Chapter 267: Sleepover

"Is it cheap to install CCTV?" Ruby An ask when Bai Yi Yang finished locking the gate. She have noticed the cameras when she first came but only remember to ask about it now. There are 2 visible CCTV in Bai Yi Yang's house, one right outside the gate and one facing the yard from the main house.

"Not cheap but they are important for safety. We have 4 cameras in total just for the house alone and a few more for the orchard and vegetable garden." Bai Yi Yang said. TongTong can always detect burglar but they will need evidence to report it. It's not like they can go to the police station and said their cat saw this and that person try to trespass right?

"So many!" Ruby An said in shock. Rice people is really different ah, her house only have 1 old CCTV that she also not sure still working or not.

"En. I spent around 10,000 yuan on CCTV cameras alone." Bai Yi Yang said. She asked Zhang Yong's staff, Mr.Feng to help her with it. While at that, they also installed CCTV camera at home.

"Yi Yang, that's a lot of money. Did you managed your family finance personally?" Wang Yi Lin ask.

"En. I managed most of them. Actually it's not really managing, but I spent money the most." Bai Yi Yang laugh.

"I envy you. My mom only give me my weekly bus fares then 3-5 yuan per day." Ruby An sigh. The lunch at school is already payed in her meal card so there is no money for extra things. The difference is too big, she just feel more depressed.

"Aren't I the same. We are the normal, she is a special case." Wang Yi Lin said to Ruby An. Ruby An answer with a nod and agree, feeling less depressed. She is a fool for comparing herself with Bai Yi Yang at the first place.

"Anyway, how much does your family earn per month on average?" Ruby An ask curiously. Things like this can be asked to people who are really close, this shows that the 3 of them are really close.

Now, the three girls are heading back to the kitchen. Bai Yi Yang promised to make them fresh pizza for supper. Stuffing their full stomach again.

"You guess." Bai Yi Yang said. She told the two to sit at the bar counter and she took out the ingredients to make pizza. They have instant pizza in the fridge but she will make one fresh one, then heat one instant pizza. This is just to let the girls taste freshly baked pizza. Anyway, it is still early and they don't plan to sleep early tonight.

'Host, you are telling them your real income?' TongTong is licking its paw on the bar counter.

'Of course no.' Bai Yi Yang answer TongTong.

'Oh.' The cat then stop talking and just start to listen to their conversation.

"I guess it should be around 30,000 yuan per month." Ruby An stated.

"My guess is similar. Or more." Wang Yi Lin also said so. With Bai Yi Yang's more than comfortable financial status, it shouldn't be less than 30,000 yuan. Maybe her family even earn 50,000 yuan per month.

"It's more than that. Around 100,000 yuan." Bai Yi Yang said and the two girls had their jaw drop. They heard that Sir Austin have the income of 120,000 yuan per year but Bai Yi Yang family actually earn more than Sir Austin's yearly income in 2 months. They really have encountered a rich friends ah.

Both of Wang Yi Lin's parents is working, combined together, their income is around 150,000 yuan per year. That is considered a high household income already but Bai Yi Yang family earn more than 1 million each year. It's amazing when she think about it again.

"Your family is that rich?! No wonder you didn't even blink when adding a whole batch of expensive steak onto the table." Ruby An said in amazement.

"My father is the only working person in my family and he earn half of that in a year. I really cannot imagine living like you." She add again.

"We recently start earning that much, before this, we are very poor. If I describe it, you wouldn't believe me. What more, we earn a lot but I also spent a lot. You won't be able to imagine how much I already spent and just how much money is left in our account." Bai Yi Yang giggle. If she is not a spendthrift, then she wouldn't even work hard or try to earn some side income by fishing or mushrooms foraging.

"I don't think you will be finished eating the money you earn no matter how much you spent." Ruby An doubt it.

Actually, Bai Yi Chen also didn't think that their money will deplete so much in short time. But, his view was crashed when Bai Yi Yang spend millions in one go to buy 2 houses at once. Then, she also spent a few hundred thousands just for the furnishing of one house. He sometimes doubt that Bai Yi Yang is really a commoner like them.

"Money can be gone in a blink of an eye. Just look at her, doesn't she look like a good spender?" Wang Yi Lin comment and point at Bai Yi Yang. Bai Yi Yang and Ruby An laugh aloud.

"Your speech today attracted a lot of VIPs to sponsor. If I know it, I would have ask you to sponsor instead." Ruby An remember this once they talked about money.

"No matter how much money we have, that's their work to give the sponsorship. We are already working hard on our part, we need to make the research paper, lab work and undergoing stress during competition. When we won, both sides got the name and bragging right. We can't provide the money and work hard at the same time. That is unwise." Bai Yi Yang said. She don't have interest in doing investment for now, what more to use her own money to fund their research team. There are many who is willing to ride their coattails, why don't she just allow them. More money means more resources for her team.

"Bai Yi Yang. You are indeed very smart. You doesn't only use your brain on studying. I was really short sighted." Ruby An was impressed with her reasoning. That's right, they are already working hard on the research, it's unreasonable that they need to provide money too.

"Yi Yang must have thought of this too before. She is right, if possible, we shouldn't start taking out our own money. This is a school project, if you need money, just ask for it. Especially you Ruby, you have become leader once, you know how much money is needed after learning from Sir Austin. Next year, Sir Austin will probably make your team more independent, you will have to do more as a leader. Each spending used for the team need to be claimed even if you have the money, it's only right that the school pay for it. I enjoy believe that with our win before, investors wouldn't flock in." Wang Yi Lin said confidently. If this were before, she wouldn't dare say it. But, with the dependable Bai Yi Yang, what to be afraid of.

Sir Austin will be busy with two teams, since Bai Yi Yang and Ruby An have experience, they will naturally have to try doing more on their own. She is not worry about the research itself but about the management. The research have Bai Yi Yang as the backbone but she is not a normal teenager like Ruby An. Ruby part is a bit worrying.

"She will dot well. Don't worry jie." Bai Yi Yang smile.

"I will learn well from Sir Austin. If we do everything on our own, I will be 100 times prouder." Ruby An said with big smiles.

"En. You have a good temper and your social skills is top notch, you will surely do well." Wang Yi Lin smile.

As Bai Yi Yang do the cooking, they chat about a lot of things. Half of the time they talk about the research and the other half, they are gossiping. Ruby An add almost every representative of their country during the competition, so she know a lot of things. What happened to this and that person, which one broke up and which one is in love. She is like a professional stalker.

"Dongfang family is actually very strict with their children. 3 months training in the army? A naughty kid will surely be straightened up." Wang Yi Lin said in amusement.

Ruby An was telling them about the bigshots in Zhou International School. Dongfang Liu actually enter the military camp for a few months, he just came out before the exam. His goodbye post in his social media stated that he will repent for all his wrongdoings and will become a better person for the family once he come out. This is like he is being punished by his family.

"He deserves it. I have been following him and he openly flirt with older female artists, some even responded to him. He was with someone but openly flirt with others. I think, his family did the right thing by sending him to the military camp." Ruby An said.

"So, did he turn for the better?" Bai Yi Yang also indulged in the gossip.

"He was good for a week, then he was caught in a hotel with a young rising idol. This Dongfang Liu is really a gone case." Ruby An said while rolling her eyes.

"For real?" Bai Yi Yang laugh. Well, people is really hard to change.

"I did some research, Dongfang family is quite harmonious outside, their businesses cover the whole sky but entertainment news often reports about them too. One master have a mistress outside and forced to abort the illegitimate child. Another one have an illegitimate child that wasn't allowed to enter the family genealogy. Some are divorced and some are dead. It's quite a mess." Ruby An said.

"Even common family have many problems, what more a big family like them. One move they make will involve millions, that must be very stressful." Wang Yi Lin said.

"Yi Yang, aren't you stress with that much money in hand?" Ruby An turn to Bai Yi Yang.

"How can our level be the same. If we look in term of olden time status, my family will be at most a merchant their family is the royal family. The difference is wider than the yellow sea." Bai Yi Yang said.

"En, that is also true. How can it be as romantic as the CEO drama. Being a rich person is hard." Ruby An also agree.

"You always talk about City Zhou's 'royal family', what about our City Nan's 'royal family'?" Wang Yi Lin ask curiously.

"I am not looking down on our City Nan, but City Zhou and our city is of different level. If we follow Yi Yang's analogy, then our city should be ruled by a nobleman family. If you talk about City Nan, there are the Li, Cui, Bu, Yan and Zhang. Their power is basically equal, not too overwhelming like Dongfang family. It is also relatively more low key. The entertainment circle is also not so interested with them. Except for Mia. She is our city's sweetheart." Ruby An explain.

That's right, Mia Cui joined a survival show recently, an idol survival show and her dancing skills was highly praised during the first performance. Mia has the look and her dancing is really great, her personality is also cool and candid, so she climb up the rank on the first episode. Then there are news about her that she was raised with golden spoon, her family was also known to the public. Her previous work resurfaced again and her popularity soars. Now, at least City Nan people know her, especially the youngsters.

"Mia really come from a rich family?" Wang Yi Lin ask.

"En. It's the Cui family. His grandfather own a law firm, her grandmother's family is in real estate, his father own a news media company and her older sister is married to one of the Dongfang. Her background is no joke. That's why people love her more. She is obviously following the hard journey as an idol because she really loves the stage. If she wanted money, then she can just ask some from her family. What more, people are just happy that their idol is rich and beautiful with unlimited resources." Ruby An said.

"I hope she enter the top 7 and debut with the group." Bai Yi Yang said. She is really rooting for Mia. They hasn't exchanged text for a long time now since she entered the camp but Grandma Cui often update them about her.

"En. I hope so too. It will be a pity if she doesn't get chosen. She's so talented and pretty." Wang Yi Lin nod.

"Don't worry guys. Based on prediction online, she will surely be one of the top 7. Its just that Qing Xing is almost impossible to beat, but, Mia will surely rank 5th place or higher." Ruby An grinned.

They talk about idols and artists for a while more when the pizza is finally done. Bai Yi Yang have also pop up the instant pizza and made some modifications on them.

[2 points earned. Total points: 2,727 points]

"Meow." TongTong came from the kitchen door once the notification ring.

"TongTong, are you hungry?" Ruby An lift up the cat and land a kiss on its small head.

"Meow." TongTong meow back.

'Host, I want a slice.' TongTong said to Bai Yi Yang. Ruby An put TongTong in front of its plate and went to refill the small cup of water.

"She is so adorable. Did you buy her?" Ruby An ask Bai Yi Yang.

"Nope. I think she is a stray. She just pop out of nowhere." Bai Yi Yang said and look at TongTong with teasing look.

'Host, you clearly bought me. I am not a stray.' TongTong got angry.

'The following questions that will follow is too hard to answer.' Bai Yi Yang said and smile at TongTong.

"Your family is so lucky, even stray cat that come to your house look like this." Ruby An said and kiss TongTong again.

'At least this one has a good eyes.' TongTong said haughtily and Bai Yi Yang didn't realise that she laugh aloud.

"Why?" The two gils look at her confusedly.

"Oh nothing. I just thought of something funny." Bai Yi Yang said.

"Come eat." She then invite them to eat while she send a plate over to the living room.

"Jie, we will sleep first later. You spent time with your friend." Bai Yi Ling said once Bai Yi Yang put down the plate of pizza.

"En. They rarely come over." Bai Yi Fang also understandingly said.

"Alright. Once you are done, don't forget to brush your teeth. Ge just put the plate there, I will pick them up later." Bai Yi Yang said to her siblings and went back to the kitchen

The 3 girls eat then continue chatting in the kitchen. Then, they later head to the living room and watch a movie. They are only done with the movie close to 2.00 am.

Bai Yi Yang show them the bathroom for them to freshen up then tell them just go use her room like their own before heading into Bai Fi Fang's room. Her two sisters is long asleep so she just tuck them into the blanket and went to sleep too.