Chapter 240: First time to town

The next morning, Dongfang Qi Ze was woken up by Bai Yi Chen making subtle sound when coming out of his bedroom. He is someone who is not used to living with other people so small movement like this can wake him up. Even while he was staying at the sibling's house when he was injured, he was constantly in a state of alertness.

When he remember that he is sleeping in someone else's house, he relaxed back and comb back his hair using his hand before waking up. When he come out of Bai Yi Mo's bedroom, Bai Yi Chen just returned from the bathroom.

"Ah Qi ge, good morning. Did I woke you up?" Bai Yi Chen nod and smile lightly. He thought Ah Qi will be sleeping a bit more since last night he returned to the room quite late.

"Nope. What time is it? Are you going somewhere?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask.

"It's 7.45 am. I am going for some shopping." Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Then wait for a while, I will drive." Dongfang Qi Ze said. He enter the bedroom again and took his towel and put it around his neck like what Bai Yi Chen is doing. Actually, all this things like adapting to live in this house is learnt by watching the people around him. Things like helping with washing dishes after a meal, cleaning the table and so on. Bai Yi Chen nod and enter his bedroom too.

At 8.10 am, for the first time Dongfang Qi Ze became a driver for someone, driver for his girlfriend's twin brother. Well, what a first time. Bai Yi Chen show him the way while he follow the instruction.

When Dongfang Qi Ze car come out of the village road, Assistant He and the bodyguards was still half awake as they tail him, they got a notification that the young master and the car location is moving, that's how they know that their young master is driving the car. They immediately freshen up. Dongfang Qi Ze who is driving saw this and pretend as if they are not there, he chat with Bai Yi Chen and reconfirm the information that he have memorise in advance.

They arrived at the butcher shop first and purchased the usual stuff in Bai Yi Yang list and anything fresh that stood out in his eyes. Bai Yi Chen is very good in choosing meat now.

As for Dongfang Qi Ze, he look around while Bai Yi Chen is talking with the butcher behind the counter. He is quite intrigued with looking at these raw cooking materials, there are pork, beef, mutton, chicken and ducks. And, he is even more amazed at how good Bai Yi Chen is with doing his purchase, no wonder Bai Yi Yang trusted him with this task.

"Young man, you are here again." One particularly friendly butcher came out of the storage door behind and greet Bai Yi Chen.

"Yes, do you have anything else that's good?" Bai Yi Chen ask.

"The beef just arrived, we have good steak cuts, do you want it?" The butcher ask with big smile.

"Let me see it." Bai Yi Chen said. The butcher immediately called some name and ask that person to bring it from the storage. Dongfang Qi Ze also come over to look, he thought everything is on display, how come the butcher take out something else for Bai Yi Chen?

"Oh, who is it this time?" The butcher saw that the extraordinary young man who is hovering around his shop is actually with Bai Yi Chen. Dongfang Qi Ze has this presence that is difficult to ignore, there is also some kind of aura that say 'don't you dare come near'.

"A close brother." Bai Yi Chen answer.

"Good, good." The butcher nod and took a few more glances before averting his eyes.

Bai Yi Chen is an old customer and a frequent one at that, just yesterday he came to buy from his shop too, usually the teenager have a list with him, he just follow what written. As for the price, this half grown young man doesn't even bat an eye every time.

"Give me a few good steak cuts, not too much since we already bought some yesterday too." Bai Yi Chen decide after seeing the meat.

"Alright, wait for a while, I will pack it." The butcher smile widely and start getting busy. From beginning to end, Dongfang Qi Ze didn't say anything, when Bai Yi Chen took out his wallet, Dongfang Qi Ze surpassed him by giving the cashier his credit card.

The cashier is stunned when she took the credit card, well, she have never seen something like this before. There are a few customers who use credit cards to pay but they usually look like usual bank card, as for this one, it is metallic black in colour and it even feel cold to the touch. She look up and saw the nonchalant looking handsome young man, she immediately blush while she stated the total price. After swiping the card, she return the card back with two hands.

Dongfang Qi Ze didn't notice the young woman's shy gaze and took out a tissue paper to wipe the card after taking it back before putting it in his wallet again. Actually, Dongfang Qi Ze is someone that hates body contact with other people and he also don't like his stuff being touched by stranger and other people in general, that's why he always have a handkerchief with him usually. Of course this doesn't applied to Bai Yi Yang and people he is comfortable with.

The young woman wanted to cry when she saw this, she never think that she will be ignored and he even wipe the card that she touched. She is quite pretty for someone who work as a cashier at a shop selling meat products, usually some young customer will ask for her number or something. But this man doesn't seems to notice her at all.

"Well..excuse me..your receipt." The young cashier called out to the customer again, maybe this time he might see her. Not only looking very handsome and tall, his credit card also looks extraordinary, maybe he is someone rich. Seems like he came together with the handsome youth, are they probably siblings? She had seen the handsome youth a few times, last time he came with a a handsome young man too, she know Zhang Yong because he is the little rich young master who have workshop at their small town for a while. She gave up attracting hus attention early on because she heard that Zhang Yong's family is someone that she can't even dream off. But as for this one this time, she never seen him in their town before.

"No need." Dongfang Qi Ze reject before turning to talk with Bai Yi Chen again.

"Ah.." The cashier sigh disappointingly, well seems like she really can't attract his attention.

When the butcher finished with preparing everything, they return the styrofoam box in the car first before heading to the wet market. Dongfang Qi Ze was amazed again, he follow Bai Yi Chen bought stuff from here and there, since they don't accept credit card and only accept cash, Dongfang Qi Ze wasn't able to pay for it. Even for his drink that he is drinking now, it was Bai Yi Chen who pay for him.

Dongfang Qi Ze's assistant and bodyguards who saw this from afar wanted to cry for their young master. Since when did their young master's drink need to be payed by a 16 years old teenager? Next time, they will prepare a lot of cash for their young master.

As for Dongfang Qi Ze himself, he actually doesn't feel ashamed at all. They all are going to be real family in the future, what's there to care about these little money.

"I haven't eaten crabs for so long." Dongfang Qi Ze said when he saw the different types of crab sold. The family often purchase hairy crabs when it's in season, they will serve it during the family dinner but he wasn't the type that enjoyed the family gathering so taking his time eating eat and picking out the roe and meat make him annoyed, so he only eat the other dishes.

"Yang Yang is very good at cooking crabs." Bai Yi Chen said with a smile, he immediately told the seller that he will take some crabs too.

"Then I must taste it then." Dongfang Qi Ze grinned. When it comes to Bai Yi Yang cooking, he will love it even if she cooks rock. As a compensation for letting her cook a lot, he will do the cleaning instead.

"What did he say that make the young master smile like that?" Assistant He ask through the earpiece. They had their people blend in the crowd to protect the young master.

"He said the young girl is good at cooking and our young master said that he must eat it then, so the young boy bought a bunch of crabs for the young master to eat." The spy report to Assistant He. Assistant He sigh and shake his head together with the other who heard it, not only drinks, the young boy even bought crabs for their young master. Their young master has become too shameless bah.

Dongfang Qi Ze feels quite happy with today's trip with Bai Yi Chen, not only Bai Yi Yang is smart, even her twin brother is smart too. Maybe because they look a bit alike, Dongfang Qi Ze like Bai Yi Chen too, unlike his younger cousins who are annoying, he like all the Bai siblings.

Bai Yi Chen also bought some egg tarts for Bai Yi Yang before heading back. They arrived home around 9.30 am. When they came into the kitchen to put away the stuff, Bai Yi Yang is there making breakfast.

"Good morning." Dongfang Qi Ze naturally pat Bai Yi Yang's head as he come close to see what she is making. Even when Bai Yi Chen is there, this action doesn't arouse his suspicion at all, it just look that natural.

"Smells good." Dongfang Qi Ze comment.

"Dumpling soup with rice cakes." Bai Yi Yang answer as she cut the garnish for the soup. Some fried yellow eggs, dried seaweed and her homemade kimchi.

"You made this?" Dongfang Qi Ze pick up the chopstick and tried a piece of the cut kimchi. Honestly, he had only seen this but never tried it in person, he knows that it's actually pickled vegetables with sweet, salty and spicy red sauce but he never tried it personally.

"How does it taste? Is it to your liking?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Dongfang Qi Ze didn't answer immediately and took another piece before carefully tasting it.

"Not bad, the best tasting pickled vegetables I have tried." Dongfang Qi Ze answer truthfully.

Bai Yi Yang laugh to this and ask him to go far away and don't disturb her. So, Dongfang Qi Ze end up helping Bai Yi Chen organising the stuff into the fridge, in term of organising, he is not very bad.

"Why did you put it inside? I am cooking it for lunch." Bai Yi Yang said when she ask where the chicken is. She had told them to let it sit outside just now.

"Yang Yang.." Bai Yi Chen said when Bai Yi Yang talk like that to Ah Qi. In his eyes, they siblings are still in the 'polite' phase with Ah Qi. If Bai Yi Yang use that tone and words to him it is fine, but Ah Qi is someone that they haven't long know. Well, except that he didn't know that Bai Yi Yang is already quite close with Ah Qi after 1 weeks of text messaging and calls in the middle of the night.

"I am sorry, I will take it out." Dongfang Qi Ze smile and pat Bai Yi Chen's shoulder and went to take out the chicken from the freezer again. After finished doing so, he came over to Bai Yi Yang.

"Our Yang Yang is working hard. My memory is not good, I forgot what you said earlier." Dongfang Qi Ze said as he massage her shoulder to coax her, making Bai Yi Yang laugh before threatening to push him if he didn't go away.

Seeing this side of Bai Yi Yang, Bai Yi Chen forgot to look away. His twin sister look so comfortable with Ah Qi, she can even laugh like that. When Bai Yi Yang is with them, she acts like an older sister, when with the elders she act like a matured junior, when with Zhou Zhu Yao or Zhang Yong she is like their same age friend. But now with Ah Qi, she is just different.

He knows that Bai Yi Yang always have a soft spot when it comes to Ah Qi, it was like that when they rescued Ah Qi too. Is it because she saw him in her 'dream'? What a big attachment for someone that she only met in her dream. Truthfully, Bai Yi Chen is a bit jealous too.