Chapter 40

Letting another howl escape me I bolted forward as the hatred rushed into my mind once more. Growling I tried to push it away, making my way towards the outskirts of town where there wouldn't be as many people to see. Unfortunately a few had already spotted me, but I was trying my best to leave as little witnesses as possible.

The closer I got to my destination the more I felt the hatred and the anger build within. With it came a clawing sensation at my concious, like something was trying its best to destroy my sanity.

'No...' Chloe hissed coming to attention. 'Fight it.'

'Trying...' I panted wincing as the pain intensified and black spots began to form in my line of vision.

I had managed to reach the outskirts and could see the forest line just ahead, all I needed to do now was get there before whatever was warring with me took full control.

'Fight it Marissa.' Chloe growled as my ears began to ring. 'You've got to fight it.'

'I know.' I snapped.