Chapter 226: House design

The following week, Bai Yi Yang received a complete draft of design from Designer Ru Qing. As expected of Ru Qing, the design was about 80-90% of the final design that the two of them had discussed in City Nan before, Bai Yi Yang only need to adjust or add something that she thinks much more suitable for them siblings. But, mostly had been considered by Ru Qing before.

The design of their new house in The Eve's Residence looks ultra-modern, looks a bit ahead of their time too. The house is meant to look empty with minimal decorations, so the colour combinations, lighting, wall decorations and even the materials used for the sofa and curtains is important. The aim of that place is to look luxurious and modern, what more the place where she and her siblings hang out must be comfortable. Bai Yi Yang is quite satisfied after the altercation following her preferences is done.

As for the second house at the university area, Bai Yi Yang let Ru Qing finish the first house first. Since everything need to be done from scratch, inside out so there will be a lot of work to do.

Bai Yi is in charge of making the beds and some bedside tables, as for the other, Bai Yi Yang is buying it from Brand HN. The cost this time is estimated to be at least 2 times the cost of last time which is about 300,000 yuan, this is because Brand HN will do most of the job, Bai Yi Yang only need to make the furniture and they will transport it to City Nan, do all the assembling.

Actually there is nothing much that Bai Yi Yang need to purchase in terms furniture only the customised sofa, dining set, the mattress and all the beddings, curtains, and the bunch of decorations that will be added. However, Brand HN is going to do the alterations in the kitchen this time and they will also provide all the appliances needed.

Bai Yi Yang initially wanted to buy it from Brand P, but that will be awkward if she ask people from Brand HN to buy Brand P products. Anyway, Brand HN products is also not bad.

Since the cost will be around that range, Bai Yi Yang agreed to pay 150,000 yuan first as a down payment. Since Bai Yi Yang is fast settling her payment, the next day she made the payment, Ru Qing and her staff start working at their first house.

These days, Bai Yi Yang is also busy designing and making the beds. For the master bedroom, she is making a large size bed of California King size bed. This is going to be hers and her sisters bed, so, it will be more comfortable if their bed is bigger. As for the two slightly smaller bedrooms, she is making a Queen size bed.

The design of the bed is relatively simple, Ru Qing had shown her the type of bed that she think will do well with each bedroom, of course Ru Qing had a plan for every bedrooms, it's still have the ultra-modern minimalistic look but each bedroom is different. Bai Yi Yang basically only need to do the bed and bedside tables as they had discussed. Of course, choosing the wood is all up to her, as long as the colour will match the design.

Bai Yi Yang spent 2-3 days after school in the woods to look for suitable materials before she can start working on the furniture. Every time, she will only return home near 6.30 pm. If not because the other siblings will be worried, she would even return home much later.

Even on Saturday, after selling the Matsutake mushrooms to Boss Sun, she need to immediately get to work on the furniture.

[32 points earned. Total points: 1,661]

"You are busy making furniture again? Are you doing this job now?" Boss Sun ask Bai Yi Yang when he saw the workshop door opened and inside there are a lot of stuff with woods lying around on the corridor.

"Yeah. It's a bit messy because I was too busy." Bai Yi Yang just answer it like that, she didn't confirm any of Boss Sun speculation. She just doesn't feel like talking about their 'unfinished' house yet. Even to Old Zhou house and Old Jin, she only tell them that they bought a house but she didn't mention other specific details.

"Work hard, work hard. But, don't forget your study too." Boss Sun kindly said before leaving. Bai Yi Yang also said a few kind words and they said goodbye to each other.

Seeing that it is only 10.30 am, Bai Yi Yang enter the workshop and work until 12.30 pm. She also need to cook lunch, the siblings will return before 1.00 pm, she still have short time to cook.

[9 points earned. Total points: 1,670]

Bai Yi Yang enter the kitchen and start preparing the ingredients when she got a call from Zhou Zhu Yao, asking her if she is free now.

"Why jie?" Bai Yi Yang ask while continuing to chop the vegetables and the phone was put on loud speaker.

"Ah, we friends wanted to have some small gathering at a nearby café next town, you wanna join?" Zhou Zhu Yao ask.

"Gathering? With those friends from last time?" Bai Yi Yang said. She have met Zhou Zhu Yao friends when the Old Zhou family held a celebration last time.

"En. Hong Min will come over to pick me around 2.00 pm." Zhou Zhu Yao said again.

"Miss Hong?" Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly. Well, this Hong Min may be Zhou Zhu Yao friend but she is also a senior class teacher in QiYing, so Bai Yi Yang was actually still quite awkward. She have met Hong Min in school many times, but they will just nod at each other, at times Hong Min will ask about Zhou Zhu Yao. Bai Yi Yang may be comfortable with adult but it was quite different when it comes to the 'teacher' title.

"Jie, I will pass this time. I am also busy making furniture now." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Really? I thought I will bring you along since I heard they invited your homeroom teacher too. Apparently he graduated from the same school as Hong Min." Zhou Zhu Yao add.

"Mr.Ling is coming too? Then I really am not joining this." Bai Yi Yang said with a small laugh. Zhou Zhu Yao laugh loudly at the side.

"Alright, alright." Zhou Zhu Yao said with a residual laugh.

"Ah, that café has a few famous desserts, I will buy you some." She add.

"En, thanks jie. Have fun." Bai Yi Yang said before hanging up.

Well, if she really go and hang out with them, that will really be awkward. Not enough with Teacher Hong Min, Mr.Ling is also there. That situation will be really awkward, no matter what, she is still a 16 years old girl in their eyes.

Bai Yi Yang proceed with making ginger chicken, egg stir fry with big peppers and lastly spicy mapo tofu. Today dishes is relatively easy to cook so she finished before everyone is back.

[3 points earned. Total points: 1,673]

Bai Yi Yang return to the Main house and went to take a shower. When she come out of the shower, her siblings is back.

"We had an exam today." Bai Yi Ling said as she gave Bai Yi Yang her marked English exam paper to Bai Yi Yang when Bai Yi Yang came out of her bedroom.

"Really?" Bai Yi Yang smile and took it. She went to sit at the sofa and Bai Yi Ling sat next to her.

"98%?" Bai Yi Yang look at Bai Yi Ling wide eyed, she immediately pat the child head.

"The teacher said that no matter what, she cannot give full marks for essay, but she praised me a lot, there are no grammatical error." Bai Yi Ling said, there is a small smile on her face.

"You did very well. That is indeed true, I never get full marks for essay either." Bai Yi Yang said as she look through the 8 pages. Bai Yi Ling next to her will say a few comments when they flip to next page.

Bai Yi Yang pay attention to it from beginning to end. They don't have parents, so she and Bai Yi Chen need to take the role of parents, things like looking at exam papers. Even during the midterm semester, when the results come out and the exams paper is returned, Bai Yi Yang went through it with Bai Yi Ling, she heard it was Bai Yi Chen's role before. Bai Yi Chen really did well as an older brother, it's just that there is nobody who take care if him before, but now it was Bai Yi Yang who go through exams paper with him too.

"Jie, I also tell Miss Susan that I may be quitting when this semester ends." Bai Yi Ling said, this time in low voice.

"You did? Then what did she said?" Bai Yi Yang said. She have talked about this with Bai Yi Ling, it was Bai Yi Ling wish since the syllabus of primary school is too easy for her now.

"She said she respect my decision since I really can't join the high school session. There is the transport problem too, then Miss Susan is also worried about me if I joined those who is 2-3 years older than me." Bai Yi Ling said.

"En, good thinking. Then, let's do that. Just finish until this semester, alright?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay." Bai Yi Ling smile.

After that, they all went to have lunch, Bai Yi Yang also tell the news to Bai Yi Chen. Bai Yi Chen knows that Bai Yi Ling is a smart kid, she must have thought carefully too before making decision, so he also agree. The thing is settled just like that.

As usual, after lunch they will have an afternoon nap and Bai Yi Yang process with woodworking at 2.00 pm in the evening. After she finished making the furniture for each bedroom, she need to call Ru Qing to take it since there won't be space to store it in their house. Even while making the big beds, she cannot assembled it here, she can only do that when they bring it into the house in City Nan. Well, who says moving can be easy, luckily Ru Qing team are professional, they will be able to handle this properly.

Bai Yi Yang weekend is very busy indeed, even on Sunday where she usually get to relax, she still decided to do woodworking, let the children do what they wanted to do. But, on Sunday, the children usually just stay at home too, they watch TV, play games, read books and play around the yard with their pets.

Notes: Helloww..🥰💚💚💚