The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 6: Yan Chuan (3)

After breaking the big formation, although the young man collapsed for a while, the will of the previous emperor made him stand calmly at the gate of the bamboo house and stare at the audience.

There was an anxious cry from the Hujun Camp from a distance, and the Black Armored Army outside the Bamboo House was panicked. Although there were some casualties before, they were all within the tolerance range. Now, once the Hujun Camp arrives, there will be no escape. escape.

Suddenly, some Black Armored soldiers were a little slow on their hands, changing their bodies, ready to flee.

When the black armor leader saw it, he felt bad.

"All around are people from the guardian camp, and no one can escape. Now I can only capture the evil seed, either die or capture the evil seed!" The black armor leader suddenly shouted.

The Black Armored commander shouted, and the Black Armored Army, whose fighting spirit had faded, ignited a raging fire again. Suddenly looked at the young man's place together.

"Death to protect the prince!" Huo Guang shouted anxiously.

"Roar!" The silver armor army suddenly shouted.

When the reinforcements arrived, the fighting spirit of the Silver Armor also burned.

"Kill!" "Bah!"......

The craziest fight began. In the shadow of the sword, blood was bursting, the brain shot, the internal organs fluttered, bloody.

The handymen were terrified not to look at it, and the middle-aged **** was also shocked and turned to look at the teenager.

The boy's eyes did not panic, even if the internal organs not far away flew, the boy looked cold and unmoved.


When the army was defeated, the black armor leader burst out with all his potential, and his scarlet eyes rushed towards the boy.

The black armor leader jumped out of Huo Guang's battle circle, paying the price that his right arm was pierced by Huo Guang.

The right arm was crippled, and there was a left arm. Regardless of the crippling of his right arm, the black armor commander grabbed a knife in his left hand and rushed toward the young man.

"Shameless villain, stop running!" Huo Guang shouted loudly.

It is a pity that the six black armored armies surrounded Huo Guang, and Huo Guangzong's marksmanship was no matter how strong he was.

The black armor leader came to the boy in a blink of an eye, with a hideous face. The big knife in his hand slashed at the young man.

When the knife was cut down, a flash of blood overflowed from the knife edge, full of killing intent.

This knife slashed at the young man's arm, or did not kill the young man, to frighten the Quartet.

"Master!" The middle-aged **** exclaimed, but it was too late to rescue.

Seeing that the big sword was about to cut the young man, at this moment, almost everyone's eyes gathered, there was excitement and horror.

It's over, it's over, the prince is over! The young man has lived here for seven years. Although everyone is inconvenient to inquire, they probably know that the young man's cultivation level can't stop the attack.

The long sword rushed towards his face, the young man's expression still indifferent, without a trace of panic.

Instead of fleeing, the boy took a step forward.

This step seems random, but real masters know that to face the knife, this requires more than just courage, because this is not what courage can do. When danger comes, people will have an instinct to avoid. This is a subconscious instinct.

The youth's will suppressed the self-instinct, and to take a step, that required strong self-confidence.

Taking one step, he staggered the knife instantly.

The leader of the black armor looked at his missed knife in surprise.

How is this possible? He is a master of strength six! How could it be avoided by a weak boy?

Is this still a weak boy?

The next moment, the leader of the black armor greeted the boy's eyes.

Cold and extremely cold, the young man's eyes seemed to be looking at the dead.