C - 2

Planet Bathala, January 3, the Year 1100.

*Hesto Pov*

I woke up to see a nurse checking the monitor.

"ugh...Who are you?" I ask while touching my head from the pain I feel because of my idiotic self. Who in their right mind would slam his head to the tree.

"Ahh.. you woke up! My name is Nurse Joy and I'm just checking your monitor so no need to worry about me kid" Nurse Joy said with a smile.

"I see...Who am I?... Where am I?... I don't...remember anything at all" I said while Nurse Joy become worried.

"Wait here... I will bring the doctor here to check you" Nurse joy then ran outside as I sigh and look at my status.


Name: Hesto

Species: Leafcutter Ant

Size: 1.2 mm

Age: 2 days old

Current Multi: 100x

Level: 1



Mp/s: 2,000mp/s

Str: 100 (because of the serum and if he did not use serum it would be 7.2 grams), (1 str = 5kg, ave. human 5 to 10)

Agi: 20 (1 = 2mph, ave. human 7-10 agi)

Vit: 200(1 vit = 10 hp, ave. human 10 vit)

Int:400(1 int = 5 mp)

Wis:1,000(1 wis= 2mp/s)

Points: 5 (5 = 1 level)


• Telekinesis

• Super Strength

• ]

'Looks like I still haven't recovered from that slam to my head...' I thought.

'The event happens so fast... Yesterday, I died and met god and become an ant. Now I'm here in the hospital being treated as a patient.' Minutes later of recalled the events yesterday. The door opened, Nurse Joy and a guy in a white coat walk in towards me.

"Hello there... Is everything good? did you feel any pain around your body?" The doctor said with a smile.

"My head hurts and that's it... I don't remember anything, except my name. It's Hesto" I said while the doctor frown a bit.

"I see... You must have amnesia because of something hitting your head and temporarily making you lose your memory. Is that the only pain you feel, Hesto" The doctor said with a gentle smile.

"No... My body also feels the pain from the wounds.." I said while stretching my arms and making a pained face.

"I see... Don't move around as we will examine you and see if there's more hidden injury that you got...Nurse Joy, please tell the others to bring Hesto here from the x-ray room"(is it what they call it?) The doctor said as Nurse joy nodded and walk out.

"Let's talk while waiting for Nurse joy to come," The doctor said with a smile.

"Hmmm... Okay" I said and we talk... well not really... The doctor is the only one who's talking while I'm just listening.

His name is Doctor Gero. This is creepy as the name Gero is from dragon ball who's a mad scientist who wants some revenge. Well, he seems to be quite a nice guy to hang out with... But no way in hell would I trust this kind of guy who's smiling forever.

Minutes later, Nurse Joy arrive with 4 other people as they bring me towards the x-ray room to check if there are some broken bones. Nurse Joy is also nice, she's quite enjoyable to talk with. She has this type of energy that attracts every people to not hate her.

Must be from pokemon and the aura she got. Anyway, the four additional people are Emma, Phillips, Karin, and Sasuke look alike and also name Sasuke. What even is this world God reincarnated me in.

Arriving at the X-ray room, they put me inside and check me. Many minutes later, I don't have any broken bones as doctor Gero said with his signature smile.

Anyway, it's quite late so they bring me back to the room and let me sleep. I also know the city where Nurse Joy kept talking, It's Serton City.

Serton City, January 4, the Year 1100.

Morning arrives as I wake up and see nurse joy talking to someone in a black suit. She then gasps and looks at me to see that I'm already awake.

She walk towards me and said.

"Hesto!... Looks like your family is here!. I'm so happy for you!" Nurse Joy said... Well, it's in her name, Joy.

I'm confused about what's happening but just go with the flow.

"Really!. That's great news!" I said while looking excited and happy.

The black suit guy then walk towards us and said with a serious voice.

"Young master... The nurse said that you have amnesia. So I come here to see you and check on you. My name is Sebastian if you didn't remember... Master Zen is getting worried and Madam Hanako is worried sick that she faints when she heard that you go missing" Sebastian said and look worried.

"Sorry... I don't remember anything..." I said but a screen popped up in front of me.

[Ask your origin from butler Sebastian... Reward: The lock memory of Hesto]

"...Please tell me all about myself and the masters you have mentioned and what's my full name," I said while thinking.

'What is this!.. It should be impossible to have an ant baby right?' I thought while Sebastian nodded and tell me everything he knows. My family name is Zoldyck, and I'm the only heir of the world's biggest corporation. My full name is Hesto Zoldyck, which is quite nice and also questioning my real identity. My father's name is Zen Zoldyck and my mother's name is Hanako Zoldyck.

I nodded and a rush of cool sensation run through my brain and a bunch of memories resurfaced.

I see... That's the reason why I become a leaf-cutting ant, it's because I got experimented with by someone, 2 months ago and become an ant. Then I transferred to this world and become one with Hesto, my half soul and that must be the reason God reincarnated me here.

All of my life here is just me being a spoiled child because I was rich but I also have my manners which are not to discriminate against the poor and be helpful or just ignore them and just do what I want. I am a good spoiled child who doesn't discriminate against anyone... Reason?. Well, my parents here will not give me money if I do something bad and do the original zoldyck family is doing when punishing someone.

Except that it's not that extreme and I can get away in just a day of being in a locked room with no contact. While throughout the beginning of the month, the parents of this guy will not give him any money and just let him stay at the home. Which led to this half of my self being experimented on and becoming an ant.

"I see... I finally remember now. We can go now... Thank you for treating me well, Nurse Joy. Sebastian, give Nurse joy 100 million dollars... That's my thanks for making me happy" I said while finally remembering my locked memories as I change the clothes that Sebastian handed me.

It's just black clothes and a robe. Which matches my hair which is black and my eyes are red. Sebastian nodded and wrote a check, then hand it towards the shocked Nurse joy.

We walk outside while Sebastian magically have an umbrella for the sunlight and we get into the car.

"Sebastian, Have you found out who kidnap me?" I ask while drinking orange juice.

"We already found out who kidnap you, Young Master. Master Zen and Madam Hanako are waiting for you to start the game" Sebastian said in a calm voice.

"I see... Make sure to torture that guy for experimenting with me and making me an ant. Anyway, how's your son, Vance. Is he doing good, he's already 8 years old this year right?" I said while remembering Vance who's a genius at martial arts.

"He's doing good young master, He mastered 5 martial arts already and currently learning jiu-jitsu," Sebastian said with a proud smile on his face.

"That's good... I hope he keeps it up. And also don't call me young master, just Hesto or something that you like to call me just not the young master. It gave me some cultivation novel vibe" I said while some main character might just show up and fight me because I'm a young master.

"But... But it broke the rules between servant and master, Young master" Sebastian said while going towards one of the mansions of Zoldyck.

"Then call me Young lord, just not the young master," I said while cringing myself a little about being called young lord.

"Then young lord, it is then," Sebastian said with a smile.

Minutes later, We arrive at a big mansion with Z letter as the sign on the gate.

The guards who see the car opened the gate and let us in. Then Sebastian park the car close to the door as he got outside and open my door.

I got outside and walk towards the mansion as the servants open the door while Sebastian follow me towards the place where the culprit is being held.

Arriving inside, I see my new parents sitting there drinking some coffee while the culprit kept shouting at them.

"Hi, mom, dad. I'm back!" I said with a smile which is a genuine smile, not a fake smile.

My new Parents look at me in surprise and Mom ran towards me and hug tightly.

"Ohh!... Are you finally okay Son!?" Hanako said while checking my body.

"I'm okay... I'm strong you know. Anyway let's start the game" I said and look at the culprit.

"Well, well, well... So it's you... Doctor Gero." I said and look at the culprit whose faces were dishevelled.

"Let me go!!... Please!, I have kids and a wife at my house, waiting for me!, So, please!... Let me go!" Dr Gero said while crying.

"Dr Gero, no family. A crazy scientist who created many artificial insects and experimented with many kids for research about turning humans into insects" Sebastian come to the rescue as he said what's in the paper.

Dr Gero's face then turns to fear and beg for mercy.

"Looks like you still like to lie even though, you got exposed already...Hmmm, what should I use for your nails? This hammer, these pliers or this knife... These pliers would be good for you" I said while picking the pliers on the desk and walking towards dr. Gero.

The scream of Dr Gero when I pluck his nails is satisfying but also feel a little guilty as I only arrive here for two days only, this must be the feeling psychopath have when they tortured someone. While Zen, my new dad just look at the process in seriousness.

"It's not that way how you pluck someone's nail, give me that and I will teach you how... First, you slowly but surely twist it *scream of Gero*, then slowly pull it out. Here you go" Zen said while handing me the pliers back.

I nodded and do the same to the other eight nails. We also put some drug on him that would keep him awake as we pluck his finger off. Slowly but surely my progress of plucking nails is getting better and better.

Then we go to the next session, the stabbing session. Which is just stabbing the hand and foot of Gero which earn us the scream.

Just like that, he's dead by the time we finish the 3rd session which is cutting the fingers into pieces and stuffing them in dr. Gero's mouth.