I hope I chose right

In itself, dancing is free of evil and schemes.

To dance with Josyln while listening to a few folk songs and dancing like a happy farmer's daughter is my favorite thing to do.

Even if one is poor in finances, the warmth felt by one's family cannot be measured. As someone born into wealth, I have never relived the warmth that left the day my mother left.

It is commendable that the Emperor still remembers me. To show up and dance with me, right now in this very second.

No words come to mind.

This situation may seem to be a dream, but it is more of a nightmare mixed with a dream.

There is a sense of paralysis when one knows they are awake and are aware of their surroundings but are still unable to move or change, and remain frozen in hopes of waking up and moving again.

The feeling I am experiencing right now is one of demonic power.

So close to someone who could may as well just end things by asking for my head with no rhyme or reason.

To see that this powerful man has wisdom like those who have lived a thousand years but the patience of a child. Choose to lay off his thrown and has come to dance with me.

It wouldn't surprise me if he had some sort of scheme.

We did not glance at each other, or one could lay more emphasis on details as I was the only one who dared not glance at the emperor's direction.

No words spoken in secret.

It was too stifling.

I want this to end.

An emperor's sigh escapes him as he says, "You remind me of your mother.".

The way he talked and held the expression of sorrow, almost stopped all reasoning in me to not jump and strangle every ounce of blood in his waste of a healthy body.

I felt ironic after hearing him say that, which almost made me lose all respect for him.

Music and people's sounds reminded me that I should not respond.

As the music ceased, I was too impatient to leave the emperor and his dancing, so I forgot to thank him for a moment. No matter what the reason, the stares that those people gave me brought me back to reality.

Following the proper departure from the emperor, I went for a soulless walk to join the others who were nibbling on meat and sweets from the royal buffet.

In the past, I had suggested that when royal and festive events such as this occurred, the buffets be open to all the royal family workers, or at least a separate one be opened for them.

As soon as the argument of "inadequate budgets" arrived, it was quickly ditched.

“I hope you're ready to give up a year's allowance per bite noted. You must also serve confinement as part of your royal duty."

They all came to a halt. The gaze shifts to Nemus, dumbfounded.

It is likely that Nemus served as their watchdog. The glutenous sin exposed the true nature of their loyalty.

The future will be made easier now that I will be bribing them with food. A very interesting discovery.

Nemus straightens his back and displays a pompous look, writing, "I told you so." across his face.

“Nemus, you too would be punished for acting as their watchdog, as it would constitute a sort of ‘sin’ of a second order.”

A flood of blood rushed from his face, as his legs trembled.

As I laughed in small howls and oinks, my face started to blush.

I felt my sides ache from the pure joy I had been missing for quite some time, I wish moments like this especially the emotions could be bottle up. In times even smiling is as painful as a stab to the heart sometimes.

If I had a potion of these emotions may be to could help me through some days and maybe even years.

They relived their relief in fake anger and hatred as soon as they understood what I meant.

"That was an extremely cruel and malicious joke, even though it was harmless. Those of royal blood must restrict themselves from such tomfoolery.” a disembodied and monotonous voice speaks behind that lead them to jump into their knightly mannerisms.

Immediately after turning around, I was confronted by chancellor Lanehim, "However, the Princess's sentiments are correct; who knows if I don't go back and report it to the emperor immediately. However, knowing that the princess was in the good hands of the emperor and his knights, I see no harm in grabbing a few bites here and there. Frankly, I was in full go for the Princess’s proposition, yet those greedy pigs find such things a waste.”

I notice Sensus, letting out the air I think to be held unconsciously at the possibility of imprisonment.

“The Emperor invites Princess Luna to come alone to his private rest area. Please follow me, princess your safety will be in the hands of his knights for now.”

“Take this time to stuff yourself full.” I giggle and walked with the remaining poise I could muster as the thoughts of what the emperor wanted from me filled my head.

Chancellor Lanehim brought me to a secret passage and directed me about where the Emperor wanted me at.

Even with candles lighting the passage, it felt eerie, as if a million eyes were watching me, calculating their optimum timing to strike.

A Thousand angelic voices fill the passage, their voice singing about hope in a losing battle.

"Who's there?" I asked.

While listening to the song, it seemed as though I was snuck into a private performance for someone rich or powerful.

Sing to me

The hope that we hold,

I have hope of your return, of your return

Maybe you’ll bring back, my lover, my lover

Oh, dear hope

Why have you taken my sanity

I live on the losing side

My lover on the other side.

Hope and love

Why do you leave me?

Oh, dear hope

Please return my lover

I don’t pray for freedom

I don’t pray for riches

I just pray for his health.

Tears greet me again; this song gave me memories that don't even remember. It fills me with sadness for reasons I don’t own.

It must be a test.

In one direction, the lights get brighter, while in another they get darker.

Which way should I go?

Perhaps there is an answer in the song.

I sing the song again; this diary has come of use once again.

I live on the losing side

My lover on the other side.

It is unclear to me which side I belong to.

As I rechecked the area, I discovered that if I walked slightly straight, I would reach the one with brighter lights. Nevertheless, the darker side could mean the losing side as her ‘hope’ in the song leads her to the losing side of war which I could only assume was the meteorological ‘dark side’.

I sang the song out loud from the beginning, and low rubble flowed by cracks of dust formed the third door. It held stairs that were decorated with blue light.

The brighter path could represent a ‘clear win,’ the darker the ‘unprecedented loss,’ and this third path represents ‘peace by neutrality.’

I'm sure it's the third one.

There's no doubt in my mind.

Just seconds after I stepped through the door, it closed, leaving me with no trace or chance of turning around.

Moving forward, I am unsure where it may lead, and I wonder if I will ever be able to see daylight again.