Date crushing

***POV - Melaena

Sorella = Italian for ‘sister’

“Hi, seems you’ve been abanded. Mind if I sit down?” Alejandro flings himself in the chair, not waiting for an invitation and I’m so glad I can kiss him right now.

“Damn, am I glad to see you! What are you doing here?” I’m hoping he’s not on a date or something.

“Was in the neighborhood and felt hungry. I saw you walk in. Seems like everybody is here tonight.” Firstly I wonder what he was doing in this part of town, secondly, I wonder who else is here cause at this moment I’m not in the mood for more company.

“Did you eat already?” I ask, hoping he hasn’t.

“Nope, was just about to order. Want to get a burger with me?” I nod overeagerly, feeling rather hungry. He orders cheeseburgers and milkshakes, smiling at the young waitress. She can’t seem to keep her eyes away from him.