Kicking a rock around I tried to figure out exactly where it was that I could go for the evening.
Staying with Amanda was completely out of the question as her parents would harass me to go back home. Staying in the park for the night was a possible option, but I didn't know if another rogue would appear or not.
As I continued to walk the sound of an engine could be heard driving up behind me. Turning I held a hand over my eyes to block the harsh light that was beaming off the vehicles headlights trying to see who the ass hole that was trying to blind me was.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I growled leaning into the passenger window.
The smell of pine and cedar immediately attacked my nose as I took a deep breath.
"Coming to see what my silly mate is doing roaming around late at night." Came Travis' delicious voice.
"Who is your mate?" I asked leaning my elbows on the windowsill. "I never agreed to that."