Chapter 265: Dinner with R&D team

Ruby An is in front, walking with the children, Teacher Yin and Sir Austin walk around the yard first to admire the beautiful work or art which is the small stone walkway, the fire pit in the middle and plant rack with various flower. Then, there is the neatly trimmed green grass and the small flowers planted on the side. The type of lamps used at the corridor also serve the same kind of aesthetics.

Wang Yi Lin and Li Jian Yu walk with the twins to the kitchen as they chat lightly. Li Jian Yu and Bai Yi Chen has always click well even at school, so they had a nice conversation. Li Jian Yu will pursue engineering, although Bai Yi Chen is into IT, they have common topic to talk about. Li Jian Yu seems to be interested in learning coding, he ask Bai Yi Chen which online courses is he taking these days.

Bai Yi Chen level nowadays is no joke, with guidance from Ah Qi from time to time, he caught up very quick in his online lesson. Every time Bai Yi Yang took a short peek, she think she won't be able to catch up even if she start learning now. Bai Yi Chen have very deep interest and he also have the brain to study IT, so he is doing very well.

While Teacher Yin and Sir Austin is looking around the yard, Bai Yi Yang and the rest make final preparations for dinner. Bai Yi Ling also took out 3 type of drinks she made earlier.

Ruby An don't want to miss this opportunity to update her social media, she took a lot of selfies with each people, then group selfies too, not to forget each of the beautiful and delicious looking dishes and drinks.

"Yi Yang, take a picture of me with this drinks." Ruby An call Bai Yi Yang and gave her the phone. In her hand now is a glass of blue cider drink with lemon slices and mint, they look pretty. She pose on the bar counter and pretend to take a drink and look outside.

"Move your face a bit to this side." Bai Yi Yang instructed and Ruby An follow, this photoshoot took a while. Seeing the final product, Ruby An is satisfied and start choosing picture as his first post.

"She have been obsessed with taking pictures." Wang Yi Lin complained in front of Ruby An.

"This is a rare chance. People will think that I am at some kind of exclusive bar." Ruby An giggle and and both Li Jian Yu and Wang Yi Lin sigh. Ruby An energy level is too high, they can't cope with her. It was usually Bai Yi Yang who can still keep up to her energy.

"Is Yi Yang's house some kind of photoshoot site?" Li Jian Yu also add.

"That's right. When her Theatre Club members come, they took a lot of pictures in the yard too. You see their profile picture and they haven't changed it for a few months now. I should take a few now and pretend that I come often." Ruby An giggle again and continue praising Bai Yi Yang photography skills.

They went to their seat when Sir Austin and Teacher Yin finished their sightseeing. The siblings is seated in their fix seating position and 2 extra chairs are added since there is originally only 8 chairs. The table is big enough to accommodate everyone so there is no need to eat separately except for TongTong.

"You really didn't order this from restaurant?" Sir Austin ask when he saw the sumptuous Western dishes on table.

"Where can we find a Western restaurants who can cook this in town sir. It's all Yi Yang who cooked them. She is a monster, there is nothing she can't do." Ruby An said. She is helping to distribute the bowl of mushrooms soup that Wang Yi Lin is currently scooping for everyone.

"That is true. It's hard to find this kind of food in town. That's right, Bifang Restaurant should have them." Sir Austin said. Which local doesn't know Bifang Restaurant, they are the biggest restaurant in town and out of the many restaurants, that should be the best in town.

"That expensive restaurant, I have been there a few times." Ruby An comment.

"Their Crispy Duck is delicious." Bai Yi Fang also comment. She remember when they first went out to eat, they ate at Bifang Restaurant. At that time, Boss Sun also ordered Crispy Duck for them and she think they are so delicious. Of course the ice cream cake she ate after that was also delicious. Maybe because it's the first time they eat out too and she know that her older sister earned lots of money at that time.

"Little girl, you know how to eat." Sir Austin praise Bai Yi Fang and laugh.

"En. Many people praise me the same. My jiejie is the best cook and I am the best eater." Bai Yi Fang add again, inviting laugh from everyone.

The mushrooms soup was served to everyone and they start to eat properly. Bai Yi Yang being a good host, cut the rib racks and place a piece in everyone's plate.

"I marinated them yesterday, the flavour shouldn't be bad." Bai Yi Yang said and sat down.

Li Jian Yu is the first one to bite onto the rib and his eyes widened. The meat is tender and come off the bone, the seasoning is not too salty and the natural meat juice is simply heavenly.

"They are very delicious." He comment and start eating in gusto. He wanted to say that it is the most delicious food he had but it may sound exaggerated, so he show it with action. Seeing this, everyone also decided to eat the roasted ribs first and they know that Li Jian Yu is not lying.

As for the steak, Bai Yi Yang choose meat cut that is very tender and juicy, everyone love them and Wang Yi Lin love them the most. Just like Bai Yi Fang, she ate the most steak with asparagus. On the side of everyone's plate is the Caesar salad but Wang Yi Lin already scoop them twice.

The two chicken dish is also not left idle. The Peri peri Chicken has a burst of herbs and they are a bit spicy, but Sir Austin loves them a lot, he said that he feels like he is home when eating this kind of food. As for the Lemon Chicken Thigh with potatoes, they are the least popular one but the potatoes is very popular. Bai Yi Yang wanted to laugh at the sight of everyone scooping out potatoes into their plates. Maybe, she should have made some potato fries or wedges.

"Does anyone want rice, we have them." Bai Yi Yang ask. Out of everyone, more than half raise their hand. Local people really cannot live without rice ah.

Only Bai Yi Ling, Wang Yi Lin and Sir Austin didn't ask for rice, even Bai Yi Yang place some rice onto her plates.

In the end, the food is finished, except for 2 pieces of Lemon Chicken Thigh. Bai Yi Yang feel that she may have cook too little at first but seeing everyone lean back onto their chair feeling full, she know that she is wrong.

"Who want some dessert?" Bai Yi Yang ask and everyone can only answer faintly, they are just too full to answer.

"Yi Yang, talk about dessert later." Teacher Yin have a pained expression on her face and she is also leaned back. She is just too full. Bai Yi Yang laugh lightly and didn't ask again.

'TongTong, are you full too?' Bai Yi Yang glance at TongTong who is lying face up on the bar counter.

'Host, don't talk to me. If not, I may fart.' TongTong answer with sluggish tone and continue to daze away.

Everyone stay at the dinner table as they have their drink. No one stood up to do anything for a while.

"How is your research going sir? I heard Mr.Jung said that they are almost done." Li Jian Yu ask. He became quite interested in research studies after joining the R&D team.

Before this, he focused a lot on Mathematics related topics, he was actually quite lucky that he top the batch, if not he may not even be chosen to join the team at first place. Wang Yi Lin is their batch top science student and Ruby An is the R&D club's president. As for Bai Yi Yang, there is no need to mention why she was in the team. All in all, he is the least favourite out of them 4 people.

"They are 90% done. Yi Yang did very well in writing the research paper, she was done long before we finished the lab work. Now, there is just a few results that I still need to polish in the discussion part, other than that, we can publish it latest next month." Sir Austin answer.

He took great pride in this research so he was doing it with all his heart. He don't want to miss any points in the research paper that may be unfavourable to them. He and Bai Yi Yang did most of the work, Bai Yi Yang put more work in writing a very good paper and he try not go mess up the lab work and discussion. It may be a bit shameful to be the first author since Bai Yi Yang did a lot, so he need to do well on his part too.

"I try reading them and I have a headache, my brain feel like bursting. The level is just different." Ruby An said with some exaggeration.

Sir Austin laugh understandingly and proceed to explaining about their research this time around. This research is based on Astragalus root and their anti-inflammatory property and treating diabetes. They are more well known in improving immunity but their research will be focusing more on these two points. Sir Austin is actually more interested in using these root as an anti-diabetic agent rather than the anti-inflammatory part.

Bai Yi Yang also think that this will be the selling point of their research paper, in the other world, it is proven that Astragalus root can improve insulin sensitivity in the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes. They can be the first one to prove this point in this world.

Hearing Sir Austin and Bai Yi Yang explaining their research to people like a good colleague, the Bai siblings is amazed with Bai Yi Yang once again. At home, Bai Yi Yang is just an older sister, she is hardworking, good at cooking and she is like their second parents. But, she looks very cool now, like a highly intellectual person.

"Your sister is cool right. We can't never be like her." Ruby An who was sitting next to Bai Yi Mo whisper when she saw Bai Yi Mo look at his older sister in awe.

"En, she is amazing." Bai Yi Mo turn to Ruby An and nod. Ruby An giggle and start telling Bai Yi Mo how his older sister was when they went to Country S. She can't catch up with the scientific terms used by Bai Yi Yang and Sir Austin, she have gave up listening. She just hope that their research next year won't be so difficult.