Chapter 253: Trampoline and Holiday planning

Bai Yi Yang days at school are full with revision from the teachers. Sometimes they will have free time to revise on their own and everyone is much more serious in revising now. Even the most mischievous students in class is more diligent.

Bai Yi Yang continue receiving gifts from Ah Qi this week too, she received flower bouquet, hiking shoes, scented candle, some sweets box, and on Friday, they received a trampoline.

Bai Yi Yang was in her workshop when the delivery guy come that evening with big box, two guys need to bring it in into their central courtyard. Bai Yi Yang sign it as usual, the delivery guy ask her if she need it to be move anywhere else but she said it was fine to put it in the yard.

When the delivery guy left, Bai Yi Chen who was at the vegetables garden return.

"What is this?" Bai Yi Chen ask when he saw the big box. The size of the box is about 4 meter square.

"Trampoline." Bai Yi Yang said. She already check it with Ah Qi and he said it's a trampoline.

"You bought it?" Bai Yi Chen ask. He started unboxing the big box. To be honest, he is also curious. The last time he play on a trampoline was when he just entered primary school.

"Ah Qi bought it." Bai Yi Yang said and Bai Yi Chen didn't ask anything anymore. Well, this is because Ah Qi is very close to them now, once in a while he will text Ah Qi to ask about coding and he will call him back or explain it via text. The children also sometimes call him just to tell him stuff, he remember the children mention something about playing on trampoline, that must be why he bought it.

Bai Yi Yang run to the kitchen to take scissors before helping Bai Yi Chen unbox it. Inside are the circular shaped trampoline with diameter of 2 meters, there are also instructions on how to install it to the ground.

Bai Yi Yang look at their yard, their yard is divided into 4 parts, 1 part is where Bai Yi Ling's plant stand is. The other 3 is empty, the children usually just play around here.

"Where should we install this?" Bai Yi Chen ask as he took out the legs of the trampoline. He have checked, the parts is very sturdy, this is a good quality one.

"Here?" Bai Yi Yang ask as she pointed at the empty area in front of the Main house. This place should be okay.

"En, are you busy? I can do it myself." Bai Yi Chen said, there are clear instructions here, he can do simple things like this.

"I will tidy up the workshop first." Bai Yi Yang said.

'Host, quickly install it. I want to play too.' TongTong hover around Bai Yi Chen excitedly. The children are not back yet, they must be happy if they see this. TongTong have seen videos of people playing with trampoline, it look so fun bouncing up and down.

'I know, I know.' Bai Yi Yang laugh and enter her workshop to clean up.

[12 points earned. Total points: 2,558]

When Bai Yi Yang brought out the necessary tools, Bai Yi Chen had took out all the parts. There are some simple part that they just need to screw together. But, since they are going to install it to the ground, Bai Yi Yang wanted it to be more secured.

The twins work hard to install the trampoline together and they are done in less than 30 minutes. Bai Yi Yang took off her slipper and tested it out. She jumped up and down for the first time, she feels that playing trampoline is so fun.

"Ge!" Bai Yi Yang giggle as she jump up and down. Bai Yi Chen also laugh as he watch Bai Yi Yang being like a small child.

"You try it." Bai Yi Yang jump from the trampoline directly to the grass and urge Bai Yi Chen to try it. Even two adults can actually jump on it together. Bai Yi Yang laugh aloud when she saw Bai Yi Chen is actually having fun too.

After that, the 16 years old twins play around with TongTong, they put TongTong on the trampoline and jump, making the cat bounce too. How long has it been since they play like this?

So, when Bai Yi Ling return from his friend's house, she is greeted with this picture of the twins playing around and laughing happily. She almost cannot believe her eyes, especially when seeing Bai Yi Chen who is pranking Bai Yi Yang and TongTong.

"I am back." She only alert them when she have seen enough. The twins immediately play with restraint, they decided to rest and sit on the grass while TongTong just ignore Bai Yi Ling and try to bounce itself.

"Xiao Ling, come and try to play." Bai Yi Yang call Bai Yi Ling over.

"Oh." Bai Yi Ling nod and come over, she also found this a bit interesting. She have played before when they are at City Bei, but it has been years since the last time she play. Bai Yi Ling pick up TongTong and start bouncing up and down. En, it's really fun, her lips lifted up into a smile.

So, while she was chatting with her brother and sister, she did it while jumping up and down the trampoline. This is very addicting indeed.

It becomes much more chaotic when the two monkeys returned. Their eyes shine when they saw the trampoline that they played so much even after the sun set, they only went inside to take bath after being scolded by Bai Yi Ling about a million time.

"I want to play again after this." Bai Yi Mo said while they were having dinner.

"Me too, me too." Bai Yi Fang add.

"You have showered, you can play again tomorrow." Bai Yi Ling said.

"We can take a shower again later." Bai Yi Mo negotiate.

"No. It's waste of time and water." Bai Yi Ling outright reject it. She just don't want to trouble herself again, what more it is a bit cold outside during the night. What if they get sick?

"Listen to Xiao Ling, tomorrow you can play all day." Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly. Well, playing trampoline is actually fun, if she were a kid, she also won't be able to leave it alone.

"Jie, do you think anyone will steal it since we leave it outside?" Bai Yi Mo ask worriedly.

"There is no one who is going to steal it and no one can enter our house either." Bai Yi Yang said. Their house gate is unbreakable, unless people climb to their roof or tall gate using stairs, there is no way anyone can enter.

"Trampoline is so much fun, many people wanted to steal it." Bai Yi Fang said childishly.

"Then, let Cookie and Oreo guard it, if they saw thief they will bark and bite them." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Good, luckily we have Cookie and Oreo." Bai Yi Mo said.

After that, they ask about many things. Who bought the trampoline ah? When it arrived ah? What if the trampoline broke and so on. Their interest is only on the trampoline now. They even follow Bai Yi Chen to cover the trampoline with it special cover, this is so that it won't get rained on or night dew. They only calm down a bit when they saw that their beloved trampoline is being covered properly.

Bai Yi Yang call Ah Qi that night, telling him how excited the children were about the trampoline.

"I had fun too, when you come here you can try it." Bai Yi Yang giggle.

"Sure, when I have the chance, Xiao Mo and Fang Fang will be willing to give me the chance to play." Dongfang Qi Ze said with light laugh. He is glad that he send it over, never thought that Bai Yi Yang will also enjoy it so much. Well, no matter what she is still a young girl. Just imagining her playing around, he suddenly feel that he is a bit too old for his little girlfriend.

Dongfang Qi Ze already told Bai Yi Yang that he won't be able to come this week because of a business trip. As for next week, it's in the middle of exam week, it is better that Ah Qi didn't come too since Bai Yi Yang won't be able to hang out with him. So, they will met when the holiday start.

"Ah right, we frequently use this one courier service. How about I send you some stuff on Monday?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Since Ah Qi won't be coming, that's mean she can't give him food too.

"Courier service?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask.

"En. They usually arrive the same day too." Bai Yi Yang said.

"How about this. My colleague can just come pick it up later on Sunday." Dongfang Qi Ze said. It is better if his assistant take it from Bai Yi Yang, it will be a hassle for her if she need to find courier service. What more, the address he give is also misleading.

"That is even better. Should I send it at the bus stop?" Bai Yi Yang said.

"No. He also know your place. I will ask him to pick it up by 2.00 pm on Sunday. Is it fine?" Dongfang Qi Ze said.

"Yeah." Bai Yi Yang nod. She keep note that she should also give something to Ah Qi's colleague. The arrangement is made and the two people chat about Ah Qi's business trip.

"All the way to City Shang?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Well, she never thought that Ah Qi's work also require travelling like that. City Shang is also a big city, it's only second to City Zhou.

"En. It's some kind of socialising work." Dongfang Qi Ze didn't hide, he also release a sigh.

"Ah, I hate things like that. I bet you don't like it too right? Our Ah Qi is working hard." Bai Yi Yang wanted to pat him on his back.

"Yang Yang..when the holiday come, you must compensate me and hang out with me okay?" Dongfang Qi Ze said, wanted to gain a benefit from Bai Yi Yang's pity.

"When did it become like this? You are taking advantage of my kindness." Bai Yi Yang laugh but she really plan to spend time with Ah Qi and her family.

"I will be miserable for the next two weeks. This week I have something but next week you won't allow me to meet you." Dongfang Qi Ze sulk. Well, he knows that Bai Yi Yang have exams too, but can't he just come over and watch her study or something. But, Bai Yi Yang said that he can just skip coming and meet during the holiday which is 2 weeks away.

"Why are you being so clingy? It's only 2 weeks." Bai Yi Yang chuckle again.

"It's too long, I need a break and I need to be with you." Dongfang Qi Ze said. He is too used to coming back to Bai Yi Yang in the weekend, it has only been 3 weekends but he finally found someone that he can pour his emotion into, he is already used to it.

Actually, now he is waiting at the VVIP room at the airport, there are also Assistant Long and Secretary Jang here. When they hear their young master talking like aggrieved little lover, they wanted to log out for a while and return later. Well, they still can't get use to their young master being two face like this. Just wait, the second he hang up the phone, he will return to being their cold blooded young master.

"When the holiday come, how about we head straight to City Shan instead?" Bai Yi Yang ask him. Actually she miss him too. Their original plan was to go stay over at City Nan for 1 or 2 days before heading to City Qing, then City Shan and lastly City Zhou.

"I won't be in City Shan, I will be in City Zhou." Dongfang Qi Ze said.

"Ah? Why? Work?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"En. Yang Yang..should I take 1 month holiday too?" Dongfang Qi Ze contemplate for a while and ask.

The two assistant on the side eyes widened. There is no way that their young master can take 1 month holiday, he actually applied for 1 week holiday next month, most probably to spend time with Bai Yi Yang but 1 month is too much. Their company won't be able to function for that long without him.

"Fool." Bai Yi Yang laugh aloud to this suggestion, there is no way that she can agree to that. She coax Ah Qi for a while before Ah Qi drop the idea. Well, if he went missing for 1 month, people will start investigating his whereabouts too. 1 month holiday is really impossible.

"Anyway, if your holiday is on 12th to 19th of August, then we should be at City Shan by then. You can join us by then." Bai Yi Yang already calculated.

This holiday, she and her siblings can only play around for 2 weeks because they need to register the children for school and she will be going for a trip to Country J with his siblings, she wanted to gain some side income, they will be staying there for 2-3 days, more than sufficient. She book a ticket to Country J on the 22nd of August and return on 24th of August. This trip, she haven't tell it go Ah Qi yet, she will tell him later.

The two chat for a while until someone seems to be talking with Ah Qi and their conversation is disrupted. Bai Yi Yang finally remember that Ah Qi mention that he is at the airport now, his colleague who is going to City Shang with him must have arrived.

"Sorry, that was my colleague." Dongfang Qi Ze said after coming out of the room. It was actually the old man Dongfang Li Ming who have arrived.

"En, it's okay. You should go too, let's chat again later." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"Alright. I will call you after I am done tomorrow night." Dongfang Qi Ze said. He still wanted to chat with Bai Yi Yang but how can he do that in front of the old man, he will find out right away.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang answer cheerfully. Dongfang Qi Ze chuckle and said goodbye to Bai Yi Yang and wish her goodnight. After Bai Yi Yang hang up did he put away his phone and enter the room again. Seeing the old man's intrusive eyes, he ignored him and close his eyes to rest.