Unexpected person

"It's all your fault!"

Like an arrow straight to the heart, the boy immediately turned his head in all directions to search the origin of the voice.

And he found it.

At the back of one eight-arm, its minions were holding two incomplete human bodies. One of them was the woman who yelled at the top of her lungs to blame, but the other, to Sebastian's surprise, was a total stranger, but by the circumstances, his name was Sebastian too.

The woman was indeed not his mother Molly nor his sister Eva. She seemed to be a couple of the second half-dead Sebastian.

It was a protest against somebody else.

But the words hurt him all the same.

'Would mom and Eva…'


Before he could finish his thought, a lump was thrown next to him. With that first case, more and more things were thrown almost directly at him.

Those were corpses. Corpses that started to rain over him. Stacking one over another.

Without hands and having only one available leg, the teen began to crawl like a caterpillar, rolling if it was necessary to avoid the best he could from being crushed. Despite that, he ended up with three different cadavers on top of him.

Hard to breathe and impossible to move.

Some ribs are likely to break under the weight if he can't get himself out of there.

And for all the new challenges, the responsible were the minions, who released half of the 'people' they were carrying on the spot where two 'corpses' were already there.

The rest of the weight was of course people who still haven't given up on life.

Painfully, Sebastian dragged his body with what could still be considered an elbow. Slowly coming out of the dead pile.

He continued to observe the still-alive victims, don't know for what, since he was in a position to help.

Help? Who to who? To begin with.

The giants left step by step. In the process, Sebastian wondered why he was left here, among the cadavers. The minions knew he was still alive, right? The minions heard him screaming of pain all the way to here, right? The minions… why?

'They want the alive ones there, and the dead ones here, that's the obvious thing.'

So… The minions left him here because they thought he wouldn't live long enough for whatever they're planning to do?

"Why?" The teenager asked himself again.

Not the first kind of "why", about abandonment, but rather, it was a why of "why am I still alive?".

He had bleed like a pig on a butcher shop.

The amount of blood he has lost… he should be in a coma, at least dizzy.

But except for the pain, there was no other untypical feeling in his body. His hearth kept pumping blood like a wild motor, and his wounds bleeding them out.



"Stop it!"

"No! Just kill me!"

The expected screams started sooner than he thought, reuniting voices of people from all ages of both sexes. It was not a surprise that the monsters would do something to the captive humans. From his laying position, Sebastian observed how the giants made a circular wall with their bodies. Which after connecting their limbs, their skin became shiny with white light.

And inside of the improvised coliseum, the teeth minions were doing something to the alive humans.

"Ahhhhh! My eyes!"

With their fingers, they took the eyeballs out of the people's skulls. Saw Sebastian from the grids under the meters-tall legs.

"I bit you havan't seen something like dis Sebatian." A feminine voice sounded from behind, getting wrong the pronunciation of many words.


But the phonemes of those miss pronounced words resulted in an extreme familiarity, obligating the boy to turn around with an amazed face. The first sigh, the first image, the first meeting, filled him with all kinds of feelings.

Molly, she was squatting behind his sanguinary body while holding a smile that didn't look like she knew how to control her muscles, while her fingers rotated two orbs, two spheres that Sebastian wouldn't get wrong what those are.

A pair of eyes, he just saw some instances moments ago.

"What… is…."

"Oh, Sebastian right?" The woman interrupted. After the first audience, the pronunciation mistakes were completely gone, as if it was his ears that had issues hearing. She continued speaking, "Se-bas-tian, this creature of your species called you like that, isn't it? Also son? Only it and the other… oh there it is, what a casualty, that thing over there calls you son too. Right?"

"Who are you!" Sebastian tried to stand up, but what was left of his left hand couldn't tolerate the weight.

Despite so, his angry face only added a diminutive portion of powerlessness, the hateful eyes kept observing what in appearance was yet his mother.

"Why are you not dead? You are weaker than her, why are you not dead?" She acted ignorant about the question asked but curious about her own doubt.

But on Sebastian's side, all the negatives occurrences on this night had accumulated in him a beyond belief impatience, he directly yelled to his 'mother', "Stop avoiding my question! Who are you!"

"You're weaker than her, why aren't you dead?" The woman repeated the sentences, but, with much better intonation this time.

Sebastian's face suddenly froze, the "her" sounded particularly different, and it might not be referring to his mom.

"Her? Who is 'her'?"

"Stop avoiding my question! Why aren't you dead!" The odd Molly screamed, mimicking the attitude with which he said those words a few seconds ago.


The woman laughed holding her belly, while her feet stepped with the rhythm of every 'ha' over the miraculously alive body of Sebastian. "I was tired of living among unintelligenceness beasts! This way of speaking is so! FASCINATING! Yes! Perfect words for every feeling I have felt, you're so weak, you don't deserve to speak the same… language! Than me."

The exhilarated "-guage" was the final and hardest kick. After the boot, the boy coughed blood from his mouth.

"Who is 'her'?" Twisted like a shrimp, Sebastian demanded an answer with what little strength he had left.

"You never die, don't ya? According to those… movies, you should be dead, maybe I need to shot you with one of those… guns. WHAT A CASUALTY!!! This dead thing had one of those things!"

Showing extreme happiness, Molly waived her hands and called one of the tooth minions right in front of her. "Where is it?"


The gray creature made a strange sound as the response.

"Where is it!" She slapped the confused monster.


"Oh, how could I forget, you don't speak the same superior language as me!" Molly found the reason, but despite so, another slap was stroked over the head where the huge tooth was found.

Molly started to make a weird sound to the minion, it took over one entire minute for the short creature to understand and assent.

After it left, Molly started to complain to the air.

"This body is so weak, did this hand broke already? Never mind. I'll just take another one."

"Who is her?" Sebastian insisted with her weak voice.

"You're so annoying." The shoes of Molly directly stepped over the boy's mouth. But Sebastian took the chance to unbalance the woman and bite the calf flesh, "Whooo wi wih!"

The question, this time inaudible, was emphasized again.

"Ahhh!" Molly jumped back by the pain and almost felt. As an immediate response, her shoe with heel stamped on Sebastian's face as hard as it could again and again until she finally got off.

"Why this body makes such a pathetic sound!" The woman was found confounded, "Also, I see that your kind aren't as different as these beasts, only that you hid it well…"

"Where is Eva!!!" Sebastian finally shouted the words out.

"Eva? That's why you acted so pathetic? Beasts, you act rabid for the animal you procreate with?"

"Where is she!" Sebastian didn't even respond to the assumptions the possessed Molly declared, what did it matter?

"Here." Molly used a vastly relaxed tone.

Throwing the two objects in her hand to the floor next to Sebastian.

Those little balls bounced and rolled until one of the black circles inside the white orb pointed directly to him.

She smirked, finally correctly, with the right muscles.

"Hehehe, there is your Eva."