Chapter 255: Final Examination week

QiYing High School's Final Examination will be held for one week and a half, 23rd of July until 1st of August. As for the National College Entrance Examination that will be taken by senior Grade 12 students, it will be held for 3 days, from 24th of July to 26th of July.

Over the past 1 week, the students become less playful during break time and seriously start revising. Even the assembly is cut short so that students have more time to study, extracurricular club activities is also cancelled and Physical Education class become a self study session.

Today, the first day of exam is the same. The assembly is cut short, even during assembly, many students are not paying attention and read their notes instead. Bai Yi Yang's memory of her last life become clear, the students look a bit similar to her schoolmates at that time now.

When the exam finally started, the school become much more quiet than usual. Of course for Bai Yi Yang it doesn't changed much. She thinks she have reviewed enough by sacrificing her TV time doing revisions with Bai Yi Chen. And she also able to answers all the questions in the exam.

However, the seniors who were taking the National College Entrance Examination is a bit worrying. She heard that 2-3 students passed out after the first day of the National College Entrance Examination. So, she cheated a bit to help Li Jian Yu and Wang Yi Lin to go through the exam smoothly. She made some energy drinks, then add one drop of energy replenishing solution in it and divide it into two bottles. She gave it to Wang Yi Lin and Li Jian Yu while they were waiting to enter the examination hall. This way, at least they won't pass out during or after the exam.

On the last day of the National College Entrance Examination, when the senior students come out of the examination hall feeling all relieved that the exam has ended, Bai Yi Yang who is having a self study session in her class since they don't have exam at that time received a visitor, it was Wang Yi Lin who came running to her class.

"Hello Mr.Ling, may I meet Student Bai Yi Yang for a while." Wang Yi Lin knock on the door and ask for permission from Mr.Ling who is overseeing the students in the Class 1. A few students look up too including Bai Yi Yang.

"Sure but not too long. Your junior still have exams." Mr.Ling nod with light smile. He recognise Wang Yi Lin, she is in the school's R&D team that Bai Yi Yang is in. He heard, they are quite close.

Bai Yi Yang stood up and walk out of the classroom only to receive a big hug from Wang Yi Lin, followed by one loud kiss on each of her cheek. This shock Bai Yi Yang and her classmates, including Mr.Ling. But, Wang Yi Lin doesn't mind the stare, she have a big smile on her face.

"Thank you so much Yang Yang. It's all thanks to you, all good things that happen to me this year is because of you." Wang Yi Lin once more hug Bai Yi Yang tightly.

"Did you do well?" Bai Yi Yang smile and return Wang Yi Lin's hug while patting her back.

"En. I am confident." Wang Yi Lin answer, she didn't loosen her hug.

"Then, you should treat me to a big meal." Bai Yi Yang chuckle.

"Okay. We have finished our exam, when you are finished with yours, let's go have a meal together. Jian Yu wanted to come over to meet you too but I stop him, he just wanted to be the third wheel." Wang Yi Lin said. Bai Yi Yang laugh at this.

"Ehem, ehem." Both of them loosened their hug when they heard this fake cough from Mr.Ling. Wang Yi Lin immediately blush when she saw the whole class watching at them hugging in the corridor, there are various expressions on their faces, some are even gossiping with each other.

"I.." Wang Yi Lin smile awkwardly. Well, this is bad. Seems like she have stained Bai Yi Yang's reputation unintentionally.

"I will text you when I returned home." Bai Yi Yang also think that she need to go back in now. Her classmates reaction is a bit weird.

"No need. You must be busy, let's chat in the weekend." Wang Yi Lin said.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang nod and they wave at each other before going on their way.

"Oohh.." Bai Yi Yang received a multiple reactions when she enter the classroom. She just laugh it off and let them gossip. Some even jokingly ask if Bai Yi Yang is dating the pretty senior.

"You all seems to be very idle?" Mr.Ling said threateningly to the naughty students at the back.

"Mr.Ling, we are just joking. Just joking." They all laugh awkwardly and stop teasing Bai Yi Yang, but when the bell finally rings, they still came over to Bai Yi Yang chair and ask.

To shut them up, Bai Yi Yang jokingly said that she is taken now so they should stop asking her this and that. Her classmates immediately erupted into a laugh and start giving their blessings to Bai Yi Yang new 'relationship' with Wang Yi Lin.

Bai Yi Chen didn't say much about it, he only told her not to indulge their classmates too much. They has always been like that, always like to joke. Bai Yi Yang only answer with an OK and the topic ends there.

It was forgotten the next day because they are busy with the exam again. Exams can really be a bit energy consuming but Bai Yi Yang didn't skip her after school work. Everyday, she always spend 1 hour in the evening, either working at the greenhouse, vegetables field or going over to the orchard. She also go to the jungle to forage mushrooms for a short time. As for Bai Yi Chen, Bai Yi Yang gave him a 2 weeks holiday from doing any housework during the exam period, he just need to study well.

Friday arrived and students from Grade 7 to Grade 11 still have their examination in the morning as usual. Today's exam is two subjects, Geography and Physical Education. Yes, they have a very short 45 minutes exam on Physical Education, testing the theory part that is included in their textbook. It's weird especially to Bai Yi Yang but the reason is because some students will pursue sport science in university, so it is still necessary to have theory exam.

[5 points earned. Total points: 2,677]

Bai Yi Yang and Bai Yi Chen return home with Zhang Ming Ming. Everyone look a bit drained after a whole week of exam, Bai Yi Yang feel that she is taking care of 2 absent minded people. Bai Yi Chen really put a lot of effort in this final exam. As for Zhang Ming Ming, this is the first time Bai Yi Yang seen her like this.

"Do you crave anything in particular?" Bai Yi Yang ask Zhang Ming Ming. Zhang Ming Ming followed them back today, she is going to eat lunch at their house and revise with Bai Yi Yang.

"Spicy food." Zhang Ming Ming slumped on the soft carpet in the living room.

"Okay. You can freshen up first if you want." Bai Yi Yang said. Zhang Ming Ming nod and lazily enter the washroom to wash her face.

Bai Yi Yang smile lightly and enter the kitchen. She decided to cook spicy red boiled fish using thinly sliced fish fillet, mapo tofu with minced beef, steamed egg with peeled shrimp and stir fry cabbage with sliced pork.

Bai Yi Yang was filleting the fish when Ah Qi called her. She pick it up and put it on speaker while she continue to cook.

"Cooking?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask when Bai Yi Yang told him that she put him on loud speaker because she is doing something.

"En. Just got home, exam is really tiring. My gege and Zhang Ming Ming looks like walking zombies." Bai Yi Yang complain. Last time, people also call her walking zombies when she was doing the research. Now, she understand how she must've look like at that time. Dongfang Qi Ze laugh lightly when he heard Bai Yi Yang acting spoiled.

"Do you want me to come over and coax you?" Dongfang Qi Ze ask. Actually he wanted to come over this weekend but Bai Yi Yang didn't allow him, she said he may disturb everyone's focus, he actually feel that he is being abandoned.

"No. Will your friend be coming this week too? I will send some stuff again." Bai Yi Yang said.

"I will just come. I won't stay for long." Dongfang Qi Ze said. Secretary Jang on the side who is waiting to report heard this and feel that her boss has become a good puppy, like he is waiting for his owner's green light.

"It's too far, if they don't come then never mind." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Then..I will ask him to help me pick it up again." Dongfang Qi Ze is in low spirit. It is still the same, Assistant He is the one who act as his colleague last weekend, if Bai Yi Yang wanted to send him something, then isn't Assistant He suppose to drive to Qinfang Village too? What makes it different with him coming on his own? Of course he can't tell this to Bai Yi Yang.

Bai Yi Yang feels the arrangement is good. She chat with Ah Qi while cooking and even when Bai Yi Chen step into the kitchen, Bai Yi Chen also say 'hi' to Ah Qi. Her siblings walking into them chatting on the phone is normal, nobody finds it weird.

Like that, another weekend passed and the second week of exam continue. The subjects in the second week is much more lighter. On the last day of the exam which is on Wednesday, everyone more or less have loss focus while answering the Moral Education exam paper. When the teacher ring the bell, everyone can't hide the excitement in their eyes.

[5 points earned. Total points: 2,703]

"Finally!" One boy at the back shouted happily after the teacher come out of the classroom.

"Ah..I can finally see the beautiful world again." Another one said, acting as if he is very touched.

"Everyone, Liu Shan is back! Did you miss me?" Liu Shan even stand on his chair and said dramatically.

"Nonsense. Remember we have practice until 6.30 pm today. Especially you Liu Shan." Roxy Lee said. She is the leader of their class's cheerleading performance, they actually had started practice 2 weeks before exam but it's not perfect yet, what more they have stop practicing for 2 weeks now because of exam.

"Until 6.30 pm? Roxy, can't you spare us?" Mo Yi Ru become dispirited again. After the tiring exam, there is still a dance practice. When can they relax ah?

"No, unless everyone got it perfectly, then we wii practice until 6.30 pm." Roxy Lee said strictly, she won't be lax in training.

Bai Yi Yang turn to look at her twin brother and as expected, he have a devastated look. She even saw him smile a bit just now after the exam paper is handed in, but now that smile have totally disappeared. Bai Yi Yang almost laugh aloud.

"Hey, Yi Yang." Su Long came to Bai Yi Yang table from his seat.

"En?" Bai Yi Yang turn to look at him.

"Tomorrow you will go to town right?" Su long ask.

"En, with Fang Xiu Ying and Gu Li Ni to pick up our classmate's costumes." Bai Yi Yang said.

Bai Yi Yang got this connection from Zhou Zhu Yao's friend, Han Dong. She is the car owner that they usually borrow. One time Bai Yi Yang mention about going to Bai Yi Ling's school with the other siblings and Zhou Zhu Yao said that she can them to the school and borrow car from her friend Han Dong for 2 days. Then, Bai Yi Yang ask if she knew anyone who make clothes, Zhou Zhu Yao immediately suggest Han Dong's sister-in-law who have small workshop in town. That is how Bai Yi Yang found someone to do the costume. She have seen it, and the design is pretty and decent, it's not too revealing but very pretty.

The school's original cheerleading team have this old blue and white colour uniform, it wasn't too pretty since their schools team wasn't that established. It has been there for many years, Roxy Lee even complained how there is a weird smell on them.

The design that Bai Yi Yang choose is much prettier, in bright red and white colour. Bai Yi Yang even altered some design to match her aesthetic. The girls was so happy when she did that, they are trying to lose weight now so that they will look pretty in that costume.

"Count me in." Su Long said after hearing Bai Yi Yang said this.

"You wanted to go too?" Bai Yi Yang ask.

"En, I have nothing to do. As a class monitor, I should do something for the class." Su Long said with light smile. Bai Yi Yang also don't know why Su Long is suddenly being enthusiastic about their class's performance. But, if there is another helper, she wouldn't reject it too.

"Okay, tomorrow after QiYing's Primary School ceremony ended, we will go." Bai Yi Yang nod and smile back. Like that, the arrangement is made. Bai Yi Yang chat a bit more with Su Long before the afternoon bells ring, they will go have lunch now.