000 yuan budget for each team, I will add another 10,000 yuan for allowance and 10,000 yuan for travel expenses." The main VIP said. This invite an applause from the people at the same table.

The principal is overjoyed, 30,000 yuan is really not enough. Their school already allocated 10,000 yuan as budget but how can they let the students go without giving them allowance, he was going to squeeze out 5,000 yuan from his own pocket an this people just came at the right time.

When the main VIP already give something, the other must also give something too. So, from the 6-7 VIP, they were able to accumulate another 41,000 yuan. So, in total, they will have 81,000 yuan to spend. That's about 12,000$. Should be more than enough and they will have allowance too.

So, when the event ended, another teacher which is in charge of the R&D club who act as the treasurer and the person in charge of purchased all the flights ticket is so happy. Last time, she book a return ticket to Country S costs about 6,000 yuan for each person. She told this matter to the principal and Sir Austin, and the school give additional 10,000 yuan, Sir Austin also agree to add some later. Now, they don't have to anymore.

So, she immediately made a budget to buy formal attire for the 4 students, while purchasing last minute team T-shirt, the teacher already know their size. So, the same evening, she made a trip to the next town to purchase blazer and pants set for Li Jian Yu and blazer and skirts set for the 3 girls. Other than that, she also ask in the group chat about their shoe size, she is going to buy them leather shoes.

That's how their team manage to find funds for their travel. Actually, their school is just inexperienced with this things. Actually, as long as they made it to the national level and ask around, they will get a lot of sponsors, but the principal was unsure if they can really make it, so it was a last minute preparation. As for food and accommodations, they don't have to worry because it is all provided by the host of the event. They only need to worry about the additional costs which already been settled.

The principal eyes is really opened today, he never thought that they will easily get sponsors. Next time if their school made some achievements again, it will be much easier to ask for sponsors because the R&D team have paved the way.