
Chapter 29

A howl echoed through the dark forest, making the wolf in the center of the parking lot perk up his ears and turn around. He seemed consumed by the chorus of sounds vibrating through the forest, hauntingly echoing in the wind as it blew across the empty parking lot.

I could go to Damian’s, I thought, I know he will open the door for me.

I could climb up his front porch, I convinced myself, even though I knew not one word of it was true.

The fog was lifting, letting my eyes scan the empty horizon to make out the cabin that I could have run too if it hadn’t been for a missing key. I looked further to the right, seeing the crumbled form of my friend that I was helpless to rescue. I closed my eyes at the sight of it, knowing I was only looking at a few remains of her dismembered body now. It was clear enough for me to see a flock of birds descending over her body, their black wings flapping energetically as they …