Fire and Brimstone

Yelling and shouts startled me, and I found myself covering my face from all the screaming that was disturbing my sleep. Can a human at least sleep in peace, I grumbled more to myself

I opened my eyes to Cody holding Skyler by his collar. "You are incorrigible," he stated, venom filling his tone.

"You have no right to tell me that"

"When your scandal affects our tour and our reputation, be glad that I am not breaking your face" he shouts again.

"Guys, shut up" I was the one who screamed. "Can't I sleep quiescently for once? Or even have a normal morning?"

I pushed the blanket away with a big sigh and walked to the bathroom, as soon as the door was shut behind me, their shouting resumed.

The bags under my eyes were more visible than ever and the best makeup artist will not be able to cover them. I stepped into the shower and let the warmth of the water cascade on me, washing some of the frustration and the pain of the last few days. As if it can even go away.