The beginning's of Drama

“One small mistake can turn peace to chaos.”

The day my life turned upside down was a day that started the same way as usual. If I knew that my day will end like that, I would have never left my bed.

Running towards the college hoping to make it to the 1st lecture in time putting all the blame on the alarm clock that did not work when I was the one who turned it off multiple times. A typical Wednesday for a college student.

It was around mid-day when I received a call from my father informing me that I need to sign the papers he sent me by email, explaining briefly it was urgent and he needed them for work. I did not question the contents, I was too preoccupied to ask for details and my only thought was 'I am not rich nor do I own properties, I have nothing to lose so I just opened the email and signed it while he was on hold. The first mistake =Check.

A few hours later, I received a 2nd call from my dad “Serenity, can you come home?” He asked but it sounded more like an order.

“Is everything ok?”

“Yeah, just be home as soon as you can”

“I will be there in 2 hours”

A strange feeling overflowing me, today is the first time he made such a request since I moved out of the house a year ago when I started college, pointless to say it was not clever for me to move but it was my escape road, little did I know back then, how hard is it to juggle between different part-time jobs and studies especially when you are majoring in chemistry.

After grabbing a change of clothes and my car keys, It took no time to find myself parking in front of our porch, the sight of the door bought a wave of nostalgia to my heart, I missed my old room and my neighborhood, I noticed a few cars parked around the house that clearly do not belong here.

I hardly had time to move to get my backpack, when my mom rushed me in, the naive me was expecting a hug after a few months away yet all I got was a pat on the back and a push to go shower and change into the clothes she prepared.

“Is everything ok?” I asked in my moment of a rush but she shushed me pushing me to the stairs.

At that moment I did not know I was making my second mistake of the day. I should have trusted my instinct. I should have solicited further details, Second mistake = check


“Sit down” my father ordered as soon as I reached the door of the living room.

There was a few men in black standing in the back, a well-dressed woman talking with my mom, everything about her screamed money and power. From the dangling Chanel earring to the fur dropped on her shoulders.

“Hello” I greeted when I gained the attention of everyone.

“Hi dear, you are really pretty, the pictures did not give you enough justice”

“Oh thank you,” my innocent mind thought she was talking about the few family pictures we have on display.

Being called pretty is rare for someone like me. I never thought of myself as such. With my long wavy brown hair, my green eyes, and 5.5 ft height, I was just ‘ordinary’. A girl you will probably forget as soon as you meet. Just a simple girl who lived silently and discreetly. So having everyone watch me was more than uncomfortable.

“I hope everything is ok” I exclaimed looking at my dad who had a stern look. My mother had this fake smile that she usually wears when we have guests. I think you guessed by now, I have a family who loves showcasing that we are a healthy functional family.

“Of course dear, I hope we did not interrupt anything when we called you over, we just missed you”

“Oh ok” They miss me, lol, that's a news

“Why? Were you expecting something else?” The woman I still don’t know asked.

“No no! I was just worried since it’s the middle of the week, I thought it’s urgent when they asked me to come over and I still have work to go to later”

My mom sent me a glare and I just inhaled trying to not utter more words. She hated the fact that I worked as a bar-tender but what do you want me to do when I did not even get a cent from them.

“My childhood friend Mrs.Beckman wanted to meet you and we preferred to announce the news together”


“Yes, I was so happy when I heard that you accepted, I wanted to thank you personally and to start planning as soon as possible. That’s why I couldn’t wait until the end of the week so I came as soon as I heard you are in” she smiled at me but her smile did not reach her eyes.

I looked confused, what are they talking about? what did I accept and what am I in for?

“Sorry, I am not following”

“Darling, she is talking about your wedding, she is your mother in law” My dad intervened as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“About who’s wedding?” I exclaimed confusion written all over my face.

“Oh don’t tell me you thought you will only be a surrogate? No, no dear don’t worry, I am sure you will be the perfect bride and mother” Mrs. Beckman commented.

“I do not want to sound mean but I don’t understand what you are talking about, Who is going to get married? What surrogate are you talking about? I ..”

My father stood up excusing himself and dragging me with him to his office. As soon as we made it there, he pushed me to the chair and walked to his desk pulling an envelope throwing it in front of me.

“Why are you acting so stupid?” he questioned

“What do you mean?”

“Did you not read the contract I sent you earlier?”

“Obviously no, It was related to your work, you know I am not very interested in your business, I was at school and you were with me on the phone saying it was so urgent but I still can’t catch the link between both subjects”

“You signed your wedding papers, darling” He explained as if he is talking about the weather.

I grow up fully aware that my parents did not enjoy my existence, they provided me with the necessity for the eyes of society but I don’t remember the last time I was hugged by any of them. But this is so unreal.

“You are kidding me”

“No, I am not, read it”

“I am not getting married” I tore the papers apart, but he just laughed at my reaction.

“My dear daughter, you ARE getting married, and you are getting pregnant and you are going with that woman tomorrow, whether you like it or not.”

“You can not force me, I am 21, I am legally an adult, I refuse to get involved in that”

“Of course, I can’t force you but what you don’t know is you either go get married or go to jail, after all, you received 1 Million dollars to accept this wedding. Oh yeah, we accepted the money for you, since the company was in debt. Don’t worry sweetheart, we used it well, after all, we are a family”

“Tell me you are joking, Tell me you did not sell me to her, me, your daughter" He kept staring at me with no reply nor reaction. This must be a nightmare.

"I can’t believe what I am hearing, I am not getting married, you can all go to hell or get pregnant, I am not giving up my life for you or my mother or any person in this world” I was yelling in the room and I was sure by now, the whole house heard my if not the whole neighborhood.

“Serenity Sparks, I think you did not hear her name correctly, she is Mrs. Beckman, the wife of the chairman of Beck Corporation, your only escape is death and I think even hell is under them.”

Before I can reply, A knock interrupted us and My mother walked in fuming with anger. I did not even get a chance to talk before a hard slap landed on my face, tears started forming in my eyes

“You ARE going to GET married, do you understand me? You will listen to everything she tells you, you will follow every order, you will obey every command, I did not take care of you all the years for you to defy me, you either keep the little pride you have and walk with her by yourself or I will make sure to drag you to your soon to be husband by your hair” My mother instructed.

By then, tears were already flowing down my eyes, my anxiety as high as the ceiling and my mind a disaster. My third mistake = Fear of standing up for myself. Check.


Let's have fun during the ride. English is not my 1st language so feel free to correct me, hearing your criticism will help me develop and become better.

I hope you enjoy your time here.
