Chapter 248: Lovely dovey

The Bai siblings was about to have dinner when they heard car sound in front of their house.

"Ah Qi ge?" Bai Yi Fang was the first one who ask. She put down the chopsticks in her hand and wanted to come down from her chair.

"I will go get it." Bai Yi Chen said. So, together with Bai Yi Fang, they went to open the gate. Bai Yi Yang is still scooping out the chicken soup with sesame oil when she heard this. Ah Qi actually told her that he will be coming earlier today but she never thought it will be this early. She decided to take another bowl and scoop some food for Ah Qi too, she is sure that he haven't had dinner yet.

When Bai Yi Chen and Bai Yi Fang return, Bai Yi Fang is being carried by Ah Qi. Bai Yi Yang turn around to look and their eyes met, luckily Bai Yi Yang is still rational. Ah Qi is becoming more good looking the more she see him, he is wearing some kind of formal working attire now with vest and necktie, his blazer is left unbuttoned. Even after a long hour of drive, he still look good as ever. Bai Yi Yang sigh inside, she must have saved a country in her previous previous life because she got to be together with a man like Ah Qi.

"Ah Qi ge, take a seat. We were about to have dinner." Bai Yi Chen said. Ah Qi put down Bai Yi Fang on her usual seat and take a seat besides her.

"Was the traffic alright?" Bai Yi Yang ask when she was putting down the bowl of rice and soup.

"It was fine, not too congested." Dongfang Qi Ze took the bowl from Bai Yi Yang, their finger touched a bit while he did that.

'Tsk, tsk. I can't even get angry seeing how he took an effort to see you Host.' TongTong comment as it bite onto the piece of chicken.

'That's why you need to get use to Ah Qi.' Bai Yi Yang said.

'I know, I know.' TongTong answer then sigh. Well, seems like it need to get used to Ah Qi not telling the truth too. What to do, it's Host like Ah Qi too much, as long as Ah Qi is nice to them, it should be fine. Anyway, everyone have a secret, even the Host is keeping a big secret from everyone.

Everyone start having dinner when all are seated. Bai Yi Yang is satisfied seeing everyone having good appetite.

"Ah Qi ge, is there no good restaurant in City Shan? You are like our gege, you eat much more compared to me and Fang Fang." Bai Yi Mo comments.

"En, there are none. Yang Yang's cooking is the best." Dongfang Qi Ze praise openly. He is just telling the truth, Bai Yi Yang has very high cooking skills, in addition to the atmosphere when he is eating here, he can eat much much more than usual.

"He is exaggerating. City Shan have many good restaurants." Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly.

"There are many famous one, but not as good as your cooking." Dongfang Qi Ze smile, making Bai Yi Yang blush.

"I know it. Jiejie food is the most delicious. My friends always told me to invite them to eat again." Bai Yi Fang said. After the birthday party, their house has become so famous amongst the children since they serve the most delicious food ever.

"Later." Bai Yi Yang said and pat Bai Yi Fang's head.

"I already told them. I said that we don't have money to feed them too often." Bai Yi Fang said proudly. Bai Yi Yang just laugh and told her that she did a good job.

"Jie, are we broke? We don't have enough money to buy meat? Ah Rui said that his family is broke." Bai Yi Mo ask as he munch on steamed stuffed tofu.

"We are not broke, we have the orchard and vegetables field." Bai Yi Ling glare at her foolish younger brother and said this.

"Then is Ah Rui family really broke?" Bai Yi Mo ask. They children talk all the time and Jiang Rui told him a few times that their family is broke, that's why they moved from City Shan to here. They also don't have much money to buy meat like them the Bai siblings.

"That is before. Now eldest uncle have start planting their own vegetables, they should do better after this." Bai Yi Yang explain.

"Like us? We used to be broke too." Bai Yi Mo said again.

"En. Similar." Bai Yi Yang nod. After that she changed the topic and ask her siblings to eat more. They ate until they are full and Bai Yi Chen do the dish as usual.

Bai Yi Yang send Ah Qi to Bai Yi Mo bedroom after cleaning the table. Ah Qi didn't bring a lot of stuff today, just a small bag since he also leave some clothes behind last week.

"Yang Yang, I missed you." Dongfang Qi Ze pull Bai Yi Yang into his embrace when they enter the room, he is hugging Bai Yi Yang's small head into his chest. Bai Yi Yang froze a bit but then she also hug his waist back.

"En." Bai Yi Yang only hum but she is smiling happily.

"You must be tired driving." Bai Yi Yang said again, she also pat his back while saying so.

"Not tired, I have some friends who drive the car. I only drive a bit." Dongfang Qi Ze said. Bai Yi Yang break the hug and look at Ah Qi.

"The same friends like last week?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"En." Dongfang Qi Ze nod and land a kiss on her forehead. He also tuck Bai Yi Yang's hair behind her ear after that.

"They liked the box meal that you prepared. It disappeared in no time." Dongfang Qi Ze said again.

"Really? Then since they are working hard driving too, I will prepare some more tomorrow." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

"My little girlfriend is the best." Dongfang Qi Ze smile.

"Who is you little girlfriend? Annoying." Bai Yi Yang push Ah Qi away with glare.

"You cane here straight from work again?" Bai Yi Yang said as she took Ah Qi blazer and hang it with a hanger.

"Yes, work ended earlier today so I get to come earlier." Dongfang Qi Ze sat at the chair and watch Bai Yi Yang took out some new towels.

"Is it fine to come here every time? Don't you have social events or something similar? Maybe hang out with your friends?" Bai Yi Yang put the fresh towel on the bed.

"It's fine. I don't have many friends as for events..well, I actually have some family dinner every Saturday night but I found a solution and I can skip it now." Dongfang Qi Ze said. This fact may make Bai Yi Yang being suspicious of him but he don't want to tell Bai Yi Yang about that person Qi Sheng anymore, he wanted Bai Yi Yang to get to know himself better.

"You have a family?! Didn't you stayed at an orphanage?" Bai Yi Yang is truly shocked with this fact. Her eyes widened as she look at Ah Qi who is talking about this as if nothing. Not only he have family members left but it is also the kind that will have family dinner every week?

"My parents are both gone, I don't have siblings so I am an orphan and an only child but I have other family members, grandparents, uncles and aunts." Dongfang Qi Ze said.

This revelation really shocked Bai Yi Yang, she froze at the spot and look at Ah Qi. Well, she know that Qi Sheng in her last life is orphan and an only child but she actually never know if he have distant relatives or not. They weren't close so she don't know things like this.

Dongfang Qi Ze don't feel good seeing Bai Yi Yang expression. He pull Bai Yi Yang closer toward him and hug her waist. Bai Yi Yang is standing and Dongfang Qi Ze who is sitting on the chair is clinging onto her.

"I have this people with same surname but I only have you in this world. They don't really love or care about me." Dongfang Qi Ze said this in melancholic tone.

"Ah Qi.." Bai Yi Yang let the man hug her and he also pat his back. Well, when she remember how bad he was injured that night and he never mentioned about this relatives at that time, she can already guess how their relationship is.

"You can come here anytime, aren't I here?" Bai Yi Yang said in comforting tone.

"Do you promise not to throw me away even if I make you annoyed? I only have you Yang Yang." Dongfang Qi Ze said again, his hug becomes tighter. He have known Bai Yi Yang less than 2 months but she gave him comfort and make him feel like he have a sense of belonging. Every day he have someone who he can text or call, even though Bai Yi Yang is even more busier than him. Every weekend, he have something to look forward to which is to meet Bai Yi Yang. He like her so much, he also don't know the reason.

Before this, he have seen women being interested in him, most of them come to him because of what he have, of course a few of them are people who don't know him so they are solely attracted to him. But, when they found out about him, they become greedy. If before they treated him like the other boys, they treat him extra better. Will Bai Yi Yang do the same when she knows about his real identity? He is not sure. He have a strong feeling that Bai Yi Yang will abandon him when she know the truth.

"Who will throw you away? Are you really a 22 years old person, why are you acting like a puppy now." Bai Yi Yang chuckled and caress his hair. Well, it wasn't comfortable to touch because he put some hair gel to it.

"Then, if I do something wrong, will you forgive me?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask again as he look up at Bai Yi Yang.

"Not necessarily. I won't let you bully me. See what I will do if I found you with other girl." Bai Yi Yang grit her teeth.

"I won't do that. Other is not as good as you. I only like you alone." Dongfang Qi Ze confess.

"What do you like about me?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"I don't know. Everything, you are warm and you save me. I don't have a reason and I don't need one. As long as it's you." Dongfang Qi Ze said honestly. This is the truth because he also don't know why he like Bai Yi Yang.

Bai Yi Yang listen to this and think hard. Well, actually she also don't know why she like Ah Qi. She accepted him because of good impression but after communicating with him all this time he is too different or maybe the way to say it is that she actually doesn't know him. Like now, how will she know that he is capable of acting all clingy and act pitiful like this?

"Yang Yang, you seems to know me before the incident too. Can you tell me about it?" Dongfang Qi Ze finally ask the question that most bugged him.

"Well..actually, it's not that I do know you. I just saw you in my dream, your name is Qi Sheng, you have a gentle personality, when you sing on stage you take everyone's breath away, your song is touching and you are an orphan who like to support other orphans as yourself. I am also an orphan so I just knew that you are a very good person and I feel indebted to you. That's why I didn't hesitate to save you because you are a good person." Bai Yi Yang said. She knows that she is being ridiculous, being good at the other life doesn't mean that the person will be good in this life too. But, Ah Qi may not be angelic like the Qi Sheng that she knew and she still like him. She like him even more.

"But I am not him..I am just me." Dongfang Qi Ze pout and break the hug. The person Bai Yi Yang describing sounds like that man. Why does he have the strong urge to eliminate someone? Should he stage a scene where he is being attacked but the person is actually Qi Sheng? Seeing Bai Yi Yang gentle smile while talking about the man is so annoying.

"Did I say anything?" Bai Yi Yang chuckle. This man is jealous again, she was just describing someone like how she described an idol okay.

"That Qi Sheng in my dream is just a figure that I admired. But the one in front of me is real. A jealous man and someone that easily get irritated. A good actor who just know how to pretend to be an angel in front of my siblings but actually is cunning, he like to bully and take advantage of me." Bai Yi Yang pinch Ah Qi's cheek as she grinned. Well, this is just how he is but she still like him.

Dongfang Qi Ze look at Bai Yi Yang when he heard this. Bai Yi Yang already know him so much. Her words sounds more sincere when he talk about him. Right, the way she look at Qi Sheng is like someone is towards and idol but not him. Even though she just stated all his bad qualities, he still like it so much.

"Yang Yang..I think I like you even more now." Dongfang Qi Ze confess before pulling Bai Yi Yang to sit on his lap and go for a kiss.

"I like you too." Bai Yi Yang reciprocate and return the kiss. Of course since both of them are amateurs, it wasn't the type of hot and steamy kisses but it wasn't like their innocent first kiss too.

Knock! Knock! When Bai Yi Mo's room door is knocked did Bai Yi Yang eyes open wide and stand up from Ah Qi's lap. Her blushing face look at the door in horror then at Ah Qi.

Dongfang Qi Ze just smile lightly and stand up too, he bend for another quick peck on Bai Yi Yang's lips before heading to open the door. It was Bai Yi Chen, he ask if they were okay.

"En, Yang Yang is helping me change the beddings." Dongfang Qi Ze blatantly lie.

"Right, we haven't change it since the last time you come. Call me if you need help." Bai Yi chen said before returning to his room next door.

"This is what I am talking about.." Bai Yi Yang said when Ah Qi close the door again and grinned at her. This man is so cunning, he only take off his mask when he is with her, that's why she is also deceived when he pretend to look pitiful.

"You already promised no to throw me away. You can't take it back." Dongfang Qi Ze approach Bai Yi Yang and hug her tightly again. Well, at this rate, even if Bai Yi Yang throw him away, he will also return back to her. There is no problem, he will just look for her again.