I wake up and the doctor checks on me then the nurse got me breakfast and the days passed easily like they were wind, same routine everyday, mum is the only person who does visit me and sometimes sleepover with me in the hospital, Raya hasn't talked to me since then and I told Luke and Jayden not to come so they don't get into trouble with my mum and 2 days later the doctor thought I am well enough to go home and I should at least 4 to 5 more days if possible. I liked staying in the hospital more than at home, I didn't have to cook or clean or study, all I did was read or watch TV or sleep, it was a good 3 days at the hospital to rest from everything outside.
"Come on darling, go get changed in the bathroom and wear the clothes I brought you so we can go home" she said gently helping me stand up.
"Okay" I say as I go get dressed, hoping for everything to be okay again.
I go to my house to find it all cleaned and mum has already made lunch for us to eat by the time we got home. It feels as if the house isn't ours anymore, its refreshed that I feel like I forgot how it did look before.
"Hey Liz, I want to talk to you about something" mum looked around, she is nervous about something.
"What's wrong mum ?" I say as I started getting a little worried.
"I wanted to tell you that I wanted to stop that kind of work I do and do something more respectful and right, I want to be a good image to you so you don't become ashamed of me, so you try to avoid the wrong tracks of life, I want to be a better person for you"
"What is the sudden change mum?"
"When you first went to the hospital, they told me your state is dangerous, so I left everything and I came to you as fast as I can, they told me that your allergies were so bad and that if you arrived one minute later you could have died or had some serious issues, I dunno if it weren't fo your dad who damaged us or what we would have been better and maybe somewhere else" and she started crying, I guess she finally woke up from that sleep she was trapped in.
"It's fine mum, I really respect you more for doing so, you didn't need to sacrifice that much of yourself for me, I would have been fine if we grew up poor" I patted her back as she hugged me to calm her down. She has been through a lot as well.
"Gosh, I'm so proud of you mum, what you said and what are you about to do is very brave" I say quietly.
"I hope you become brave and face your troubles as well"
"I will, one day" I let out a deep breath, it will need a lot of courage to do so.
In the rest of the week I catch up with Jayden about what I'm missing in class, he has been concentrating really a lot, but that didn't change how goofy and silly he is, he is just putting the effort so he can get good grades for this year's tests, because the college entrance exams won't be easy.
Mum found a new job during this time I was resting, she goes to work at the morning and comes at night, she took really good care of me and she hasn't got drunk for 3 straight days which is by so far amazing, she is more conscious of what she does and her surroundings and all. Raya didn't reach out to me at all until today when she told me that she is going to pass by and check on me, making sure I'm home.
Fifteen minutes later I heard the doorbell ring, I get up slowly to open the door and I find Raya, alone this time, she looks upset, but when she saw me she hugged me. Damn I miss her so much.
"I am so sorry Liz, I didn't mean what I said" and we both started crying, "I shouldn't have said what I did and I should have asked you what do you want to do first not to push you so you like that" she sniffled and wiped her face.
"You were right, what you said was right, I was just afraid, I didn't want to get anyone hurt because of me, I would rather hold the pain and endure it so everyone I care about stays safe and well."
"That's brave of you Liz, but you don't have to be in pain so you make sure everyone around you is well"
"Yeah" I smile at her and she smiles back.
"You are the best friend I have ever got"
" You too Liz, you are the best friend I have ever got"
"Where s Bellany by the way?" I ask her
"Don't think about her too much"
"Because she became friends with Sofia's sidekick Joanna.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes" she looked at the ground embarrassed about what her friend has done.
"What's wrong with her lately? she doesn't stay close to us, she is being mean and inconsiderate lately"
"Her parents are having a nasty divorce"
"and I was the one who thought I made her upset"
"No, Liz, you did nothing wrong, nor did I, she is just not in the best mood right now"
"Yeah I get, should we go visit her or something?"
"No, we can text her, she holds her phone all the time and if she doesn't eply then she basically doesn't want to be friends with us.
"Ok then cool"
Me and Raya text Bellany, hoping she would come back to her senses soon. Raya and I stand in the kitchen as she makes me a snack before mum comes and prepares dinner, I can't stand for long periods to cook myself something. We studied a little bit then we opened the TV to watch a movie.
"Liz, I'm home" Mum called as she came into my room, as just as mum came into the room a kissing scene appeared in the movie and I paused too late.
"Oh hey Raya"
"Hey Ms. Chandler"
"Just call me Tina so I can feel younger" and we laughed about it.
"What the hell is that you are playing on the TV young lady?"
"We were watching a movie and a kissing scene just took place"
"If you weren't sick already I would have grounded you already"
"I'm sorry mum"
"Fine" The doorbell rang.
"Liz, see who is at the door"
"Okay" as I open the door I found the police.
"Miss Chandler"
"Yes, that's me"
"We want to have a little chat in my office back in the police station"