Chapter 27

"Travis....YES....TRAVIS!" I couldn't stop my screams of pleasure as Travis slammed into me again and again leaving me crazy. "JUST LIKE THAT....OH GOD!"

Convulsions overtook me as I dug my nail's into Travis' back. Even though he had already brought me to climax multiple times he still went strong, the man was absolutely insatiable.

"Scream my name some more baby." Travis growled grabbing my hips and slamming hard as he finally found his release.

Panting I closed my eyes trying to figure out why exactly we were even in this position. As I tried to figure it out an annoying beeping began to sound. Confused about what it was I sat up looking around as the room around me began to melt away taking the bed beneath me and the man beside me with it until my eyes were flying open to find myself alone in bed. Beside me the alarm on my phone was blaring announcing it was time to get up.