Don't know what I'm doing

*** POV – Melaena

I look at his confronting emerald eyes and start throwing ideas through my mind. Did he just tell me not to judge his affairs? Does it look like I'm the judgy type?

"I'm not accusing you, but your shenanigans with the female species make for a very convincing closing argument. You could object that I don't have all the facts, that's true, but everybody can witness the evidence of so-called flings in the tabloids and social media. Your face is plastered at least weekly, all over the internet, each time with a different brunette smiling at your side."

I suddenly wonder what is it with him and dark-haired girls. It's definitely his type. And I'm definitely not.

"Not to mention that I've experienced your love-em-and-leave-em deviltry first-handedly – TWICE. So, your honor, the accused is found guilty of being a play-boy heartbreaker. Court adjourned." I give him my best battle-winning smile ever and I feel even better when I see a touch of anger flickering in his eyes. At least it's an emotion for once.

"Damion, we're going to shoot some balls!" Logan calls walking past us. Then I feel an arm encircling my waist from behind and a kiss lands on my cheek. I look up into Ren's warm brown eyes.

"Hi babe, sorry I'm late." I look at Damion and the expression on his face is now hard and cold. I hate that Ren calls me babe! It reminds me of the little talking pig flick and I'm not a pig, even though he was very cute.

Ren holds out his hand to Damion. "Hi dude, I'm Ren, Mel's boyfriend." I may be wrong, but I'm sure he pushed the last words out on purpose. Damion hesitated just for a second, staring into Ren's eyes, his eyes pulled into a frown, blazing as if it's on fire before he turns around, and walks away without another word. Ug, that guy will drive me to alcohol, man-whores, and the murdering of small-brained males!

"Friendly chap that one, like always." Ren frowns.

"I didn't realize that you know him."

"Oh, I haven't met him before, but he has a reputation, and he likes to use it. I'll be back, just going to see if I can find Jason." I watch his back while he walks off. He's a very handsome man, with a nice body, brown hair and dark eyes. I'm so lucky to have such a laid-back, friendly, and understanding guy in my life. Just think if you have someone like Damion as your boyfriend, moody,

complicated, mysterious, cocky, and grumpy. No thanks! Suddenly I feel sorry for the Chloe girl. Maybe that's why she's such a bitch! But it doesn't mean I like her, cause I don't!

I wonder what he meant about Damion using his reputation. Maybe he uses his fame to pick up girls, not that he needs to. And I know for a fact that Damion hates that part of his job the most. The fame – not the girls. I turn back to the bar and order another fruity drink, sipping it slowly while eyeing the room trying to find Kiara or Axel. Maybe they're in the games room. I side-step a few times trying to avoid bumping into a drunk person. I walk into my uncle's man-cave, thinking that maybe they're playing pool, just to find Damion shooting some balls all alone.

"You stalking me?" I ask pointing a finger at him.

"I could ask the same question since I was here first." Again with that freaking smirk. He leans over the table to shoot and I'm left with a perfect view of that fine ass.

"Have you seen Kiara?"

"I'm not her keeper, am I?" OMG, he just has no manners at all. He puts down the cue and leans against the table, arms crossed, checking me out with a strange sparkle in his eyes.

Then someone staggers through the door, holding on against the walls. It's Jason and it takes him a few minutes to register that it's me standing before him. He blinks his bloodshot eyes several times and then a smile appears on his drunken face.

"Oh, hi beautiful." He tries to stand up straight but falls forward onto my chest, grabbing my breast in his hand.

"I warned you, Steward, take your hands off her!" I hear an angry growl from somewhere and Jason flies back and hits the wall with a loud thud. He gets up and looks surprised at Damion, now standing with his hands in fists. He seems tense. Jason focuses on Damion's face and he pulls himself straight.

"I'm not scared of you anymore." He shoves Damion back, pushing him with his hands, slurring his words. "And you can stick your threats up your ass ... You can't ... tell me what .... to do ... I'm not staying away from her anymore ... I'm going ... to fuck ... her and nothing you say will scare me ..." What the hell is the guy blabbering about? He must be drunker than I thought cause he sloshes his words around. He launches a pathetic punch aimed at Damion's face, but Damion doges it with ease, and then his fist flies out and hits Jason square on the jaw, he passes out, sliding down the wall into a sitting position.

I step back, bump into Damion and start to lose my balance but his strong hands grasp my middle, keeping me upright.

"What was that about? You just hit the guy!" Not that I don't like it, cause I do, he deserved it, but still. That BEAST smirk turns into a cocky grin, that he knows is sexy as hell. He knows exactly what he's doing to my libido. I mean he's been trained or schooled to get under a girl's skin, or in her pants ... A voice in the back of my head tells me to run far away, but I don't listen. My body is winning this round, hands-on, and it's as if my mind is not even trying to fight back.

"Stop doing that," I can't let him see how he affects me.

"What?" His cocky grin now turns even sexier and his eyes, oh boy, don't even get me started with that.

"That thing you're doing with your eyes! It might work with other girls but I find it annoying!" Annoyingly sexy that is.


"Yes, not everybody thinks you're hot you know." His grin gets even bigger.

"I never had complaints before, but good to know! I'll put that in my confidence-building speech." He pulls me so close that my breasts are squashed against his chest, and I'm sure he can feel my hard nipples through both our clothes. I tilt my head up to him, his eyes trapping me and I can't move, heart beating so hard I swear it's going to explode. He cradles me between his legs, moving his hips against mine while pushing me up against the pool table. So many times have I dreamed about experiencing feelings exactly like this, utterly consumed by somebody, sparks flying, but why does it have to be HIM.

The look in his eyes is a combination of danger and trouble, and it's so intense it terrifies me. With one hand he tucks my hair behind my ear, moving his fingers to stroke my neck. A shiver moves down my body and causes an aching feeling between my thighs. A soft moan escapes my lips and I bite my lower lip, preventing another sound to slip past it. I want him to do all the terrible things to my body that I've read about. He licks his lips and I want to move my hand, and push my fingers through his hair, but instead, I just press my palms against his chest. Then he places his forehead against mine and inhales deeply.

"You're mine Mel Blackburn. You just don't have any idea what you're doing ... " His voice is husky and soft.

"Mel, you in here?" Kiara is calling from just outside the door interrupting him. Damion removes his hands, leaving me feeling both cold and hot at the same time. And it hits me so hard that I need to steady myself against the pool table just to not fall to the ground - I'm in love with the devil! Oh, shoot. I'm in love with the freaking devil himself! Did I say that already? Ship! Ship! Ship! Ship! I feel my blood draining from my body and it feels as if I'm going to faint. No, I must be confusing love and hate again. My heart doesn't know what it's doing, I must just listen to my mind saying I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. That's better, now I can breathe again.

Kiara and Axel enter the room, followed by my brothers. They don't look too surprised to see Jason still lying limp against the wall in an awkward position, and they don't ask. Damion pushes past everybody without saying a word but he bumps into Ren who just showed up, and without warning he grabs a surprised Ren, holding his shirt collar in a tight grip.

"I'm not scared of your threats, Grimm!" Ren grumbles, a strange light in his eyes. His body seems tense, as if he actually is scared, contradicting his words.

"You should be," Damion says calmly and removes his hands slowly. He wipes some imaginary dust from Ren's shoulder and then pats his cheek with his flat hand a few times before he storms off.

"What's wrong with him?" Kiara asks.

"Ug, with that dickhead you never know!" Enrique's arm is still around the ginger, but his eyes are on me hanging onto the pool table for dear life, my legs too wobbly to stand on.

"Hey, my friend's not a dickhead .... he's just a little messed up sometimes." Logan looks at Jason's limp body, pulling his mouth into an upside-down smile before he too eyes me.

"There's something mysteriously wrong with that guy, and I want you to stay away from him," Ren tells me, still angry after getting man-handled, his eyes are so full of hate it scares me. I want to tell him that he can't tell me what to do but my voice hasn't returned yet.

"Maybe you're the one she must stay away from!" Logan hisses at Ren, staring at him with a stern face. For some reason, Logan despises my boyfriend. Ren just swallows hard and then moves closer to me.

"He's freaking hot." Enrique looks at the beauty in his arms as if he didn't know she could actually speak.

"Peops, you hear this ...." Enrique says in a mocking voice. The girl looks up at Enrique's teasing eyes and pouts her lips for a kiss.

"Jealous?" Enrique gives her a little peck but doesn't answer. If she knew my brother, she would know that Enrique never EVER gets jealous over a girl.

"She's right, he for sure is one of the best-looking men I've ever seen." Kiara agrees with the redhead. "But he's way too dark and moody for my taste." She continues glancing at Logan as if he's going to disapprove, but Logan just pouts his mouth.

"He's the type everybody warns you to stay away from, but you just can't do it, and then he shatters your heart into millions of pieces." Maybe the girl in my brother's arms is not as dumb as I thought her to be. She actually said something that I believe is true.

"Yep, exactly!" I suppose Kiara also thinks it's a precise description for Damion.

"What do you think sis, is he handsome?" Jackson, like always, must stir the pot even if it's empty. All eyes move to me and my mouth feels dry like the driest desert and I swallow hard. Anger gets hold of me. He's a freaking pain.