Fatal attraction

***POV – Damion

I lean against the door and look at the people sitting around the table. I can’t believe it’s already Christmas, not that I have anything to celebrate this year. These last few weeks I’ve been living in hell – the deepest pits of the abode of the damned is where I got stuck. Yep, I’m burning in the other world, my heart in a state of ill-being due to one girl’s deception.

A girl I love so much, that I can’t seem to live without anymore, even if she dropped me into the eternal damnation. I’m not sure exactly where it started going wrong, but I just know it did. First I went to Europe for my last race, and that’s where the boulder started rolling downhill – with fucking great speed. I missed Mel so much that I drowned my sorrows and longing in the pubs, but it didn’t work - it just landed me in trouble and I started fights everywhere I went. Yep, STARTING fights, drawing blood first.