The dolls are the most beautiful possessions that any child can have; either, for their birthday or for Christmas and they appreciate that kind of gift more, if they give them with all their heart.
It is said that dolls are the best company that any child can have, wish for, and dream about. On the other hand, puppeteers are nice people, with whom one can speak freely and without fear of anything.
But what if both the puppeteer and the dolls are part of some satanic ritual? What if the person you've ever loved turns into your worst nightmare?
What would you be able to do if the puppeteer does everything possible and impossible to make you easy prey for the devil? Would you let yourself be bowled over by him?
These are some of the questions that the characters in this story will have to formulate and resolve mentally. This is a journey, deep into your fears and fears. A trip to your inner fight between good and evil.