Chapter 13

I'm now at home, mommy still in her work, it's Tuesday,and I'm planning to tell my mom about the hang out with my friends on Saturday, I'm watching T.V, and eating snacks, I still waiting for mom to get home, before I go to sleep. I played the mobile game to not feel bored while waiting for my mom in the living room I lay down on the sofa, I feel sleepy, my lids are getting heavy, and fall asleep. I woke up when I heard someone opening the door, I sat down and I see mommy, she's shocked when she sees me, I look at my watch and it's 10 pm. "Why are you sleeping here?" Mommy asked and walk to me. "I was waiting for you" She sat beside me. "Why? Sorry, I'm too busy in the shop, there's a lot of customers, and I can't leave my stuff there." mommy apologized. "It's ok mom, I just want to ask if can I go to the mall on Saturday with my friends?" I my smile squared, hoping she'll allow me. She took a breath. "What time?" She asked. I scratch my head, we don't have time. "Not sure mom.." I answered. "Your dad will visit here on Saturday, you need to be here early, understand?" He said, what? daddy will visit here? for what?. "Ok mom, sure." I smiled awkwardly. "Let's sleep, it's late already you have class tomorrow."Mom stood up, and hold my hand to help me to stand up, we walk upstairs while holding hands, I sleep in my room, and mommy sleep in her room. Tomorrow morning, same before Demin still waiting at the gate and fetch me at my room, pick me up in lunch, We talk already the time in Saturday and it's 9 am, we will see each other at the mall, but Demin insisted that we will go together, so I don't have any choice but to agree, I don't want him to be mad at me, anyway. I'm in my room while reading a book at my study table, I was concentrating on the lesson of the book I was reading, I'm biting the cover of my pen because it makes me have more concentration, then someone destroys it, knocking my door, destroy how I concentrate at my readings. "Come in.." I shout, and look back at my book, getting back to the topic I was reading. "Are you busy?" It's mom, I look at her, Her posture and look is like she wanted to tell something, So I put down my pen and turn around my chair to face my mom formally, mom sat down at my bed. "Tomorrow, in the afternoon, Your dad will be here," She said, just listening to him "I know that the conversation you had the last time with him is not very well, He wants to talk to you properly and explained his side, he wanted the both you will be ok" She added. I nod. "Okay mom," I said "I'm not that mad to daddy, mm.. maybe just a little but I don't mad at him," I said while showing my finger that illustrates how a little mad at daddy I had. "Just a little, and I don't want it to be big" I added. She smiled and stood up. "Fine, I'll call you tomorrow when you need to go home ok?" She said, I smiled at her and nod. "Goodnight... sleep already you need to eat with me together on breakfast," She said and kiss me on my forehead. "Ok mom, goodnight," I said, I followed him by my eyes, she's going to her room to sleep, I let out a big heavy breath and fix my things, I need to be ready tomorrow not just for the mall, I need to be ready seeing dad and have a conversation with him.

We are now eating our breakfast, and because she has her work she needs to left early, We eat peacefully, no one talk and broke the silence,

She's already in her uniform, and when we finished our eating, I watch TV it's early in the morning and I have a lot of time before the mall.

"I'm leaving, I'll pick you up at the mall, so we could go home together!!" she said, while opening the door

I look at her and shout. "Ok, mom!!"

"Ok bye, take care!!"

She gave me a flying kiss, I chuckled. "You too mom" I copy her.

When she's already gone I watch Tv again, It took 2 hours because my phone Alarm, It's 8 in the morning, so I go upstairs and have a shower, I chose to wear a crop top, and high waist jeans, and white rubber shoes, I'm not that tall but it looks nice at me. Demin pick me up at the house, and for sure those three are waiting for me and Demin at the mall are angry because it's 9:30, and I'm right, we reach the mall and see the three at the entrance of the mall, Joshua crossing his arms while Denice is whispering something, and Kleo is busy with his phone.