My next story was most strange, rare, and impossible to believe because it has to do with priests, priests and nuns.

In my personal opinion, I used to have a good opinion of Catholic priests, priests, and nuns; but, after this event, my opinion and point of view about them changed completely.

According to Catholic priests and priests: "Pedophilia is not a disease; far from it, it hurts someone, so they can be punished with the maximum penalty"

Well, that remains to be seen. The following story happened to me a year after "The Forest that ghosts scream".

I thought that, with all that I had been through and experienced, I was not going to see any more cases of this kind; but, I was wrong because, after a year and two months, to be exact, the rumor began to spread that the Catholic priests took the children to a secluded place to rape them and that the nuns were aware of it.