Chapter 236: Bai Yi Fang’s birthday party

At around 12.20 pm, Bai Yi Yang excuse herself to briefly wash up and change outfits. She will take a proper shower after the party ends.

"Is everything in the kitchen done?" Madam Sun ask, they arrived at 12.00 pm just now, Aunt Sun wanted to help but Bai Yi Yang told her to chat with the other in the living room. As for the two boys, Sun De Ming and the small Sun De Lun, they follow their father around to chat with the people. The two boys is still a bit shy with the other children.

"Almost done, they only need to serve it now." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"You have worked hard." Grandma Zhou said.

"Not hard, many people help too." Bai Yi Yang grinned. Actually, Bai Yi Yang only allowed Zhou Zhu Yao, Bai Yi Chen, Bai Yi Ling and Old Jin to help her in the kitchen. As for the rest, they help with small things like peeling the onion, but mostly they just chat at the diner table.

"Go wash up." Grandma Zhou shoo her to the bathroom, Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly and enter the bathroom.

When she was tidying up her hair in her bedroom, she heard the notification from the system. Everything must have been done. She cooked a total of 12 different food so the points reward is quite big.

[36 points earned. Total points: 1,907]

"Jie! I saw the cake..gege took it out." Bai Yi Fang barge into Bai Yi Yang's bedroom and hug her legs.

"You like it?" Bai Yi Yang giggle and pat her head. Bai Yi Fang is wearing a beautiful princess gown now, her hair is put up into two buns, she is also wear the accessories that Zhang Yong gave her last time.

"I love it! It's so pretty." Bai Yi Fang jump up and down excitedly. Bai Yi Yang laugh and correct the crooked hair clip.

"Alright, after this we will sing happy birthday song for you then you can blow the candles." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Okay! Jie, I will wait for you outside, come out quickly." Bai Yi Fang said and run out again. Bai Yi Yang shake her head and took the camera, after this she will take pictures and videos, the children love watching their own pictures, so she often transfer it into the hard drive, when the children want to look at it they can do so in front of the TV.

When Bai Yi Yang came out, the living room have been changed a bit, the sofa are put aside and in the middle is a table with Bai Yi Fang's birthday cake surrounded by colourful snacks and sweets. Madam Sun bought it just now, actually Bai Yi Yang also bought some already but since Madam Sun bring it, they should accept it. The children eyes are focused on the table but nobody dare to come close, they only look from afar.

"Everything is set up?" Bai Yi Yang ask Zhou Zhu Yao who is arranging stuff on the table with Madam Sun.

"Almost, after we light up the candle, the children can start singing." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"En." Bai Yi Yang nod. She set up the tripod about 5 meters from the table and set the camera.

"Alright, alright. Fang Fang, come here in the middle. The other can stand on the left and right side, the shorter one can stand in front." Zhou Zhu Yao said to the children.

Bai Yi Fang excitedly pull her girlfriends to stand next to her and the other children also gathered in behind the table. As for the bigger children, they stand at the back, Bai Yi Mo who is short also pretend to be tall and stand with the other big boys behind.

"Xiao Mo, you are short, come in front. Ah Rui and Xiao De Lun too." Zhou Zhu Yao said. Her statement makes Bai Yi Mo's friends tease him and told him to stand in front with Jiang Rui and Sun De Lun. This makes Bai Yi Mo a bit reluctant, well, boys have their little pride to maintain.

"Xiao Mo come, we can see the cake closer." Sun De Lun said, pulling Bai Yi Mo and Jiang Rui hand. The three of them is the same age, Bai Yi Mo is only a bit taller than the two, but their height is quite similar.

"Okay." Bai Yi Mo immediately agree, this makes the other boys feeling envious. Actually they are only pretending, they also wanted to look at the cake closer.

"I want to stand in front too." Shitou suddenly said, making the two other boys feeling betrayed.

"I want too." Xiao Bao and Mu Zi said.

"You three are big boys, stand behind, don't cover the girls." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Ah..Aunt Zhu Yao.." They said as if begging.

"No compromise. You can see it from there too." Zhou Zhu Yao said. The boys can only enviously look at the other who get to stay close.

But, when they were given cone hat and the birthday candle is lit, they immediately cheer up again. The children sing the happy birthday song for Bai Yi Fang two times before Bai Yi Fang blow the candle.

"Yay!" The children cheers and clap their hands.

"Cut the cake." Zhou Zhu Yao said and hand over the plastic knife to Bai Yi Fang. Bai Yi Fang contemplate for a while on where to cut the beautiful cake before deciding to make a small cut on the back. The crowd erupted into a claps again.

"Now is picture time. Everyone look here." Zhou Zhu Yao pointed at the camera on the tripod.

"1,2,!" Zhou Zhu Yao instructed a few times. There are groups photos of all children, then Bai Yi Fang with her girlfriends, with all the siblings and Bai Yi Fang alone. When it is done, it is already 12.50 pm.

"Everyone, we prepared some food in the kitchen, after this everyone can take the food there. As for the children, you can queue up and I will help you, alright?" Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"Yes." The children answer unanimously.

In the kitchen, Bai Yi Yang is the first one who came in because she wanted to take pictures. Everything looks delicious and appetising. They had prepared a one time use utensils, plate, bowl and glass. Outside, they also prepared many plastic garbage to throw away after finish eating. As for where everyone is eating, Bai Yi Yang didn't specify, they can eat in the living room, kitchen, corridor or the central courtyard, they can find anywhere they find convenient.

The children follow Zhou Zhu Yao's instructions, they queue on the left side of the diner table while the adults take food on the right side. Zhou Zhu Yao and Mr.Ling help with scooping food for the children. Most of them are interested with the pretty looking food.

"Aunt Zhu Yao, can I have two corn dogs, I can finish it." Shitou said confidently.

"Finish the food first, if you finish it then you can come back to eat more." Zhou Zhu Yao said.

"What if it's finished?" Shitou said.

"What are you worried for? We have another tray full with corn dogs." Zhou Zhu Yao said again.

"Then I will come back later. Aunt Zhu Yao, I want each of everything." Shitou grinned. Zhou Zhu Yao look at the 7 years old boy up and down, he seems small, can he really finish it?

"Zhu Yao jie, Shitou really can eat a lot, trust me." Bai Yi Mo who is queuing behind Shitou said.

"Yes. I can eat two plates." Shitou said proudly. Zhou Zhu Yao finally laugh and gave Shitou each of everything. As for the other kids, they only choose what they want to eat, then they gather in groups and decide where they wanted to eat.

"Jie, I am bringing my friends to my room. We will clean it up later." Bai Yi Mo said to Bai Yi Yang who is busy clicking the camera.

"Okay, go ahead." She nod. Bai Yi Mo already knows the rule, his friends know too, so it's okay to let them eat there.

Bai Yi Fang also bring the girls to eat in her room, the bigger girls help set up Bai Yi Fang's colouring table and they put their food on the table while chatting.

As for Bai Yi Ling, she and her friends are more carefree, they sat in the living room in front of the television. The other bigger kids who didn't follow Bai Yi Fang and Bai Yi Mo also sat there, they are clearly more calm watching TV while eating compared to the girls in Bai Yi Fang's bedroom who is giggling here and there.

Bai Yi Yang and the rest take their food in the end after everyone is done. There are still many food even if they wanted to eat a second round.

"Yi Yang, I really don't know that you are talented in many things." Mr.Ling said. The twins, Zhang Ming Ming, Zhou Zhu Yao and Mr.Ling all sit at the diner table to eat. They put the other food on the island counter for people to take.

"Mr.Ling, she is always this good at cooking. If there is cooking competition, I am sure she will win too." Zhang Ming Ming said.

"I tried learning from her but the gap is too big, I really cannot catch up." Zhou Zhu Yao add. Mr.Ling smile at this and sample another food, he nod with a smile after tasting it again, the taste is really much better than any restaurant that he have been too.

"I don't think anyone can catch up to Yi Yang." Mr.Ling said. Now, he is also calling Bai Yi Yang casually like how he is calling Bai Yi Chen.

"Mr.Ling, if you like it then eat more." Bai Yi Yang feel embarrassed for being praised like this. She knows that her cooking is good but when everyone start praising her as soon as they tasted the food, she can also feel embarrassed.

After 15 minutes or so, people start coming into the kitchen again, it was the male guests that came for a refill first, Boss Sun, the grandpas and almost everyone came for a refill.

"I want some chicken wings, corn dogs, mini burgers and meatballs.." Shitou and two boys came with plates in their hands, asking for specific food from Zhou Zhu Yao.

"You must be possessed with hungry ghosts. You already finished?" Zhou Zhu Yao stood up and help pick up some food and put it into their plates.

"We are half full, the food is delicious ah! We may come for 3rd round." Shitou and the boys said.

"Are you sure, we have desserts after this, and the cake too." Bai Yi Yang remind the boys. They totally forgot about the cake.

"Oh right." They all look at each other.

"Then only half the plate we all can finish it." Shitou said. Zhou Zhu Yao laugh and gave them the food.

"Yi Yang jie, remember to call us okay." The boys said before walking out of the kitchen with their plates of food.

"Those kids really have good appetite." Zhang Ming Ming said with a laugh. She also saw one of her younger brother amongst Bai Yi Mo's group.

"It's fine, it's only this time. I will put aside some for Hua Hua." Bai Yi Yang said. Hua Hua is Zhang Ming Ming youngest sister who cannot follow them today, no problem, there is plenty of food for them to bring home.

After everyone is full from eating the proper meal, Bai Yi Yang took out the cool fruit salad and two tubs of ice cream. She also bought some ice cream cone, Bai Yi Chen will help scoop up the ice cream for the children while they cut the cake.

"En, quite good." Zhou Zhu Yao said as she tasted the cake.

"Yeah, not bad." Bai Yi Yang nod. If she were to rate the taste, then around 7/10. Well, she payed 565 yuan for it, the taste shouldn't be bad right? Bai Yi Yang feel that the taste is good but for the kids, it tastes heavenly, on one hand they have the cake and on the other hand is the ice cream cone.

The children became really excited as they gather around in the yard eating desserts. Then under the hot weather, they all play around the central courtyard. This must be what they call as sugar rush, they really are uncontrollable. Even the usually quiet kids become very noisy and playful, at first the adults still remind them not to dirty their clothes but after sometimes they let the children go wild, as long as they stay inside the courtyard and didn't play anything dangerous.

That afternoon, their usually peaceful mountain become very merry, even TongTong decided to go take a walk with the puppies in the jungle because they can't stand the children shouting and laughing.

One Bai Yi Fang and one Bai Yi Mo is enough, imagine if there are more than 30 children gathered and everyone have the same level of energy. It's quite exhausting for TongTong.

At around 3.30 pm, people start to disperse. They had finished eating, the adults had chatted enough, even though the children still wanted to play, they are clearly exhausted too with all the playing.

Bai Yi Yang pack the leftover food for the children to bring back, it was also the same with the families who came, they all returned with food. Bai Yi Yang already put aside some for her siblings to snack on but there are still leftovers.

The last one to leave is Old Zhou family and Old Jin. They helped them with cleaning up. They stayed until 4.30 pm before they also return home.