Chapter 207: Real thoughts

The twins called Ah Qi to the kitchen to talk. Bai Yi Chen told him about their concern.

"I feel very good already. I can even leave tomorrow." Ah Qi nod and said this.

"We don't mean for you to leave." Bai Yi Yang quickly said.

"I have trouble your family, all left is external wound so I am actually fine." Ah Qi smile.

"No way, your injury was so bad. You need to rest for a few more days. And what if the people looking for you will attack you again?" Bai Yi Yang said while looking at him with concern.

"Yes. Actually we were thinking of introducing you as relatives if other people ask. Just that, we need to lie a bit. Yang Yang is right, the people looking for you may still be nearby." Bai Yi Chen said. Ah Qi smile softly and nod.

Actually, it is not that complicated, those ants who tried to harm him, he is sure that they have long met their creator. When he called his 'friend' Ru Feng yesterday, he must have finished off the culprit when he confirmed his location and safety. He was just careless for a moment and he almost died.

His injury, everything is healed. He thought he was going to die for real that rainy night, but he don't know what this mysterious girl feed him that he can recover just like before, even his residual illness from his childhood is also totally healed. He also knows that he broke his bones, but that too healed at once after taking her medication.

With this level of health, he can leave anytime, its just that, he still feels like hanging around these naïve and kind orphans. What more, he still cannot understand this Bai Yi Yang, she is just too mysterious and she seems to know a lot. Luckily she seems to be very naïve, how can she fully trust him a stranger to stay with them with not even a speck of suspicion.

Since he have this kind and gentle image in these children eyes, then he should maintain it. This way, he will know about Bai Yi Yang's secret faster.

"Don't talk about leaving for now, if you need to call someone just use the phone, if you wanted to work, use my laptop first. What if your wound get worsen while you are moving around? You need to rest a lot so that they will heal faster." Bai Yi Yang said sweetly, not knowing that what her so called understanding towards Qi Sheng character has went down the drain. She actually know nothing about this man.

"Okay. Thank you. Then I will trouble you for a few more days." Ah Qi smile gently but instead he have an evil grin. With his ability, he should be able to find out the secret right?

After the creepy kitten went out today, he immediately contact his trusted people, to find out about the siblings. He basically know everything about them in and out. Bai Yi Yang is quite outstanding, she also knows one or two people who have big names in City Nan but overall, she is just an ordinary girl who have an ability to let her siblings continue to survive. Overall, this place is very safe for him to stay.

"En. Do you have anything you wanted to eat, I will make it." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Can I?" Ah Qi eyes flash. Oh right, she is also a very good cook, he can eat 3 times more than what he can eat before. This is one reason that he wanted to stay for a few more days.

In the morning he woke up and warm breakfast is on the table, in the afternoon, he just need to heat up the lunchbox that Bai Yi Yang has prepared early, he also eat the fruits and some cold dessert from the fridge. He never thought that he likes eating that much until he came here.

"Yeah, of course." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"Then I want braised pork belly, baked rib rack, meatballs with special sauce.." Ah Qi wanted to go on but stopped by Bai Yi Yang. Since he know that she cooks very well, he wanted to taste this food that the children brag to him.

"Not too oily food." Bai Yi Yang said. These food are her small siblings favourite. Ah Qi is devastated, he wanted to show his usual expression that will scare his people but he can't reveal his real nature now.

"Then..pan fried fish..?" Ah Qi said. He have been eating food with less oil, not like he mind it before but knowing that food can be this delicious too, how can he not eat?

"Okay, I will make that." Bai Yi Yang saw him looking down. Is he sad that he cannot eat those food he mentioned? Bai Yi Yang decided to make a delicious food today, as for his external wound recovery..

'TongTong, purchase 1 vial of external wound healing medication.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Host! You spoil this outsider too much bah!' TongTong said. It's not like the man life is in danger anymore, why must spend another 100 points on him so that he can eat anything he want?

'The faster his wound heal, the better it is.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'You are too biased. What if you need the points for emergency in the future?' TongTong said anxiously. What more, it still don't fully trust this Qi Sheng.

'Then I will just work harder.' Bai Yi Yang said. TongTong can only sigh and purchase the medication with the remaining points.

[Successful. 1 vial of external wound healing medication purchased. Total points: 853]

Bai Yi Yang said a few words to Qi Sheng before letting him chat with Bai Yi Chen while she start looking though the fridge. The vial in her pocket, she will put some solution into his glass later.

Since Bai Yi Yang haven't start giving him medication, she still make two very healthy dish and two other dish including the pan fried fish.

[4 points earned. Total points: 857]

They all have dinner at 7.00 pm and even with the increased portion, the dishes is still wiped out. The pan fried fish is mainly eaten by Ah Qi since Bai Yi Yang only allow him to eat that one other than the two healthy dishes.

"Tomorrow, you can just reheat the steamed pork belly with taro, i put it in the fridge for your lunch." Bai Yi Yang said as she gave Ah Qi a glass of water that she have put a drop of healing solution.

Ah Qi nod but his eyes went to the glass, other people in the kitchen may not noticed it but he saw Bai Yi Yang fiddle with the glass of water with her back on them before giving it to him. He knows that she isn't going to poison him, so he suspect that it is some kind of medication. But why does she need to be secretive about it?

Bai Yi Yang is still so mysterious, he still can't figure out how she saved him from dying. Don't say Ah Qi don't understand his own condition, he was actually sure that there are 99% chance that he will die, the 1% left is if he get treated by a group of excellent doctors and surgeons in time which was impossible at that time. And look at him now, he is alive and kicking.

"Alright." Ah Qi answer with a smile and drink the glass of water and he immediately feel the change, however his expression remains unchanged. Bai Yi Yang smile when she saw this, she then went back to what she was doing.

"Ah Qi gege..I have sliced some fruit for you to snack on later, there are watermelon, papaya.."

"This is 100% fruit juice, you can drink it if you want, they are quite healthy.."

"There is dim sums and buns here, you can heat them tomorrow if you are hungry.." Bai Yi Yang said all these stuff to Ah Qi showing him where he put those stuff in the fridge.

"Jie, you leave so much food for Ah Qi gege, I also want to stay at home tomorrow." Bai Yi Mo said.

"Can't. Go to the village tomorrow. If you two are at home, Old Zhou house will ask." Bai Yi Yang reject immediately.

"When Ah Qi gege recover, can we stay at home with him?" Bai Yi Mo ask again.

"When Ah Qi gege is recovered later, he need to return home. He is busy with work." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then, will you come again Ah Qi gege?" Bai Yi Fang ask.

"That.." Ah Qi didn't answer immediately. He don't have any issues or dislikes towards these 5 siblings, but that doesn't mean that he will have time to spare for them in the future.

For this life saving grace, he planned to pay Bai Yi Yang with 100 million yuan, if she thinks it's not enough, he actually can give more. After that, he will sign an agreement of secrecy and won't have anything to do with them again.

He is far from a saint that the Bai siblings thought he is, he is actually using them, even now. This place, he is actually very safe, maybe the people who wanted to kill him though that he is dead somewhere in the wood, so he is able to do planning to catch them unguarded.

"Are you very busy? Not even phone calls like Big brother Zhang?" Bai Yi Fang ask.

Zhang Yong? Right, this young master from Zhang family is quite close to the Bai siblings too especially to Bai Yi Yang, he have read all conversations between Bai Yi Yang and this man was actually giving a lot of hints. His opinion towards him is that he is crazy and has lose his mind for being interested to a high school girl, luckily Bai Yi Yang seems to be quite dense when it comes to romantic stuff.

"I can call more often than your Big brother Zhang." Ah Qi grinned. Well, he can't let that old man to continue pestering his saviour right?

"No, my jiejie will be too tired to entertain 2 people at once." Bai Yi Fang said.

"Okay, then I will come over during the weekend instead." Ah Qi said. He knows that Zhang Yong hasn't been here for a long time, he is just starting up in business, so he is quite busy. Ah Qi laugh in his heart, well, he will let the Bai siblings entirely forget about Zhang Yong.

"You will come over again?" Bai Yi Yang who is listening ask hopefully when she hear his words. She thought that they will go on with their life after this. Qi Sheng seems like a busy person, she is actually thankful enough that she met him in this life and able to repay him, but what to do since he stays in City Shan, the chance of them encountering each other again is very low.

Ah Qi look at Bai Yi Yang twinkling eyes and feels that she is a bit adorable. Bai Yi Yang has a few sides, she is quite gentle and extremely polite towards him, as if she is worshiping him. When she is with her siblings, she is the leader, decision maker and almost the head of the family. When he read over her conversation with her friends and classmates in the chat, she is the most outstanding and worshipped by them, almost like she is the queen. Is this why that old man Zhang Yong is attracted to her?

"I will, if you don't mind." Ah Qi answer. He look at Bai Yi Yang who immediately beamed into a smile, he found her more adorable because of the genuine happiness in her eyes. He have seen many pretty women, but, he never met a girl who sincerely show this kind of pure smile to him. Their admiration towards him, either it's because of his look, his identity or his money. As for Bai Yi Yang, he really don't understand what she saw in him that make her act like this, is it because he is 'Qi Sheng'?

"We don't mind." Bai Yi Yang quickly answer. Her other siblings also nod. When they heard that Ah Qi will come again, they excitedly told him about interesting things in the village and they will bring him to walk around next time.

The things is concluded like that, Bai Yi Yang is over the moon. Someone like Qi Sheng, she would love it if he became a part of their life. So, she is in a very good mood even while she is doing homework.