Regardless of how old you are, we love to travel by train, because that way we can appreciate more the landscape of our country, the flora and fauna it has.
There is also the fact that people love to travel by train because it is a difficult ride to forget and the experience that one has after traveling by train is something that cannot be explained in words.
Not always traveling on the train is the safest thing there is, because one cannot determine exactly what can happen on a train trip or the journey.
This story belongs to Georgette Swinderson and me, and this happened to us on one of the vacations we had. I remember this experience as if it were yesterday that it happened to us.
At that time, we were thirteen years old, when we had to live this experience firsthand. I remember how much my friend Georgette and I loved traveling by train.
Every time we could travel by train we were happy because it is one of those memories that will be kept in your heart forever.