Chapter 257: Theatre Club’s rehearsal and Meeting Song Zheng Sheng again

When Bai Yi Yang arrived, not many people is left at their usual meeting place. Bai Yi Yang ask a girl from the same grade who stay behind and sorting out stuff.

"Ah. They are in the main hall, it's our group's turn to use the stage." The girl amicable answer. Bai Yi Yang nod and gave her some random chocolate from her pocket, she got this from Bai Yi Fang. Bai Yi Fang bought some sweets and snacks together with her when they come to Bai Yi Ling's primary school.

"Thanks." The girl grin and accept the candy. She is not close to Bai Yi Yang, this may be the 2nd or 3rd time they talked but Bai Yi Yang is very popular, she have noticed her for a long time even before she became active in the Theatre Club.

As for Bai Yi Yang, she quickly head to the hall to see Zhang Ming Ming practice. She thinks that their club's performance is one of the most anticipated performance, even now, there are many people watching their team practice on the stage. Now is the third scene where the two protagonists meet the Prince of Verona for the golden apple.

When Bai Yi Yang saw Zhang Ming Ming who is waiting for her turn to enter at the 5th scene at the side, she sneak past the audiences and went to her.

"Settled your errands?" Zhang Ming Ming ask in low voice so they didn't disturb the people on stage.

"En. I have nothing to do now, I think I am the most idle here." Bai Yi Yang giggle and cover her mouth.

"Then I want to request an exquisite breakfast tomorrow, can I?" Zhang Ming Ming ask.

"Okay ah. For you, I will wake up very early and make a royal banquet." Bai Yi Yang overreact.

"Tsk. As if, I heard these days Yi Chen is in charge of cooking breakfast. Have you become lazier?" Zhang Ming Ming attack.

"How do you know?" Bai Yi Yang ask. Indeed, simple things like steaming dim sums or steamed buns, making wonton soup, and simple dishes was given to Bai Yi Chen now. He can do simple thing like that as along as Bai Yi Yang made them in advance, it's not hard.

"I just know." Zhang Ming Ming said. She is also best friend with Bai Yi Chen now, she knows a lot of thing too.

"Then, I won't hide it from you. Your breakfast tomorrow will be made exclusively by Bai Yi Chen. If you announce it, can you imagine how much money you will earn by selling them. Talking about it, this is a good business opportunity ah." Bai Yi Yang grinned.

Bai Yi Chen is too popular now, maybe it is because of his idol like visual and since he started playing basketball, she have many loyal fans who come to support him. Bai Yi Chen is also a bit different now, he smile more often and less cold, how can people not like him?

"Good idea." Zhang Ming Ming laugh. Their small conversation even attract the attention of people nearby. When Bai Yi Yang saw D.D, she excuse herself and went to D.D who is watching at the side.

"Senior D.D." Bai Yi Yang call her lightly.

"Ah, Yi Yang. You are here? I checked all the props, there are no problem and very sturdy." D.D pat Bai Yi Yang's shoulder.

Bai Yi Yang smile and nod. She stay to chat with D.D as the rehearsal goes on, their props indeed look so good this time, it is also sturdy. When paired with the actors costume tomorrow, it will look amazing.

"Your class performance's matter is settled?" D.D ask. As a leader of the Props team, D.D naturally knows that Bai Yi Yang is absent. She heard that Bai Yi Yang is in charge of costumes for her classroom's performance. Sometimes, she also wonder why a pretty girl like Bai Yi Yang is not performing. Instead, she is in charge of backstage thing like props and costumes.

"En. There is nothing much, it's just that I need to go to town and pick it up just how." Bai Yi Yang said.

"My gege is also performing, he was forced to do it." Bai Yi Yang add and smile lightly. D.D also smile, of course she knows about this. Bai Yi Chen basically texted her many times since yesterday, telling her this and that.

She actually feel a bit guilty towards Bai Yi Yang, Bai Yi Chen is a very charming person on top of being super handsome, he is just perfect, it will be a lie if she don't have any feelings towards him when he basically texted her every day. When they cross path, Bai Yi Chen will smile brightly at her, how can she not fall to his charm like other girls do? But, Bai Yi Chen is just a bit young for her, what more he is so excellent, his academic performance is good and he is too handsome. To be honest, she have a bit of inferiority complex when she thought about accepting his feeling.

"Yi Chen is good. He will do well." D.D comment, there is a slight sadness in her voice.

"En. He look a bit cold and indifference outside but actually his heart is soft. When he like someone, he is usually very kind and soft, maybe even a bit clingy. I hope Senior don't find him too annoying." Bai Yi Yang said out of nowhere.

Well, she is saying this because Bai Yi Chen is indeed like that, isn't this all so that D.D will have good impression of Bai Yi Chen? What to do, who told Bai Yi Chen to like D.D. This is her paving a way for Bai Yi Chen ah.

As expected D.D face blush hard, her mouth opened a bit when she look at the smiling Bai Yi Yang. Well, did Bai Yi Yang know about them? It's not like there is anything, it's just that their relationship is not purely friend either.

"Senior, keep watching. I will be watching from the back." Bai Yi Yang pat D.D's shoulder and ran to the back of the scattered audiences. She laugh softly when seeing D.D's reaction. Seems like it is not an unrequited love ah.

What Bai Yi Yang didn't expect was that, while she is immersed in her twin brother and D.D love story, someone that she have almost forget about came to see her.

"Senior Song?" Bai Yi Yang said when she turned around after her name is called. Standing behind her is none other than Song Zheng Sheng. He still look handsome and refreshing but his usual mischievousness has been toned down, well, at least now he seems a bit different.

"Can we talk for a while?" Song Zheng Sheng ask politely.

"Okay." Bai Yi Yang nod.

Since there are many people in the hall, they decide to talk outside. Bai Yi Yang follow Song Zheng Sheng and he stopped when they step out of the school hall. There are 2-3 people passing by but after looking at them for a while, they will look away.

"I want to apologise for what had happened before. I am also responsible for it and I know that it had put you in an uncomfortable position. But, I want you to know that I really didn't purposely lead her on to keep pursuing me, what more having a relationship with her. At that time, I sincerely like you." Song Zheng Sheng confess.

"I know it is too late now, I should have been more decisive in rejecting her before so that she won't even have a chance to come find you." He add again and sigh.

"I have forgiven you long time ago and I already forgot about that. Don't worry about it Senior." Bai Yi Yang lightly smile.

"Then..can we be friends like before?" Song Zheng Sheng ask. To be honest, he haven't completely gave up on Bai Yi Yang. When he saw her in school, he always wanted to come and talk to her but she always have people around, today she is actually alone and he decided to just bite the bullet and come to her again.

"We can be friend, but as a schoolmate. I have a boyfriend now." Bai Yi Yang said. Right, she need to be decisive and ruthless now since she have Ah Qi. Ah Qi is already jealous about her friendship with Zhang Yong and Su Long, she can't add another one.

Song Zheng Sheng face changed, she have a boyfriend now? Since when, why didn't he know? He try to think about people around her and two people comes to mind, Li Jian Yu the famous senior who was in the R&D club with Bai Yi Yang and Su Long, the smart boy from Bai Yi Yang's class. Can it be someone from Bai Yi Chen's basketball club, he have seen Bai Yi Yang hang out with them too. Or, the Theatre club? But, no matter how he sees it, it none of the interactions look like a romantic relationship.

"He is not from this school. I promised not to get close to male students, you must understand this too right?" Bai Yi Yang said again.

Song Zheng Sheng didn't answer for a while but in the end he also nod. Right, if it were him, he will not want his girlfriend to have male friends too, what more if that male have different intention and have feeling for her. He is the perfect example of someone who wanted to be friend but liking her in reality. No matter who that person is, Song Zheng Sheng will respect it.

Actually, he also suspect that Bai Yi Yang is just saying this to push him away. Well, if that is true, then he is totally being rejected here. He is not that shameless. What he regret was that his relationship with Bai Yi Yang ended just like that because of a third party and his foolishness.

"I understand. It was nice knowing you." Song Zheng Sheng nod with a small smile.

"Thank you for your understanding. Then, I will go inside first, I still have some matter to attend to." Bai Yi Yang nod at him lightly before leaving. She learn that things like this need to be cut off decisively. If not, the effect won't be good in the future.

When Bai Yi Yang enter the hall, the 4th scene had started. This is the scene where Romeo and Juliet pretend to be affectionate couple but they actually hate and dislike each other. There are various emotions shown on the stage, the audience can feel the romantic air when they pretend and there are also elements of comedy. Bai Yi Yang also laugh along.

The rehearsal was perfect, even until the last tragic scene of the two protagonists and peace between the two family.

"The story is interesting and unique."

"They choose their actors perfectly for the role, Juliet is really cool, I thought she was the male lead."

"Did you see their props, it was so well made. I thought they will recycle things from past years because they didn't come often to the school workshop, who knows their props is so impressive, well made and beautiful."

"When paired with the costumes tomorrow, I bet it will be excellent."

These are the comments from people who watch their rehearsal performance. Basically all review are good. After the rehearsal at the stage, they continue to rehearse off stage until their director Hua Chang Yin is satisfied. When Bai Yi Yang return home at 4.00 pm alone, the rest are still busy at school.

Bai Yi Yang look at the text message sent by Mr.Ling just now and sigh. Well, she is not that free after all, she was chosen to deliver speech together with two other students, one is Li Jian Yu and the other is a boy from Grade 9 from junior high school. What a last minute thing, she still need to prepare her 10 minutes speech after she return home. In the end, she is not the most idle after all.