Chapter 203: Serious injury

"Who are you?!" The man eyes become chilly, his grasp on Bai Yi Yang arm become tighter but eventually it lose strength. He can't even keep his consciousness for long.

"Yang Yang, I bought the phone, how is he? Where is the umbrella?" Bai Yi Chen return with his phone in hand. He is shocked when he saw Bai Yi Yang drenched with rain water too.

"Ge, bring him inside first. We asses his condition first, the rain and wind is too cold and he has lost a lot of blood." Bai Yi Yang return to reality when Bai Yi Chen return.

"Okay. That's fine to, let's bring him to my room." Bai Yi Chen said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. The twins then support the man on both side, when he is lifted up like this, they can finally see his appearance, at most he is only in the early 20s, look younger than Zhang Yong.

The source of bleeding is from his left side of abdomen, there is too much blood, even the colour of his shirt can't be recognised. When they arrived in Bai Yi Chen bedroom and lie him down, Bai Yi Yang immediately run to take a lot of clean towels while Bai Yi Chen help to take out his outer jacket, leaving only the inner shirt.

When Bai Yi Yang return to the room with towels and a basin of hot water, she try very hard to suppress her fast heartbeat. When she saw him like this, she is 100% sure that this is Qi Sheng.

"He seems to have several stab wounds on the abdomen and I think many of his chest ribs is fractured too. Yang Yang, I will call the ambulance now." Bai Yi Chen said. This is an urgent case, he have a feeling that the man is dying.

"No!" Bai Yi Yang reflexly answer. She don't know the reason but even when the man is struggling, he still tell her not to call the police.

"Yang Yang?" Bai Yi Chen frown. He don't understand what's inside Bai Yi Yang head now.

"Anyway.. Ge, I will find a way. You go outside the gate first, clean up the blood stain. Make sure that there is no mark left." Bai Yi Yang said.

"But why? It's better to call the police and seek immediate treatment. We shouldn't mess up with the scene too, they need to investigate it later." Bai Yi Chen said. He wanted to save the man, but they really can't do it here.

"Just trust me. I will tell you later. The blood stain is more important." Bai Yi Yang said again.

"Alright.." Bai Yi Chen sigh and agree. He put the phone on the side and walk out.

Bai Yi Yang immediately enter a panic state again.

'TongTong, upgrade me to Level 3 medical skill.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Host, what's with you? Who is this Qi Sheng person?' TongTong ask. It have the same opinion as Bai Yi Chen, they shouldn't get involved too much, it is dangerous.

'Later, saving him is more important now.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Even if you have a Level 3 Medical skills, it is useless. You don't have the equipment and medicine. We only have first aid kit box in this house. What more, this person is dying, he won't make it to the hospital. He lost too much blood, his lung is punctured because of the fractured ribs.' TongTong sigh.

'Can't do. We must save him no matter what. How about the System Shop? Is there anything I can buy to save his life?' Bai Yi Yang ask urgently. While at that, she didn't hesitate to open the interface that she haven't open in a very long time and search through the System Shop.

"This? How about this organs repair medication?" Bai Yi Yang ask the system. TongTong can only sigh and help to read the information, this organs repair medication can indeed work but it is 1,000 points ah.

'It's doable.' TongTong said in low spirit. 1,000 points is not easy to collect and the Host doesn't blink.

"Then purchase this. Quick." Bai Yi Yang said.

'It's 1,000 points..' TongTong remind her again. If they call the ambulance, even if this man died, they won't be held responsible.

"Doesn't matter." Bai Yi Yang said. TongTong sigh and proceed with the purchase.

[Successful. 1 Organs repair medication purchased. Total points: 1,339]

"Now upgrade my medical skills to Level 3." Bai Yi Yang said as she got the medication in her hand now.

[Successful. Skills-Medicine, Level 3. Total points: 1,239]

TongTong feel a heartache seeing the points which they accumulated with the Host's hard work and sweat gone just like that, but TongTong didn't say anything. The Host is not the kindest human being, it has only seen her being this impartial towards her siblings, this man must be someone that the Host know.

Bai Yi Yang didn't talk to TongTong anymore. She first do a head to toe check and found that he have right sided lung puncture, spleen is also have been stabbed which explain the profuse bleeding and accumulation of blood in his abdomen cavity, the intestines at the left side and finally his left kidney are also injured. No wonder TongTong said that she can't be save even if send to the hospital, he may die of blood loss on the way.

As for the bone, he have 4 ribs fractures on the right side and 3 ribs fractures on the left side, right knee cap fracture and lastly right leg tibia fracture. Externally, there is a shallow wound on his right temple, multiple abrasion wounds on his arms and legs.

"His bone is severely damaged too. TongTong, I saw a bone repair medication just now, I will purchase it too." Bai Yi Yang said.

'Yes.' TongTong can't even say anything now, it feels like crying when seeing the price of the bone repair medication, 300 points.

[Successful. 1 Bones repair medication purchased. Total points: 939 points]

Bai Yi Yang is not a bit affected by the notification. When she got all the medication, she sat next to the man and let him lean onto her as she feed him the medication. Its in a form of liquid, each purchase can only be used one time.

So, Bai Yi Yang feed him the Organs repair medication first, after dripping the medication into his mouth, she immediately close his mouth to prevent him from throwing it out. If he throw this out, she won't be able to buy one again.

After a few moments, Bai Yi Yang look at his complexion and it is much more better, the bleeding from the abdomen stop, his breathing stabilise, temperature is still a bit abnormal and his heart beat also returned to normal. Next, she feed him the Bones repair medication with the same method and check the results after a few moments. The medication really works, the chest wall looks normal, its not flabby as before, the right knee and tibia also have the normal alignment. Other than the external wounds, his condition is very good.

"Ge, ge!" Bai Yi Yang call Bai Yi Chen who came in not long after.

"How is he?" Bai Yi Chen is still holding an empty pail with him.

"Can you bring over the first aid kit. I need to clean and treat his wound?" Bai Yi Yang said. On her clothes now is the man's blood since Bai Yi Yang let him lean on her while giving the medication. She is also still drenched.

"Okay, wait here." Bai Yi Chen said. He feels relieved when he saw the man seems much better, still very pale but at least he doesn't look like he is dying anymore.

'Host? Bai Yi Yang? Yi Yang? Yang Yang?' TongTong called many times.

'Yeah?' Bai Yi Yang ask. Now that the crisis has passed, she can finally think clearly.

'Who?' TongTong ask meaningfully.

'Someone I know from the last world.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'How's the children?' Bai Yi Yang ask.

'Xiao Ling is worried, Xiao Mo and Fang Fang is clueless but they are awake.' TongTong report.

'Try to cheer them up. I will ask gege to go there later. There is too much blood on my clothes, the children may get scared.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Okay.' TongTong agree.

Bai Yi Chen return to the room after a while with the first aid kit box. He didn't come out though, only standing at the side while watching Bai Yi Yang cut up the man's clothes, revealing many stab wounds on the abdomen. Bai Yi Yang also cut up the pants to reveal the wounded area.

Bai Yi Chen saw this and can't imagine the pain that the man is going through now. All these external wound, not yet the internal wound.

"Ge, is the front gate clean?" Bai Yi Yang ask as he tend to the abdomen wound first. This will surely leave a scar. She wipe the blood with hot water first then disinfect the wound before binding it. They only have what's inside the first aid kit, since the internal wound is totally healed, then she just need to tend to the external one.

"En, the rain will wash it away too. Don't worry." Bai Yi Chen said.

"Then can you get some clean house clothes, I think he can fit your clothes." Bai Yi Yang said again.

"Okay." Bai Yi Chen only nod and do what he is told. He look through his cupboard, take a pair of t-shirt and pants and put it on the bedside table.

"When I am done with dressing up his wound, let's change the bedding too." Bai Yi Yang continue talking but Bai Yi Chen humming answers become lower and lower. By the time Bai Yi Yang finished bandaging all the wounds, Bai Yi Chen is standing on the side looking at the floor. Even when Bai Yi Yang called him he didn't say anything anymore.

"Sigh. Let's talk after you finish changing his clothes and the beddings okay?" Bai Yi Yang said. Bai Yi Chen look at his twin and nod. After that Bai Yi Yang went to wait outside. She sorted out her feelings, took a deep breath and arrange her thoughts. Right, she can't say that she knows him from her last life, she will just say that she saw him in her long dream and he has a kind soul so there is nothing to worry about. Yes, this should be sufficient.

"Yang Yang.." Bai Yi Chen call her lightly. The rain has also slow down a bit.

"Ge." Bai Yi Yang smile lightly.

"You are dirty, clean up first. I will go see the children, after that we can talk." Bai Yi Chen smile. He already come to his senses. Actually he is just very confuse, Bai Yi Yang is acting too strangely now. She seems to be hiding too much from him.

"Right. Then, I will check on him one more time and then go to take a bath. Put the children to sleep first, they must be confused too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay." Bai Yi Chen nod and went to the Main house while Bai Yi Yang enter Bai Yi Chen's bedroom.

She do a thorough checkup on the man once more and after making sure he is fine did she sigh in relief.

"Ah Sheng? Can you hear me?" Bai Yi Yang said softly but the person is just sleeping peacefully. Bai Yi Yang smile lightly and can't help but touch his face but then she suddenly pull away when realising what she is doing is wrong, really wrong. She seems like a pervert towards a patient at that.

"I am glad that you are alive. In this life, I won't let you die." Bai Yi Yang smile sweetly before tucking him into the blanket. She adjusted the temperature, just right for him to sleep, turn off the main lamp and only turn on the table lamp before going out.

TongTong who already escape the children room saw this and it feels like it has seen a different person. This is not its Host ah. Really not her, did the soul get swapped or the Host really have a tender heart towards this man who come out of nowhere?