Chika and Asahi crushing???

It's been a month now and Chika has gotten used to her job. She talks to everyone and has even became more close with Tusbasa. It's Monday and Chika just made it to the office. "hey tus I brought your coffee.",says Chika with a bright smile. "Loads of caramel with three drops of cream?",says Tusbasa. "Yup!",says Chika. She hands him his coffee and drinks her own. "So I have some news today.",says Tusbasa looking at Chika. "Good or bad news?",says Chika. "Well it depends on how you take it but I think it's good news.",says Tusbasa. "Okay then what's up?",says Chika curiously. "Well I got a business offer and we have to go to Hawaii for meetings and things like that.",says Tusbasa. "Wait Hawaii?! Thats so cool but what do you by 'we'.",says Chika getting up to grab a napkin. "Well you are my assistant so your coming too.",says Tusbasa. "well yeah. When do we leave?",says Chika excitedly. Tomorrow morning at 4:56 so we can catch the plane.",says Tusbasa. "OMG I cant wait!!",says Chika. Chika then does a little happy dance. Tusbasa laughs. "Oi loser what are you doing pfftt.",says Tusbasa laughing at the sight. "Whaaat I'm just excited.",says Chika with a pouty face. "Haha okay don't let me dampen your mood then."says Tusbasa as he chuckles. Chika starts laughing. "Okay who else is coming?",says Chika. "Ayano, Ejiro,and some bodyguards.",says Tusbasa slighty annoyed it won't be just him and Chika. "Yay! Meh bestie get's to come!!",says Chika joyfully. Tusbasa rolls his eyes. "now don't get to excited were still gonna have some work to do!",says Tusbasa sternly. "Ah yes how could I forget",says Chika being a bit sarcastic. After that the day goes out normally.

Chika gets in her car. "Well today has been good. I think imma go shopping!",says Chika happily. She drives to the mall ,gets out ,and then goes in. Chika's mind: wonder were should I go first. Well I could use a snack imma go to the candy store. So she then walks to the candy store She walks around a bit and sees the candy she want. She walks over there to grab it. Chika's mind: Ooo it's the last one. As she's about to grab it another hand reaches out a grabs it instead. Chika looks up to see to person who took the last candy. "Asahi?",says Chika. "Chika?",says Asahi. "Long time no see",says Asahi with a smile. "heh yeah. How have you been?",says Chika with a smile. "I've been doing great actually.",says Asahi blushing. "That's good to hear.",say Chika. "I see you like Pineapple Candy",says Asahi with a smile. "Yeahh it's my favorite.",says Chika. "Really? Mine too!",says Asahi. "Here how about you have it?",says Asahi. "Oh no it's okay you got it first.",says Chika. But in reality Chika really wanted that candy. "Okay then how about we share it and also go for a drink.",says Asahi nervously. "Really? I would love that!",says Chika happily. They both blush. "okay then how about I go pay for this and we can go to the tea shop?",says Asahi. "Okay sounds good!",says Chika with bright smile. Asahi's mind: omg omg I can't believe she said yes this is like an date!." Asahi grins. He then pays for the candy and they go to the tea shop.

The get a seat and orders their tea. 6 minutes later. "So what have you been up too?",says Chika. "Well I got a new job working at an music store so that's awesome and I've also been working on some music I play guitar.",says Asahi happily. Well that's great that your doing good. I love music too but never really gotten the chance to make some music.",says Chika. "We have so much in common!",say Asahi. "yeah we do",says Chika "hey can I get your number so we can start hanging more?",says Asahi. "Of course!",says Chika. They exchange numbers. "How about one day I teach you how to play guitar?",says Asahi. Omg I would loveee that!!",say Chika excited. They then talk for a bit more and then after 2 hours they finally leave and go their separate ways.