Chapter 181: Before the competition commence

Last night, Bai Yi Yang chat with TongTong before going to sleep. TongTong report about her siblings and their wellbeing. Bai Yi Yang is relieved that they are doing well, she just texted Bai Yi Chen when she arrived at Country S after that they only exchanged 2-3 text messages.

Bai Yi Yang is woken up by TongTong a.k.a the alarm clock, it is only 6.30 am. Just the right time to wake up. They promised to go down for breakfast at 7.30 am. The opening ceremony will be at 9.00 am, and the presentation will start at 10.00 am.

Last night, Sir Austin represents them to pick their turn, they will be the 18th team who will present, they will present later in the afternoon. Which means, they still can relax this morning.

Bai Yi Yang went to take a shower before waking up the two girls, they help each other to tidy up their hair and check each other appearance. Only then did they head outside, at the same time, they meet a few female student. Seems like, Ruby An and Wang Yi Lin is a bit familiar with them since thy said hi to each other.

"Hello. This must be your teammate? You didn't lie, your team can be in charge of visual for our national team." A girl joke with Ruby An which Ruby reply with another joke. Bai Yi Yang only smile the whole time they chat, she let Ruby handle socialising in their team. They only chat a bit before both sides go on their way, the other group is still waiting for the rest of their team so the three of them can only go first.

"We met them when we sent the laundry last night, they are from the other school from City Zhou, not Zhou International School." Wang Yi Lin whisper when they are far. No wonder they take a while last night, so this is the reason.

Bai Yi Yang suddenly remember the couple from last night, the girl looks like a foreigner, so she suspects that they must be from Zhou International School.

When all 5 of them are ready, they all head downstairs to get breakfast. Out of the 5 teams from their country, they are the first one that arrived. Their section is still empty, actually most table is still empty. It's better like this, they don't have to rush to take their breakfast and still take time to look around.

The opening ceremony and presentation won't be held at the hotel, it will be at the convention centre which is 5 minutes walk from here. So after breakfast, they still need to go to the venue.

During breakfast, they discussed again about some stuff. Li Jian Yu is in charge of the technical system, he is holding Bai Yi Yang's laptop and also a backup pen drive. They have checked it thoroughly last night so there shouldn't be any problem.

Halfway through breakfast, more people pour in to the dining hall. The other teams from their country also arrives. As expected, the couple is from Zhou International School, when Bai Yi Yang met eyes with them, the girl blush while the boy openly rest his arm onto his girlfriend's shoulder and smile at Bai Yi Yang.

"That's Dongfang Liu and his girlfriend, Akari Tanaka. The one from Dongfang family that I mentioned last time." Ruby An comment when she saw Bai Yi Yang seems interested with the team.

"En. I see." Bai Yi Yang nod and avert her eyes away from that team. No wonder he dare to act like that. So, he is the little prince of formidable Dongfang family.

"Anyway. I heard he is not good. A playboy." Ruby An whisper. Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin nod, well, just from a glance, everyone can guess that. See, see, when he is already with his girlfriend, he still look at other girls from other countries. What a spoiled brat.

"Don't have anything to do with us." Wang Yi Lin comment. Even though Dongfang Liu is a looker, the other girls in from the other team from their country also knows how to avoid him, basically, they also must have known about this Dongfang Liu.

Having good looking face is another thing, but his reputation when it comes to romance is really not good. Last night, they also heart from the other girls from City Zhou said that Dongfang Liu is spoiled, in City Zhou, he is a little prince who already drive around with his supercars even though being underage and no driving license, he is frequently sighted in nightclubs and his group of friends only know to party all days. Of course his brain is also quite good if he can represent the school in a competition like this, big part of it is because Dongfang Group also have more than 50% share of Zhou International School. All these information are from gossiping with the girls from City Zhou.

The team of 5 take their time in eating breakfast while Sir Austin finished eating early and went to chat at the teachers table. He also have made acquaintance with the other teachers and escorts from the other team, especially the teachers from City Bei and the female teacher from Zhou International School. Seems like last night they already bonded with each other. Sir Austin is also very comfortable since they all can speak English very well.

When they all are finished, their team leave the dining hall first to the convention centre. Together with them, there are also a few team from other countries who also start heading to the competition site.

Bai Yi Yang took a lot of pictures while they were on the way, the walkway to the convention centre are for pedestrians only, the place is clean and the building all look new and interesting, even the hotel they are staying is looks very luxurious, it is a small country but they are very developed.

When they arrived at the site, they are amazed with the scale, the convention centre is also very big. There are people at the entrance checking their name tag, seems like there are other events going on in this convention centre too, not only their competition. But, the other events seems to be in smaller scale compared to them, they are escorted to the right side entrance while they all waited for their turn on the left entrance.

When they arrived at their venue, Bai Yi Yang and the rest finally know how to be nervous. The hall is very big, the stage is huge and other than the hundreds of seat at the first floor, there are also second and third balcony on top. The third balcony is empty but the second balcony is half full. The chairs arrangement is divided into left, right and centre. The centre part have names on the seats, most probably they are for the judges and VIPs, only a small part at the back seat is allocated for participants, as for their team, they are seated at right side of the hall, at the 5th row from in front. Their country is a strong contender and also had won a few times, that's why their seat is at the front part.

"Why is there so many people?" Ruby An freak out after they took their seat. She looks around and above and saw the audiences at the first balcony above keep pouring in. There are groups wearing similar uniform and also general public. There is also one group wearing white shirt with Country S flag, they bring cardboards and so on, must be the supporter of Country S's team.

Country S send 2 teams this years, unlike previous year where they only send 1 team. By this, they can deduct that their country is not a small fry to be able to sent 4-5 teams each year. Other than their country, there are also 2-3 other countries who also have strong records in this international competition, Country R who is sitting behind them is one of the country that also have many teams this year.

"What are we scared of? We are confident with our research, as long as we follow what we have practiced, we will do well." Bai Yi Yang smile and pat Ruby's shoulder. Sir Austin also nod and smile.

Actually, the competition is half done already, when they submitted their project, it was already assessed. The marking for this competition is as follow, 70% for their overall project in general, which they already obtained an all time record breaker of 68.3%.

This is the preliminary result that was announced, which qualifies them to this final presentation, in this aspect, actually they already topped all other teams, which Sir Austin only told to Bai Yi Yang, of course Sir Austin didn't know their real mark, Bai Yi Yang got this figure from TongTong. However, Sir Austin said that he doesn't want the other to put their guards down, so he didn't tell them.

The rest of the 30% consists of 20% from today's presentation and 10% from tomorrow booth activity. For the presentation, the marking is a bit difficult to predict because there will be 10 judges in total but as long as they didn't do that bad, they will be able to get at least half of the total percentage, the booth activity tomorrow is even easier, judges is more lenient on that day, people usually got high mark for this. So, if they calculate it like that, it won't be hard for them to get the passing mark of 80% to get the Gold medal. They already do well in their submitted paperwork.

That was the case for their case which is research category, as for the technology development category, their marking is the opposite, their marks in today presentation is only 10% while during the showcase tomorrow, they will be assed at a total of 20%, so it is all fair.

"Yi Yang is right. Miss Ruby, you are so confident in your debate competition, why are you so timid now?" Sir Austin laugh. He is like Bai Yi Yang, completely unaffected, he is not trying to be arrogant, but he can already imagine their team getting Gold.

"Sir, this is totally different. I never have cold hands and feet like this." Ruby An said.

"Alright, I understand. But you need to calm down. What more it won't be our turn yet soon." Sir Austin said. Bai Yi Yang passed a candy to Ruby An, she then distract her by pointing at different interesting things in the halls.

"Sir, I will go hand over our PPT." Li Jian Yu said when he saw someone from other team coming forward to the wide of the stage. They are required to hand over their PPT before the competition to avoid delaying the presentation process. When it is their turn later, Li Jian Yu just have to stay in front of the computer and they will have take control of the presentation.

"I will go with you." Wang Yi Lin also stood up. Today, Wang Yi Lin role is not big, but tomorrow she will be the one who will come face to face with the judges.

Bai Yi Yang and Ruby continue to chat with Sir Austin as the hall also start to fill in by the participants and the audiences also grow bigger, there are even people sitting in the second balcony now.

The second team to arrive from their country is City Bei team, when Sir Austin saw their teacher, he quickly urge him to send the student to hand over their PPT.

City Bei team project is under technology development category, same with Zhou International School. From their country, three teams submitted a research paper while the other two is doing technology development.

"Jian Yu, bring this team's student to the PA system." Sir Austin said when he saw Li Jian Yu return with Wang Yi Lin. The teacher from City Bei is thankful and urge his student to follow Li Jian Yu which Li Jian Yu gladly escort to the PA system at the side of the hall.

It was when the team from City Shang arrived did Ruby An smile widened, that's because her idol Qiu Jiang from BaYi High School City Shang is there. Bai Yi Yang look over and just like Ruby An said, this young man indeed have the halo effect surrounding him, his face is not as good looking as Dongfang Liu but his aura is no joke. Bai Yi Yang is finally convinced why the two other girls in her team watch Qiu Jiang's presentation video.

"Handsome right?" Ruby An giggle and whisper to Bai Yi Yang when the team from City Shang took a seat. Wang Yi Lin also seems to be smiling lightly at the side.

"En, indeed." Bai Yi Yang go along and gave a thumbs up. Ruby An laugh in response and continue to talk about her idol.

It's just that, they will never thought that Qiu Jiang suddenly look at their direction and smile, he stood up from his seat from the end of the 3rd row and walk towards them. The three girls including Bai Yi Yang panic, well, she thinks it is a normal reaction. Did they get caught talking about him?

"Hello, I am Qiu Jiang from City Shang's team, are you the team from City Nan?" Qiu Jiang introduce himself with gentlemanly smile as he put his hand forward to shake hands with them. Bai Yi Yang nudge Ruby An and Ruby An immediately smile back, introducing herself, followed by Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin. Qiu Jiang also didn't forget to nod politely at Sir Austin who is still talking with the teachers from City Bei.

Ruby An who finally found an opportunity to chat with her idol didn't want to miss the opportunity. She invite Qiu Jiang to sit at Li Jian Yu's seat and start talking with him. Qiu Jiang team is also in the research category, so he is very interested in their team's project which Ruby An enthusiastically explain back to him. If she is like this during the presentation, she will do very well. It was mostly her who talk with Qiu Jiang, Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin is at the quiet side, so they don't have much to say.

"I already read the preview from your research, it is so good and I can't wait until you publish the full article, of course I am willing to pay for it." Qiu Jiang said laughing. Ruby An becomes more energetic when she saw his cute laugh.

"Of course, if you are curious with anything, you can ask us." Ruby An said. Qiu Jiang didn't shy away, he took out his phone and suggest that they exchange their social media ID which Ruby An gladly accept.

"The two of them is the aces of our team, if I can't answer your questions, you can ask them." Ruby An said to Qiu Jiang, referring to Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin. Like this, the two of them can only add each other in their social media. Qiu Jiang stay for a while more until Li Jian Yu returned, only then he stood up and head back to his seat.

Ruby An stare admiringly at his figure, she sing praises towards Qiu Jiang before Wang Yi Lin woke her up from the sweet dream. She show Ruby An the photo in Qiu Jiang's social media, unfortunately he already have a girlfriend. Li Jian Yu laugh about this matter for a while, to the extent of Ruby An being annoyed with him. Only when the opening ceremony started did they calm down.