Chapter 233: Dongfang Qi Ze’s past

Saturday comes quite fast and today Bai Yi Yang can only skip the workshop day. Yesterday, Ru Qing staff has come and pick up the furniture that she have finished, their next pick up is next week Friday the same time too.

Bai Yi Yang chat with Ah Qi while having breakfast with Bai Yi Ling, Bai Yi Chen is still getting ready to send Bai Yi Ling to the bus station later. What more, he will be heading to the town right after that with Old Jin, they are doing some shopping for Bai Yi Fang's birthday today.

"Jie, do you have a boyfriend now?" Bai Yi Ling suddenly ask out of nowhere. Bai Yi Yang who was smiling froze, she quickly put away her phone.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk. Host, you are too obvious, even a 10 years old girl can sense that you are dating.' TongTong said while munching the dumplings.

"What are you talking about." Bai Yi Yang fake a cough and sip the hot cocoa.

"Oh, if not then forget it." Bai Yi Ling said and proceed with eating her breakfast. Her older sister is a bit different nowadays, one time at night, she caught her sister talking with someone on the phone but she is not sure who it was.

"Right, don't forget to call your close friends to come over later, FangFang will be happy if there is many people." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, I have told them yesterday. Ah Yu and Qi Qi is coming." Bai Yi Ling said.

"Good." Bai Yi Yang nod.

After that, Bai Yi Chen come in and finish his breakfast in no time, he and Bai Yi Ling then make way to the village. They have made plans to meet up with Old Jin and ride the van together. When they left did Bai Yi Yang text Ah Qi back.

'Sorry, I was caught up with something. Today is Fang Fang's birthday so there will be a lot to do.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'Today is Fang Fang birthday? If I know it I would have take a holiday.' Ah Qi reply. Actually he know it but that will be scary if he suddenly took a holiday just to surprise them, what more he is really quite busy, his schedule is only finished at 5.00 pm today and only after that can he head to Qinfang village.

'Yeah. No problem, we understand that you are busy.' Bai Yi Yang smile lightly.

'Can I come over today? But I may arrived late, very late.' Ah Qi reply.

'You are coming over?' Bai Yi Yang send a shocked emoji together.

'Yes. I am free tomorrow, but I usually just sleep at home alone.' Ah Qi said. This is another lie, he still go to work even during his holiday.

Bai Yi Yang who read this feel sad. Ah Qi don't have anyone to spend his holiday with, how lonely must he be.

'You can come over every week if you don't mind. I have many siblings and you won't get bored here.' Bai Yi Yang reply.

Dongfang Qi Ze on the other side cannot help but release a low chuckle. This is what he have been waiting for, it won't be good if he keep asking to come over. But now, Bai Yi Yang is the one who invited him so there won't be any problem.

His assistants who is in the same elevator as their young master had a goosebumps, their young master has changed a lot. Every morning he will come to the company with good mood, when his patience with the employees wear out in the evening, he will usually cheer up again at around 4.00 pm. That's a very good thing indeed for them employees, but don't know why their senior Long Yi face become darker and darker each day.

"Young master, you seems to be in good mood?" Assistant Lu, Lu Zheng said. Lu Zheng have been busy with doing task outside so he didn't witness the changes in the young master as much as the other 3.

"En. How is that man? All ready?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask.

"All ready. He said he will do well. Qi Sheng have received similar education as you young master, even if he is required to talk, there won't be problem." Assistant Lu said.

"If he make mistakes, just kill him." Dongfang Qi Ze said coldly.

"Young master…that's not appropriate.." Assistant Long at the side said helplessly.

"What not appropriate? It's you who keep pestering me about this problem too, it's settled as long as he is gone." Dongfang Qi Ze glare at Assistant Long.

"That will only worsened the situation if the young girl know." Assistant Long said.

Lu Zheng at the side only listen, it will be a lie if he said that he is entirely clueless about this. Aren't this about the young master using Qi Sheng's identity in front of his lifesaver, what more their relationship seems to have progressed quite a lot. Honestly, he also have the same thought as Long Yi, it is already morally wrong to have a shadow that can die for you anytime but now the young master even take advantage of his identity to cheat other. If he were not their young master, he will also think that he is a bastard.

"Who else know about this other than the 4 of you, what, are you going to open your mouth?" Dongfang Qi Ze said threateningly, the 4 people immediately avert their eyes. Even Assistant Lu feel a but awkward for his own thought just now.

Dongfang Qi Ze didn't allow them to use Bai Yi Yang name, can't even mention her surname. Being with Dongfang Qi Ze is not always sunny, it won't be good if his enemies find out about Bai Yi Yang, so they always refer her as young miss or young girl or little miss.

"As long as all of you keep your mouth shut." Dongfang Qi Ze said. The 4 people nod and answer yes.

"Young master, today, I will accompany you instead of Assistant He. Is that alright?" Assistant Long said. Since he can't advise the young master, he should at least be aware of the situation.

"No. You stay." Dongfang Qi Ze answer immediately. As if he didn't understand what Long Yi is planning, he must have wanted to see Bai Yi Yang by himself then nag at him further.

Long Yi has been with him for very long, they often have different opinion too but Long Yi still patiently stay with him, maybe because Long Yi feels indebted to his so-called father and mother so he feel obligated to follow him too.

Dongfang Qi Ze parents passed away many years ago when Dongfang Qi Ze was 6 years old. Long Yi is one of the children that they give financial support too. It's actually quite common. So when Long Yi enter the society, he work in Dongfang Group and attached himself to him, that's how he have been his assistant for 10 years now. Actually, rather than assistant, Long Yi has regard him as his own younger brother, that's why they can fight but will make up in the end.

"Then should I follow that man to the family dinner?" Assistant Long said.

"There is no need. If he can't handle that much, then you should also think twice whether we should really kill him or not, don't you think so?" Dongfang Qi Ze said with a smile that's not really a smile..

"I will make sure that he will do well. No matter what, he is still someone the late madam look after." Assistant Long said.

"What does that woman's person have anything to do with me? I have done my job to provide financial support, don't think I am the same person as her.." Dongfang Qi Ze said frowning, he really sounds unhappy now.

"Young master.." Assistant Long feel helpless.

"I don't want to hear you mention her again, remember." Dongfang Qi Ze said.

"Leave me alone." He said as he slammed the door close. Everyone outside froze.

"Long Yi, you shouldn't have mentioned the late madam. You know it's a taboo." Secretary Jang said as she pat Long Yi's shoulder. Long Yi also sigh as he returned to his post.

Actually he feels regretful too. The late madam died of medicine overdose, so he heard. The young master late father passed away in a suspicious car accident, leaving the late madam who was 29 years old at that time and the young master who is only 6.

The late madam was devastated, she start seeing psychiatrist to overcome her extreme grief over the loss of her husband. Don't know why but instead of leaning onto the young master, the late madam like visiting the orphanage and spend time with the orphans where she met Qi Sheng. Qi Sheng has followed the late madam in many of her visit, many children were jealous of him because the late madam gave a lot of attention to him, like a real son.

Long Yi has met the late madam too a few times since she spend most of the time outside visiting children house, orphanage and financially struggling children. But, he never met the young master even once. At first, they thought the young madam don't have children, that must be the reason that she is so kind to other children, but when they come to pay respect during her funeral which happen about 1 year after the late master passed away, they met the young master, Dongfang Qi Ze for the first time.

Long Yi first impression of the young master was that he really resembled the late madam favourite child Qi Sheng. But, he was very cold, towards them children that his parents provide financially, he don't have much reactions, he didn't pay attention to them too. Some of the children who was close to the late madam was crying but the young master didn't even shed a tear, there are no sign that he cried either.

At that time, Long Yi was 16 so he understands many things already. The young master was handling the late madam funeral like a business event, he will converse calmly with the adults that come to pay respect. Long Yi feel that the young master was too cold at that time, he also think that the young master don't know how to appreciate his parents who was very kind. He even think that Qi Sheng is the one who truly deserve all the love from the late madam instead of their real son. How can a child be that cold even during his parent funeral?

When he graduated and start working at Dongfang Group, he met the young master a few times, he was 11 at that time, merely a few years after he last met him but, the young master start following the family head to the company, he was only a small rookie staff at that time and he was noticed by the young master, the young master apparently remembered him from the funeral.

Since that, he become interested and curious about the young master. He start asking around and finally know a bit about the young master. He is actually a pitiful kid that only lack love from his parents. The late master and madam is a loving couple, but they love each other so much that they neglected their only children, let him grow up with the nannies. They are already busy people, when they spent family time, their quiet and serious only son is like a third wheel. They think that providing everything for him is enough and he eventually grow apart from his parents.

When the late master passed away in an accident, the late madam lost half of herself. Her only son is not close with her so she seek for comfort from other children, but in the end she still cannot adapt and ends up taking her own life too. Leaving the pitiful and neglected child alone in this world.

Long Yi's conclusion was that the late couple have overflowing love towards each other, they also have a big heart to share it to the unfortunate children but they were very cruel to their only son. The young master is not to blame that he has this attitude towards his birth parents.

That's when Long Yi finally decided to follow the young master.