Chapter 3

As the crowd around looked shock (apparently Amanda had brought us to a party with lots of normies) I began making my way over. I could hear the sound of Travis following closely behind.

Picking up speed I charged straight for the wolf ready to tackle it, I couldn't change in front of these people so I had no choice but to take the wolf on in human form.

"Are you about to be reckless?" Travis called from behind, there was clear amusement in his voice.

"So what?" I called over my shoulder as I lunged forward through the crowd of shocke onlookers and wrapped my arms around the wolfs neck. I needed to quickly pin it so that I could snap its neck.

Huffing I used as much force as I could to take the wolf down and began to tighten my grip. The feeling of bones beginning to snap could be felt until finally a satisfying pop.

"Look what she just did!" Someone called from the crowd causing a wave of murmuring to begin.

Shit, I had screwed up big time. Standing I looked around at the crowd of onlookers who were gawking at me as if I was some type of freak. Smiling faintly I turned and made a run for it.

"Sorry, but I gotta go." I called to Travis who was standing just behind me.

Making a beeline for the boardwalk I let my legs take me as quick as they possibly could, there was no way I could stay there and let those people start to speculate. The danger was gone and that was all that mattered anyway.

Before I knew it I had already made it home and all the lights were out. That was a good thing, at least I didn't have to face my parents while looking a mess, which I was sure I looked.

All I wanted to do was go curl up in my bed and sleep. When tomorrow came I wouldn't have to worry about a person named Travis or the normies that I had freaked out., actually thinking on it I probably wouldn't have to deal with him ever again anyway. He didn't know my last name, he didn't know where to find me, and he didn't know where I lived.

This was good, it meant that I wouldn't have to worry about seeing that man ever again. I wouldn't have to become a bumbling fool ever again and I could go about my life as if nothing had ever happened.

Once I woke up in the morning everything would be back to normal, I could simply treat it like a dream that I met that man named Travis, right? Yes, that was right I could pretend that it never happened. I could also pretend that the rogue attack never happened either.

Happy thoughts Marissa, Happy thoughts.

Heading quickly upstairs I snuck into my room and stripped off all my clothes, sleeping naked was the best after all.

WIth a yawn I jumped into bed and allowed sleep to sweep me away.

Too bright light seeped through my eyelids stirring me from slumber. Why the sun had to interrupt such a good sleep was beyond me, but now that I was awake I guessed it was time to get up.

Downstairs the sounds of my parents moving around could be heard as they went about their day.

Everything was absolutely normal, it was like last nights encounter was nothing more than something I imagined. I guess I could look at it that way, after all since I would never be seeing that man again he was basically nothing more than a memory now anyway.

"Marissa." My mother's voice drifted up the stairs. "Are you awake?"

Was I awake, I didn't want to be awake, did that mean I wasn't awake?

"If you're up come down there's someone I want you to meet." She continued on.

Who in the world could she want me to meet? Thinking on it I don't think I had my parents mention anyone coming, so that meant that this was a surprise visit maybe?

"I'm coming." I called while heading to the bathroom to get changed.

I might as well just go down and see who they wanted me to meet instead of just wondering. Chances were it was some old friends of theirs anyhow.

Bonding downstairs two at a time I pulled my hair into a ponytail so that I didn't look too unruly for whatever guest we had.

Both my parents sat in the living room smiling as I entered. "Marissa Honey," mom seemed to be exceptionally thrilled.

"What's going on?" The looks that they were both giving me was beginning to freak me out.

"Nothing, I'm just so happy for you!" My mother gushed jumping up and pulling me into a hug.

"What are you...."

It seemed that I didn't have to ask any further, coming out of the kitchen cup of coffee in hand was the gorgeous devil himself and he looked even better than last night.

"We meet again dear Marissa." He beamed flashing me his canines.

Oh no, the devil had managed to find me and my body was already trying to go against me.