The day after

***POV – Damion

WARNING – sex scene!!

I wake up to an empty bed and for a brief moment panic strikes through my heart, something wholly new to me. I never get scared or freak out, never. I’m always in control – until now. Mel is messing with my whole fricking being.

For a second I thought she might have left, or that D took her, but then I hear her moving in the bathroom. Her phone is on the nightstand and I take it to see what time it is.

There’s a message on the screen. She must’ve forgotten to close it after reading it. It’s from the asshole ex-boyfriend.

Ren: Mel, we need to talk about Damion. #TruthMustComeOut

Ug, suddenly I have a cramp in my tummy. Will it be so bad if I just snap his neck or something? I mean, one less irritating douchebag on earth won’t be so bad will it? I take a deep breath, hold it in for a few seconds before releasing it.