Chapter 186: Closing Ceremony

Bai Yi Yang and the girls will tidy up the stuff in their room while Sir Austin and Li Jian Yu do the same at their side. As for tomorrow clothes, they already leave it out in advance. After finishing up, Bai Yi Yang one more time made a call home.

"I miscalculated it, I won't be back until Friday." Bai Yi Yang said. She thought that they will be sent home straight after arriving to City Nan, but it seems like they will stay overnight at City Nan first and return home the next morning. Their flight tomorrow is 2.35 pm, so they will only arrive after 8.00 pm, indeed it's a bit late.

"No problem, we are doing fine. You don't have to worry." Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang said. They chat for a while before Bai Yi Yang head to take shower. When she finished, Wang Yi Lin and Ruby already lie down. They are chatting about their result tomorrow. Bai Yi Yang joined them chatting and they only fall asleep after 11.00 pm. Since they need to wake up early tomorrow, its better to sleep early too.

The next morning, Ruby woke up the earliest and she quickly get ready. When Bai Yi Yang finished her shower, Ruby An is already putting on some light makeup.

"Yi Yang, come here. Today we must be the prettiest." Ruby An said. Bai Yi Yang go along and changed into her uniform first. Today, they will be using their school uniform one more time. Luckily their school uniform is quite good looking, otherwise they rather wear their formal wear again for today's award ceremony.

When Wang Yi Lin finished changing, she also joined the two in front of the mirror. They only wear some lip gloss and touch up their skin. They also put some more effort with their hair today, Ruby An was going to try out wearing one of Bai Yi Yang ribbons and scarves, but it really didn't suit her, she cannot pull it off. As for Bai Yi Yang, she still put her hair into a ponytail then tie up a white scarf with some simple vintage pattern. Ruby An help her to curl up her hair a bit, making her face even smaller and delicate.

"Don't overdid it, what if it look weird in camera?" Wang Yi Lin remind Ruby An. Ruby An grinned and listen to Wang Yi Lin.

At 8.00 am, they come out of their room, they also met a few other at the hallway. When they go down to take breakfast, a few people already recognise their team so quite a few said hi to them. They are one of the most famous team in this competition now, that's what Ruby An concluded.

They didn't forgot to take team pictures in front of the convention centre, the in front of the large banner of the competition before entering the hall. Today too, there are a lot of audience like the first day of the competition, there are also rows of cameras stationed in front of the stage, ready to capture any moment. Their seating arrangement is still the same.

When the closing ceremony start at 9.00 am, the pattern is almost similar. But, the closing ceremony is clearly more fun, the participants also more relaxed and the atmosphere is less tense. There are two performances today, dance performance and choir, there are also behind the scene videos which invites a lot of laugh from the participants when they saw their photos.

Of course, the most important part is the award ceremony, they started with giving medals to the team. Medals is not divided in any category, all 34 teams will have the chance to go up the stage, either honourable mention or Gold medal, they all will have the chance to go up the stage.

"The award ceremony will start with Gold medals winner, the award will be presented by.." The emcee of the ceremony call out the VVIPs of the event. The award presenter is the main organiser of this event, he is someone from Country A, together with him is 2 equally important people.

"I am so nervous, I can't breath." Ruby An said, her hand is cold and sweaty as she clenched on Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin hand. Why did they give this important award at the beginning? To be honest, Bai Yi Yang and Wang Yi Lin is also nervous.

"This year, we have 5 teams winning Gold medals. There are many good projects this year, unfortunately we only have 5 teams who passed the judges strict judgement and obtain a high mark." The emcee said, now he is opening the envelope in his hand, when he saw it, his lips lifted into a smile.

"The first Gold medal goes to…Team number 18 from Country C!" The emcee shout out the winner.

The City Nan team blank out while the people from their country is already standing up to cheer and clap loudly. For a moment, they forgot that they are Team number 18.

When the emcee called out their high school name and project in details did they stood up and head to the stage. They received another big round of applause.

"QiYing High School from City Nan Country C is a first time participant and on their first participation, they earn a Gold medal. Their research titled 'The chemical constituents of Panax ginseng and Panax notoginseng and the difference in therapeutic efficacy' is a breakthrough in the research field.." The emcee continue to read about the description written about their team, all their names with Sir Austin name is also mentioned in the description.

"Well, to be honest, everyone is not that shocked with this result right?" The emcee gave a witty comment and everyone answer with a 'yes' loudly. Team number 18 is a well known strong contender from early on, what more after their excellent presentation yesterday, people is already convinced that they will get Gold.

Bai Yi Yang and the rest of the team laugh at this, the VIPs and judges also clap for them. Each of them are given gold medal around their neck, a small flower bouquet each and a plushie toy, a certificate of excellence performance, a big trophy and also a 15,000$ check. Then, they all stand on the stage and their pictures are taken by numerous cameras. Bai Yi Yang finally realised that this event is really not a small one.

After their team return to their seat, the 2nd Gold medalist is already call up on the stage, they are from Country A, they are also in the research category. City Nan team received many congratulations from the people around only when they already seated did Ruby An and Wang Yi Lin burst into tears, Bai Yi Yang can only hug and comfort them until they burst out laughing with Bai Yi Yang lame way of comforting people. Actually Sir Austin can barely hold his tears too, it's just that he is not as dramatic as the girls, he only cry in silent at his seat.

After calming down, they finally can focus back into watching the ceremony that is still going on. Seems like, getting a Gold medal is really a big deal, just take the Country J who is the 3rd team who won Gold medal on the stage now, the students can barely open their eyes since they all already teared up.

"See, I am not exaggerating. I am really touched." Ruby An hit Li Jian Yu who was laughing at them because they cry like babies just now.

"Alright, alright." Li Jian Yu chuckle. This is also the first time that he smile this much, Li Jian Yu is usually calm so seeing him letting himself go like this is good.

The 4th Gold medalist is also from Country A. If the last spot wasn't from their country, then this time they may lose to Country A.

"I hope City Shang got it." Ruby An whisper.

"I think they may got it." Bai Yi Yang comment. City Shang did very well too, there is no way they won't get a Gold medal.

When the emcee announced the last Gold medalist, their country burst into cheers and claps. City Shang team really won a Gold medal too. The City Shang team first hug each other before they all walk up the stage. There are 5 students in their team, 2 teachers come up to get the medal too.

Right, each team is actually allocated with 7 medals maximum, 5 medals for students and 2 medals for teacher. As for their team, they get 4 medals for each student, and they still got 2 medals for teacher, the other is for the female teacher of R&D club, she didn't come with them here but her name is registered together with Sir Austin name. Talking about Sir Austin, he is not on his seat now.

"Where is Sir Austin?" Bai Yi Yang ask Li Jian Yu. Li Jian Yu sit between Ruby An and Sir Austin.

"He went outside to make a call to the principal." Li Jian Yu said smiling. He is now holding Bai Yi Yang's camera, taking pictures of the City Shang team on stage. Since Day 1, he have been interested in Bai Yi Yang's camera, so Bai Yi Yang let him use it when she is not using it.

"Ohh..I think it's not over yet." Bai Yi Yang said in low voice.

After the Gold medalist, then award continues to be given to Silver medalist, Zhou International School name was called first for Silver medal receiver, then City Bei also was called up near the end. There are 9 Silver medal receiver and lastly there are 15 Bronze medal receiver. The other 5 only got honourable mention.

"What medal did our country get again?" Ruby An ask. She is busy counting the medal now. Their rival is obviously Country A who also have 2 Gold medals.

"2 Gold, 2 Silver and 1 Bronze, I think we can win." Li Jian Yu whisper back.

"Really?" Ruby An is excited.

"Yeah, Country A have 1 Silver and 1 Bronze and 1 honourable mention." Li Jian Yu added.

"Then we surely will win." Ruby An giggle.

After everyone have got their awards, the event proceed with announcing Top 3 winner of each category, for the research category, the Top 3 is surely the 3 Gold medal winner, only don't know who will win in the end.

"We are in the Top 3." Ruby An is excited.

When the result is announced from 3rd place first, City Shang name was called and their country people cheer. The winner got trophy, small bouquet and plushies, certificate, a tablet from the event's sponsors and 1,000$. The second place goes to Country A team and when this is announced, the people already look at the City Nan team meaningfully, who else will get 1st place if not them?

When the 1st place is announced, as expected it is the City Nan team. They are more composed this time so they calmly stood up from their seat and get on the stage. They received their gifts and the 5,000$ check. After that, all the winners line up to take pictures together.

For the technology development category, the 1st and 2nd is confirmed, only the 3rd place winner is unknown. But, Bai Yi Yang already have a guess, if she is not wrong, the 3rd place will be Zhou International School.

"3rd place goes to Team number 2, Zhou International School.." The emcee announce and they burst into claps. The City Bei team in the same category also went to congratulate the Zhou International Team. Have to say, Zhou International Team is really quite famous too, even when the 2nd place winner from Country A and 1st place winner from Country J is announced, the cheers and claps is not as loud as theirs.

"I never thought that they will win 3rd place, does it mean that their mark is really close to getting Gold too?" Wang Yi Lin ask.

"Should be. Their presentation is very good, don't know about the demonstration but I bet they did well too." Bai Yi Yang said, the two girls nod in agreement.

The next award is best presentation which is awarded to 5 teams, both City Nan and City Shang team got it, 1 from Country A, 1 from Country S which received huge applause from the audiences and lastly is some Bronze medalist from Country P. Bai Yi Yang didn't see the Country P's presentation but since they are able to win best presentation with Bronze medal, then they must have did very well. Best presentation prizes is almost the same, everyone got 1,000$ cheque and some other additional prizes.

As for the best booth, Zhou International School won, 2 from Country A, 1 from Country J and 1 from Country R. Country R may not have Gold medalists this year but they won 3 Silvers and 1 Bronze, quite a good result too.

Seeing that they bagged a lot of awards, their country is much more confident now. The last award will be Top 3 countries, having Gold is obviously a big advantage. Last year, their country only won 2nd place, they only have 1 Gold last year, this year, they most probably will win 1st place.

Other than that, overall mark will also be displayed since the competition is aiming for transparency. When the overall project mark was announced, City Nan team is already at the top, at a whooping 68.3% out of 70%. No wonder they won, their team's mark is already that high, the 2nd place is only at 62.5% and the 3rd place has 61.9%. City Nan team is already hard to suppress from early on.

Sir Austin is also shocked, he know that they are at 1st place but didn't think that they will get this much mark, he suddenly feel like crying again, only when Bai Yi Yang pat him on his shoulder did he smile.

"Thank you Yi Yang." Sir Austin said to Bai Yi Yang. He finally regained his confidence after years of being in a slump, all because of Bai Yi Yang. After this, he decided to start doing research again, he also want to bring Bai Yi Yang to do it together, as promised, the main author will be Bai Yi Yang in the next project.

"You are welcome." Bai Yi Yang smile back.

Continuing on, the presentation mark is also released, which change some of the ranking. City Nan team one more time still topped the rank, their presentation also have a high mark of 18.2%. And the last part, they obtained 8.6%. So, their total mark come out as a whopping 95.1%. Maybe their mark is one of the legendary high mark in the competition history. That is really an easy Gold medal.

"Amazing! Excellent! Brilliant!" The emcee said as he commented about City Nan's team mark. Bai Yi Yang and the team hide when the emcee is exaggerating in his praise, making them embarrassed.They are good but the emcee comments is really a bit too embarrassing, what genius of the century etc., so unnecessary.